What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

Who told you that, the kindergarten science guy?
No one. There is no god. The fertilisation of the egg is a natural process and was happening for millions of years before they invented god. That's a fact.

Try proving life was given by a brainless unplanned miraculous chance
How can I. That is not how it happened. It was one cell that divided and I don't know if it had a brain and neither do you.
Unplanned of course like your kids and you're denying a miracle was involved. So do I.
It's not chance, it's natural selection.

happening in a foreign atmosphere and sparked by nothing known to man.
The oceans are not a foreign atmosphere. It's water. In fact abiogenesis is known to science etc. It's just that you want god to be responsible because of your religion.

Basically, you've got it all wrong. In your haste to fire back you've once again made a goose of yourself.
I admit, the records are sloppy, so we don't have a clear and accurate picture. We can say that around a million babies a year may be aborted in the US but since records are sloppy we don't know how many of the abortions are late-term.

How Many Late-Term Abortions Are Performed in the United States Each Year?

Data from both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute on total abortions and late-term abortions suggests that approximately 1.1 to 1.3% of abortions are carried out at 21 weeks of gestation and later. The true percentage may be even higher, as the CDC estimate does not include multiple states where late-term abortions take place (including California and Maryland). The most recent national abortion total from the Guttmacher Institute and its direct surveys of abortion facilities found that there were an estimated 862,320 abortions in the United States in 2017, and CDC and state reports indicate that abortions have increased since then.
I dont think it's important if the foetus at that age can feel pain. The death of it is sudden just like a shot dog.
I admit, the records are sloppy, so we don't have a clear and accurate picture. We can say that around a million babies a year may be aborted in the US but since records are sloppy we don't know how many of the abortions are late-term.

How Many Late-Term Abortions Are Performed in the United States Each Year?

Data from both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute on total abortions and late-term abortions suggests that approximately 1.1 to 1.3% of abortions are carried out at 21 weeks of gestation and later. The true percentage may be even higher, as the CDC estimate does not include multiple states where late-term abortions take place (including California and Maryland). The most recent national abortion total from the Guttmacher Institute and its direct surveys of abortion facilities found that there were an estimated 862,320 abortions in the United States in 2017, and CDC and state reports indicate that abortions have increased since then.
So you lied
Millions of babies weren't slaughtered by Democrats
Around 40 years ago democrats blocked a congressional showing of an untrasound taken of a late-term unborn baby as the chemicals entered into the womb to kill him. The baby was clearly in pain.
I am asking you politely and respectfully. Please do not quote me if you are not willing to respond to my point directly. It is juvenile and unhelpful and also looks really bad on you. Thanks.

So I ask again, does a fetus size of raspberry feel pain when aborted? Thanks.
I doubt it but what does that have to do with executing babies in the womb given life by God?
that was your answer re a fetus size of a raspberry (ie 8 weeks) feeling pain. so no objections from you aborting an 8 weeks fetus on demand. right?
What conditions do you think should be placed on them? Maybe I'm right and you simply can't tolerate someone getting something for free.
Why don't you give them a job? Nah. It's that same republican attitude that the poor and homeless should be shot and given nothing. It's so Christian of you hypocrites.
I oppose leftist funding programs that rob American taxpayers of their earnings from hard work in order to redistribute that money among those who earned nothing by hard work.

Illinois: 'Welcoming' Programs Increase Cost of Illegal Immigration By at Least $2.2 Billion | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin 2-3-24

Illinois: ‘Welcoming’ Programs Increase Cost of Illegal Immigration By at Least $2.2 Billion

By Margaret Flavin Feb. 3, 2024 4:00 pm
The cost of Joe Biden’s broken border is unsustainable.

In Illinois, ‘welcoming’ programs have increased the cost of illegal immigration to the state by at least $2.2 billion over the last two years, according to a recent Wirepoints report.

The analysis of government grant reports, budgets, and other public documents tallied the costs of “free” benefits for the 35K illegals flooding the state.

More than $1 billion has been spent on health care costs, at least $120 million in FY24 for English as a Second Language (ESL) needs in public schools, and almost $900 million has been spent on housing, food, and legal resources.
Here's a link that says otherwise.

That old godbothering bitch got what she deserved. She was part of it all and disguised as trying to do good with some prayers. As if prayers ever helped anyone.
Lefties hate conservatives and Christians and see no problem with jailing praying grandmothers who did no damage and committed no violence in their protests while not even charging violent leftists who do a great deal of damage to people and property in their violent protests.

https://www.nationalreview.com/news/alvin-braggs-office-drops-charges-against-dozens-of-columbia-protesters-who-ransacked-campus-hall/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=breaking&utm_campaign=newstrack&utm_term=35787724 6-20-24

Alvin Bragg’s Office Drops Charges against Dozens of Columbia Protesters Who Ransacked Campus Hall
No one. There is no god. The fertilisation of the egg is a natural process and was happening for millions of years before they invented god. That's a fact.
That is certainly the myth that unbelievers want to believe but cannot prove.
How can I. That is not how it happened. It was one cell that divided and I don't know if it had a brain and neither do you.
Unplanned of course like your kids and you're denying a miracle was involved. So do I.
It's not chance, it's natural selection.
Leftists have no idea what mysterious miraculous ignorant accident of nature gave humans the ability to think and keeps giving humans the ability to think.
The oceans are not a foreign atmosphere. It's water. In fact abiogenesis is known to science etc. It's just that you want god to be responsible because of your religion.

Basically, you've got it all wrong. In your haste to fire back you've once again made a goose of yourself.
The reason Miller and Urey chose an alien atmosphere in which to attempt to create life was that science has proven life could not have begun in an oxygen-rich atmosphere and that life could not have been sustained without oxygen once it had begun.
I dont think it's important if the foetus at that age can feel pain. The death of it is sudden just like a shot dog.
Democrats are like: "What the hell difference does it make whether or not insignificant life forms like Jews, Christians, foreign ambassadors, or unborn babies are made to suffer or die as long as the democrat government is preserved?"
I am asking you politely and respectfully. Please do not quote me if you are not willing to respond to my point directly. It is juvenile and unhelpful and also looks really bad on you. Thanks.

So I ask again, does a fetus size of raspberry feel pain when aborted? Thanks.
I do not think unborn babies or fetuses can feel pain before many weeks of development, but nobody really knows for sure.
Ending a God-given life is not justified on such a basis.
oh, i see. you decide the basis. no thanks.

putting aside pain, an objective matter, you want to impose your irrational beliefs on billions of women, many of whom are not Christians and do not adhere to your morals. they have their own morals. dont be such a dictator. grow up and mind your own sinful business and life.

millions of god given cow lives are ended and people have no problem with it. thousands of innocent children and women and old people are killed in gaza and many here cheer it. proLIFE, my behind!

trump wants to execute general milley and sycophants like you cheer him.

proLIFE, my behind!
oh, i see. you decide the basis. no thanks.

putting aside pain, an objective matter, you want to impose your irrational beliefs on billions of women, many of whom are not Christians and do not adhere to your morals. they have their own morals. dont be such a dictator. grow up and mind your own sinful business and life.

millions of god given cow lives are ended and people have no problem with it. thousands of innocent children and women and old people are killed in gaza and many here cheer it. proLIFE, my behind!

trump wants to execute general milley and sycophants like you cheer him.

proLIFE, my behind!
I do oppose murder of any kind no matter whether murderers claim my opinions should have no bearing on what they do. If Trump or anyone else wants to murder someone that certainly does not prove God endorses murder.