he was a idiot with a gun looking to play cop....regardless if he was in some form of watch ( there is no registered neighborhood watch for there, aka no training..or anything) He saw a black kid chased him, the kid had nothing on him, no weapons, was not doing anything...and is dead...
Zimmerman is now Charged with 2nd degree Murder..the Coraner said he saw no eveidence of the kid being in a fight...some audio forensics has come out saying that Zimmerman was not the one heard yelling,
But you just keep clinging to that idea, that this idiot was driving by...stopped his car...ran after a kid with his gun...and then just somehow he was attacked and had to defend himself...but its all the dead kids fault. I am sure he was chasing the kid...stopped and said, you know what I am a idiot, I should just go back ...then the kid being chased...who told his GF that a guy was following him..turned around and then went and attacked him....but the idiot was so slow or stupid somehow did not notice and was then attacked...and then had to use his gun...
think what you want, he is in jail where he should be...