What if JFK assassination was different?

The driver killed kennedy

Greer's left arm crossing in the Nix film and the fake reflection in Zapruder are in perfect sync with the headshot.

FRAMES 312-313

Watch the fake reflection extend in perfect sync with fake red mist/blotch. The fake reflections simply mimic what Greer's true movements did when shooting jfk.
Rear gape at moment of front right impact

Watch the back of the head gape and close up and compare to frames 313 and 337.


Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

Kellerman moved his head forward, backward and forward again in the space of 1 second (frames 296-314) in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of elm street and after to look like he's ducking bullets. Watch him look to his left towards Greer's chest. He was following the movement of the gun and Greer's arm. When Greer turned the second time, the gun was near his right collarbone, so all he did was push it up, over and shoot jfk directly in the forehead. Kellerman even throws his hand up to signal it's time to shoot jfk. That is how ridiculously obvious it is. Minor things like that are normally ignored or written off as anomalies.


Watch the fake reflection recoil and separate from Roy's head.

There was no gun in Greer's hand and nothing about Kellerman's movement are abnormal.

But nevertheless you are now claiming that Kellerman SAW Zapruder with his camera and made a precise split second movement to block direct view of a gun.

Sorry but your theory is preposterously stupid.

You have yet to offer evidence for any of your claims.
Re: The driver killed kennedy

Greer's left arm crossing in the Nix film and the fake reflection in Zapruder are in perfect sync with the headshot.

FRAMES 312-313

Watch the fake reflection extend in perfect sync with fake red mist/blotch. The fake reflections simply mimic what Greer's true movements did when shooting jfk.

Nope his movement is not in synch nor does he cross his arm over his shoulder as anyone can see.

This proves you are simply lying about his movement
Re: Rear gape at moment of front right impact

None of these captures of Kennedy's head wound even remotely proves Greer fired a weapon

The captures prove the exit wound's on the right rear and Greer had the only angle to produce that wound path.
Re: The driver killed kennedy

Nope his movement is not in synch nor does he cross his arm over his shoulder as anyone can see.

This proves you are simply lying about his movement

The fake reflection is in sync with the fake mist and his arm does cross his over his shoulder as thousands have seen.

This proves you are simply lying.:rolleyes:
Re: Rear gape at moment of front right impact

The captures prove the exit wound's on the right rear and Greer had the only angle to produce that wound path.

No they do not prove any such thing only close examination of his skull could prove where the exit was and that examinaton proved it was in the right front of his skull.

Another fact is that Greer was no his LEFT side and had Greer shot him with a pistol ( he did not ) then there would have been no such massive wound and the bullet would have entered on the left.

You argue the opposite but the simple fact that Greer was on his left proves you wrong.

You have no proof for your argument and the captures prove no such thing as you claim
Re: The driver killed kennedy

The fake reflection is in sync with the fake mist and his arm does cross his over his shoulder as thousands have seen.

This proves you are simply lying.:rolleyes:

The reflection is real and you have failed to produce any evidence it is fake that is fact and you are lying mocking my post does not alter that fact.

Greer's arm does not cross over his shoulder and that is fact which mocking someones post does not refute.

You are the one lying and that has been proven and you know it
The driver killed kennedy...case closed

The Zapruder, Nix, and Muchmore films have always proven Jfk's real assassin was the driver, William Greer

The driver shot JFK clearly and obviously but the nix and muchmore films needed to be examined closer and compared to Zapruder and that someone turned out to be me.
Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video

The Nix film close-up shows Greer's left arm crossing his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. The fakery in Zapruder and Greer's arm crossing in both other films are in perfect sync with the headshot.

I got this gif from this clip. Start it at 1:09 and see Greer quickly moving his left arm over his shoulder in unison with the headshot. The nix film was not shown close-up but when this sequence is zoomed in on the limo, this whopper is revealed. The goons covered those movements with fakery in the zfilm but didn't bother with the nix film.

Greer passes the gun in Z and his left hand goes missing because the film pans upward. There is no evidence in Zapruder that his left hand ever returned to the wheel. At least a few researchers have outright lied about Greer's hands not leaving the wheel when it's crystal clear in the frames.

Zapruder clearly shows the cartoon additions that are Greer's hand, arm, and gun forming and moving toward jfk when he shot Kennedy. The fake reflection recoils like a gun when the gun discharges and it separates from the passenger's head furthing proving it an obvious fake.

The muchmore film was purposely distorted and blurred but the clear copy can be found which shows his left arm extending downward after he shot jfk.

Watch his left/arm elbow coming down after the shot. There's an obstructed view running forward but all that has to be done is start from the end and run forward again when it comes down.
Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

The silly goon who shot jfk is on the right, the passenger in the middle.

That's not a picture of Oswald which the evidence proves shot Kennedy.

That's Greer and as you know no evidence of any kind implicates him.
Rear exit at moment of front impact

Watch the back of the head gape and close up and compare to frames 313 and 337.


Reality and fakery are in sync with Greer's fatal shot

Greer's left arm crossing in the Nix film and the fake reflection in Zapruder are in perfect sync with the headshot.

FRAMES 312-313

Watch the fake reflection extend in perfect sync with the fake red mist/blotch. The fake reflections simply mimic what Greer's true movements did when shooting jfk.