What a sad, truly sad statement about our homophobic way of thinking!

Poor Siho, she thinks all it takes to be a man is a penis. Come to think of it, there are a lot of people who think that, maybe that's one of the things wrong with this country.

silly Mare, its that "Y" chromosome that does the trick. its a science thing, surprised you don't know that being all "educated" and reading books and such.
silly Mare, its that "Y" chromosome that does the trick. its a science thing, surprised you don't know that being all "educated" and reading books and such.

As I have noted in the past, the XX and XY chromosome patterns are only two of nine patterns found in human beings. There are normal male with the xx pattern and normal females with the xy pattern. Science (maybe you've heard of it) has discovered that the chromosome pattern is not an absolute predictor of gender, in fact they are now using 8 indicators and assinging a probability of gender. Why do you think the Olympics stopped trying to gender type people? There is no absolute way to determine who is male and who is female, there are simply too many overlaps between them.

In the end what we are discovering is that gender is on a continuum from primarily male on one end, through every shade inbetween, to primarily female on the other end. Is there anyone reading this who doesn't know that hermaphrodites (now called "intersexed") people exist? Why would anyone believe that it wasn't possible to have other less obvious gender mixes in humans? Do you even know what the largest sex organ in the human body is? Don't look down, dog, it's not that.
As I have noted in the past, the XX and XY chromosome patterns are only two of nine patterns found in human beings. There are normal male with the xx pattern and normal females with the xy pattern. Science (maybe you've heard of it) has discovered that the chromosome pattern is not an absolute predictor of gender, in fact they are now using 8 indicators and assinging a probability of gender. Why do you think the Olympics stopped trying to gender type people? There is no absolute way to determine who is male and who is female, there are simply too many overlaps between them.

In the end what we are discovering is that gender is on a continuum from primarily male on one end, through every shade inbetween, to primarily female on the other end. Is there anyone reading this who doesn't know that hermaphrodites (now called "intersexed") people exist? Why would anyone believe that it wasn't possible to have other less obvious gender mixes in humans? Do you even know what the largest sex organ in the human body is? Don't look down, dog, it's not that.

six legged cows exist too.
I already do. That seems to be your issue, not mine.

Actually, since my transition I'm much better, much happier, and more productive, that's why the carping of the likes of Siho and you are little more to me than the bad smell of passing a cattle truck on the freeway of life.
As much as I've asked and even stated 'PLEASE DON'T TURN THIS INTO A PROP.#8 TOPIC...SIHO you seem determined to turn this into another topic about deviant/vile personal hits against Mare
Historical revisionism isn't reserved to just Mare I see. ASPCA, if you scroll back through this thread you will see that Mare himself started the ball rolling by accusing that I had latent hatred for gays because he misquoted my statements from the Prop 8 thread about a man I loved [but never had sex with nor wanted to] who died from AIDS some years back. Mare attempted to browbeat me with that stunt. So since he himself initiated recollections of that thread, I followed suit. Do your homework before you assume I was the one who started the references to the prop 8 thread.

I notice a plethora of very defensive posts from Mare...as expected. So far I see nothing from him that defies my theory that he is operating purely from a common-denial mechanism. Predictably he attacks, accuses others of sex with animals. In fact he seems preoccupied with sex and if you mention anything to do with any type of friendship or affinity to people or of animals he immediately retorts/assumes that you want to have sex with them? Curious way to filter the world there Mare. It's why I keep saying that sex isn't love, nor is it friendship, nor is it affinity. And why you should probably see a psychiatrist who is good with defensive issues.

It's important to remember to those reading this post and others that I would not be so completely and starkly confrontational with a poster as fragile as Mare is [obviously]. And so ASPCA's concerns are coming from his/her heart. The problem is that people like Mare want us to buy into their fragile mental state and make it normal for kids to aspire to [implied]. It is at this point that I stand up and begin direct confrontation to what should probably be better handled on a psychiatrist's couch and with a gentle hand. [no Mare, I'm not talking about a hand job].
Historical revisionism isn't reserved to just Mare I see. ASPCA, if you scroll back through this thread you will see that Mare himself started the ball rolling by accusing that I had latent hatred for gays because he misquoted my statements from the Prop 8 thread about a man I loved [but never had sex with nor wanted to] who died from AIDS some years back. Mare attempted to browbeat me with that stunt. So since he himself initiated recollections of that thread, I followed suit. Do your homework before you assume I was the one who started the references to the prop 8 thread.

I notice a plethora of very defensive posts from Mare...as expected. So far I see nothing from him that defies my theory that he is operating purely from a common-denial mechanism. Predictably he attacks, accuses others of sex with animals. In fact he seems preoccupied with sex and if you mention anything to do with any type of friendship or affinity to people or of animals he immediately retorts/assumes that you want to have sex with them? Curious way to filter the world there Mare. It's why I keep saying that sex isn't love, nor is it friendship, nor is it affinity. And why you should probably see a psychiatrist who is good with defensive issues.

It's important to remember to those reading this post and others that I would not be so completely and starkly confrontational with a poster as fragile as Mare is [obviously]. And so ASPCA's concerns are coming from his/her heart. The problem is that people like Mare want us to buy into their fragile mental state and make it normal for kids to aspire to [implied]. It is at this point that I stand up and begin direct confrontation to what should probably be better handled on a psychiatrist's couch and with a gentle hand. [no Mare, I'm not talking about a hand job].

Your hatred of gay people is obvious, but what's less obvious is why you have attacked me so consistenly and with such vitriol. I suppose it's because I have poked holes in your undereducated pop-psych definitions and your penchant for off-the-cuff diagnosis. I also caught you in the lie about having a degree in biology, I caught you posting articles that sounded like they supported your position from the title, but when one actually READ them as I did one discovers that they contradicted your whole thesis.

You're no threat to me, but you are a great foil. Your baseless diagnosis of me and others may satisfy people like dog who has less education than even you do, but it won't fool anyone with some learning. You give me a chance to speak out against the low-brow hoi polloi attitude that you embody so well. While you have some reasonable things to say on other subjects, you jump the rails anytime you get fired-up about gay or transpeople. Your objectivity goes right out the window. This is a good thing for others to see because it shows the depth of hatred and bigotry aimed at gay and transpeople by an uneducated segment of the population.