Well-Known Member
"Homophobic": A deceptive term invented by gays and their advocates, in an attempt to pretend that a natural dislike of homosexual relations is somehow a "fear" in "misguided" people.
Your mundane/redundant repetitive posts are as boring as your misquoted/incorrect signature...but so telling about your POV"Homophobic": A deceptive term invented by gays and their advocates, in an attempt to pretend that a natural dislike of homosexual relations is somehow a "fear" in "misguided" people.
Wrong. They were not expected to sleep, dress, and shower with openly gay men.
The point is that the military relies on a cohesiveness that does not bend to the prevailing social whim of the day.
The most effective way to dismiss those who promote and encourage homosexuality is to quote our Creator: homosexuality is an "Abomination"!!
Now that is very clear , very understandable, even to "progressives"!
Do you seriously believe your creator ,whom created YOU in his likeness ,advocated homosexuality? Case closed!
YES!!, Many times having a 'DISCRIMINATORY' taste can be a very good thing! taste discriminates against my thrist attempting to drink tainted water.
As for my parents having gay or lesbian DNA,if that were true and they did not discriminate against their DNA, I and my brothers and sisters would not be here. The evils of satan lives only in man, the animal kingdom is more discriminatory , ever see or hear of a horse mating with a cow?
Suggestion!, Replace DADT with YOUR creators words! case closed!
Nice try ASPCA. You know there's a preponderance of evidence in comparative psychology and an industry that has shown sexual-preference is learned.
I know of identical twins who one turned out lesbian and one hetero. How can that be under the DNA model?
I'm not familiar with this preponderance of evidence. Perhaps you could cite your sources.
Your mundane/redundant repetitive posts are as boring as your misquoted/incorrect signature...but so telling about your POV![]()
Geez, you can say more and say less than... First off, identical twins are not identical, and the correlation in identical twins in sexual orientation is over 2/3 which, from a scientific standpoint, is nearly proof positive of an innate propensity.
Again, I call bullsh1p on your animal abuse industry. What percentage of the total animal population do you manage to twist in your little barns? It cannot be more than a tiny part of 1% of bulls and stallions that you use, and that number out of a population is not statistically significant. When you manage to twist 2/3 of the animals, then come and talk to me.
Just the one, sorry to disappoint.
And if the reason you use the term DNA linked is to suggest its a DNA matter, there is no evidence to suggest that. If it is, on the other hand to suggest blood relative as a sense of genealogical proximity then never mind. The First Cousin once removed is a blood relative.
Sure, sorry. Here's one very good study with hundreds of references to other studies cited in its footnotes that support it.
The artificial insemination industry in livestock and endangered species propogation has relied on the fact for years that young animals just before entering puberty can be trained to ejaculate on nearly anything by using classical conditioning training pairing stimuli with reward of orgasm. After they're trained to the new object [with bulls it is often other castrated bulls called steers], they actually prefer that object to estrus females in order to ejaculate.
ASPCA and Mare hate this fact and their only rebuttal, if you can call it that, is "people aren't animals!".
I assure you and so does the entire field of Comparative Psychology, they are.
As to the twins it is a pair of girls that grew up with my daughter. She still keeps in touch with them through Myspace. One identifies herself as a lesbian and the other hetero. They are identical twins. Genetic theory is in the can on that one. All it takes is one set of identical twins with differing orientation to disprove the genetic theory.
The phrase that gays themselves embrace [and use to invite youngsters to dances and other gay events in my area] "Bi-curious" itself nullifies the hard-wired theory.
However, their invitation and the use of the word "bi-curious" does support the environmental angle..
Why not? Because I've summarized them well to the detriment of your position?Read the articles, but don't believe what Siho tells you about them.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart...well stated and spot on tooFrankly, I didn't always feel that way. And don't think this means I approve of all that public buggering that takes place in San Fransisco!BTW, your kind words appeared over the icon of one of your smileys mooning me. Hilarious juxtaposition. LOL
Is it just the public buggering in San Francisco of which you disapprove or does your disapproval extend to public fellation and intercourse and anal sex at Mardi Gras and Springbreak festivals?