What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

If you claim Democrats have not supported the abortion deaths of millions of unborn American babies then I will try to demonstrate why I believe you are wrong.
abortion is about fetuses, not babies. slaughtering babies is illegal, mor.on.
and its not just democrats having abortions, mor.on.

god slaughtered actual babies who had been born, not to mention innocent women, children, and men.
you just can't bring yourself to admit how evil your god is
what about the fetuses size of a raspberry. also suffered extreme pain?
I doubt it but what does that have to do with executing babies in the womb given life by God?
and what about 1000s of the children that you said you god slaughtered? did they suffer?
Every human created by God more than 150 years ago is now dead. Atherists can blame their random accidental ignorant selection for that but Christians blame nobody. The facts of life are part of God's gift of life.
i chuckles when i see these pretend prolife faux Christians have a cow when democrats propose food stamp for babies.
I support reasonable welfare but not excessive and wasteful spending for poorly managed and shoddily designed programs that encourage laziness and greed as well as robbing the working taxpayers.
ironically but not surprisingly the most cruel people in this nation are the so called prolife rightwing Christians .
Lying leftist looters, burners, and killers claim Christians are the problem, which is why leftists have jailed Christian grandmothers for publicly praying for God to deal with wickedness.
abortion is about fetuses, not babies. slaughtering babies is illegal, mor.on.
and its not just democrats having abortions, mor.on.

god slaughtered actual babies who had been born, not to mention innocent women, children, and men.
you just can't bring yourself to admit how evil your god is
Gosnell's aborted fetuses were pretty big.

Members of Congress Demand Justice for Five Full-Term Babies Killed in Abortions - LifeNews.com 2-14-24

Members of Congress Demand Justice for Five Full-Term Babies Killed in Abortions

Mahoney said that he and his wife, who oversaw a memorial service for babies killed by notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, have been fighting for the babies for the past two years, even going to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s house with a large screen to show the babies in front of her home. Gosnell, convicted of killing three babies and a pregnant mother, is currently serving life without parole in prison.
Gosnell's aborted fetuses were pretty big.

Members of Congress Demand Justice for Five Full-Term Babies Killed in Abortions - LifeNews.com 2-14-24

Members of Congress Demand Justice for Five Full-Term Babies Killed in Abortions

Mahoney said that he and his wife, who oversaw a memorial service for babies killed by notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, have been fighting for the babies for the past two years, even going to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s house with a large screen to show the babies in front of her home. Gosnell, convicted of killing three babies and a pregnant mother, is currently serving life without parole in prison.
You said millions, liar
Not five
You lie all the time
I doubt it but what does that have to do with executing babies in the womb given life by God?

Every human created by God more than 150 years ago is now dead. Atherists can blame their random accidental ignorant selection for that but Christians blame nobody. The facts of life are part of God's gift of life.

I support reasonable welfare but not excessive and wasteful spending for poorly managed and shoddily designed programs that encourage laziness and greed as well as robbing the working taxpayers.

Lying leftist looters, burners, and killers claim Christians are the problem, which is why leftists have jailed Christian grandmothers for publicly praying for God to deal with wickedness.
1. you invoked pain so i asked you about the pain that a fetus size of raspberry feels. not surprisingly you cowered.

2. i did not mention death. i mentioned suffering. 80 year olds dying is a fact of life. only a sadistic being will kill 1000s of innocent children.

3. you are being dishonest like your messiah trump. he says he will accept defeat if it would be fair. but of course if he losses it must have been unfair and now you support aid to children like trump supports elections.
I doubt it but what does that have to do with executing babies in the womb given life by God?
Evolution gave them life. Not god.
Every human created by God more than 150 years ago is now dead. Atherists can blame their random accidental ignorant selection for that but Christians blame nobody. The facts of life are part of God's gift of life.
You cannot prove god gives life and you know it.
I support reasonable welfare but not excessive and wasteful spending for poorly managed and shoddily designed programs that encourage laziness and greed as well as robbing the working taxpayers.
You disagree with anyone getting anything for free. That's so Christian of you.
Lying leftist looters, burners, and killers claim Christians are the problem, which is why leftists have jailed Christian grandmothers for publicly praying for God to deal with wickedness.
She was part of the j6 riots and she was not praying to anyone. That excuse was proven. Dont play the god victim bullshit.
abortion is about fetuses, not babies. slaughtering babies is illegal, mor.on.
and its not just democrats having abortions, mor.on.

god slaughtered actual babies who had been born, not to mention innocent women, children, and men.
you just can't bring yourself to admit how evil your god Israel is slaughtering Palestinian women and children daily. Mark is okay with that. God told them to do it, perhaps.
You said millions, liar
Not five
You lie all the time
I admit, the records are sloppy, so we don't have a clear and accurate picture. We can say that around a million babies a year may be aborted in the US but since records are sloppy we don't know how many of the abortions are late-term.

How Many Late-Term Abortions Are Performed in the United States Each Year?

Data from both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute on total abortions and late-term abortions suggests that approximately 1.1 to 1.3% of abortions are carried out at 21 weeks of gestation and later. The true percentage may be even higher, as the CDC estimate does not include multiple states where late-term abortions take place (including California and Maryland). The most recent national abortion total from the Guttmacher Institute and its direct surveys of abortion facilities found that there were an estimated 862,320 abortions in the United States in 2017, and CDC and state reports indicate that abortions have increased since then.
1. you invoked pain so i asked you about the pain that a fetus size of raspberry feels. not surprisingly you cowered.
Around 40 years ago democrats blocked a congressional showing of an untrasound taken of a late-term unborn baby as the chemicals entered into the womb to kill him. The baby was clearly in pain.
2. i did not mention death. i mentioned suffering. 80 year olds dying is a fact of life. only a sadistic being will kill 1000s of innocent children.
God kills and God makes alive. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

3. you are being dishonest like your messiah trump. he says he will accept defeat if it would be fair. but of course if he losses it must have been unfair and now you support aid to children like trump supports elections.
Jesus is the Christian Messiah. The wicked look elsewhere for salvation. I know democrats think Trump is Hitler and Joe Biden is God but those tribal barbarian savages do not know nor do they understand the truth.
You disagree with anyone getting anything for free. That's so Christian of you.
I do disagree with rich politicians robbing working taxpayers for money to give to nonworkers without conditions.
She was part of the j6 riots and she was not praying to anyone. That excuse was proven. Dont play the god victim bullshit.
Thousands of leftist looters, arsonists, and gangland rioters looted and burned billions of dollars of property and injured thousands of cops in 2020 and got no jail time compared to the years Biden and Garland have given to conservatives and Christians because they are considered enemies of the democrat party.
I do disagree with rich politicians robbing working taxpayers for money to give to nonworkers without conditions.
What conditions do you think should be placed on them? Maybe I'm right and you simply can't tolerate someone getting something for free.
Why don't you give them a job? Nah. It's that same republican attitude that the poor and homeless should be shot and given nothing. It's so Christian of you hypocrites.

Thousands of leftist looters, arsonists, and gangland rioters looted and burned billions of dollars of property and injured thousands of cops in 2020 and got no jail time compared to the years Biden and Garland have given to conservatives and Christians because they are considered enemies of the democrat party.
Here's a link that says otherwise.

That old godbothering bitch got what she deserved. She was part of it all and disguised as trying to do good with some prayers. As if prayers ever helped anyone.