Were the first 45 minutes of questions in last nights debate irrelevant?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
The people's republic of Eugene
I think they have debated 21 or 22 times. Re-hashing her health care plan and his would be irrelevant. I think re-hashing anything they have already talked about 22 times would be irrelevant.

Early today Obama was complaining that it took 45 minutes of talking about non issues before they got to the issues that actually mattered to the voters.

By this evening he said no need to commit to another debate because he could quote her points on the issues and she could quote his.

These two statements do not make any sense being said in the same day. Why rant that there was 45 min. of wasted time talking about non issues if he thinks they already know each others issues enough to not commit to future debates. That is double talk.

The truth is those questions needed to be addressed. We have all been talking and debating about them and wondering where he stands on them. He should be thanking God that he was asked these questions now in the primary’s rather than in the general election. Now he has 6 months to hope voters forget about it.

Well I am off dwell in my bitterness and to cling to my gun and bible and glare at all the people who don’t look like me, while hoping my government will listen so I can stop being so bitter ;)
I think they have debated 21 or 22 times. Re-hashing her health care plan and his would be irrelevant. I think re-hashing anything they have already talked about 22 times would be irrelevant.

Early today Obama was complaining that it took 45 minutes of talking about non issues before they got to the issues that actually mattered to the voters.

By this evening he said no need to commit to another debate because he could quote her points on the issues and she could quote his.

These two statements do not make any sense being said in the same day. Why rant that there was 45 min. of wasted time talking about non issues if he thinks they already know each others issues enough to not commit to future debates. That is double talk.

The truth is those questions needed to be addressed. We have all been talking and debating about them and wondering where he stands on them. He should be thanking God that he was asked these questions now in the primary’s rather than in the general election. Now he has 6 months to hope voters forget about it.

Well I am off dwell in my bitterness and to cling to my gun and bible and glare at all the people who don’t look like me, while hoping my government will listen so I can stop being so bitter ;)

Presently 82% of MSNBC's online poll feel the questions were crap and the mods were terrible. With that high a percentage I doubt if they're all Obama supporters. The debate was an embarrassment for ABC as they now are in the same class as Fox News.

Presently 82% of MSNBC's online poll feel the questions were crap and the mods were terrible. With that high a percentage I doubt if they're all Obama supporters. The debate was an embarrassment for ABC as they now are in the same class as Fox News.


What do you think there was to talk about after 22 debates? and what do you think Obama meant by complaining about it this AM but saying this PM that he wont commit to another debate because they already know eachothers issues inside and out?

I still believe he is lucky he was questioned now rather than later. Now the voters have time to get used to.

Im trying to catch the daily shows. Hardball thought it was fair questioning except for the question about the weather underground. Keith Olbermann thinks it was the worst debate ever ever ever ever ever !!!!!!!

I have thought both were really in the tank for Obama so I respected Mathews for seeming to think it fair enough, and not just falling into line with the far left.

I respectfully disagree with Mathews, I think the weather underground question needed to be asked. If thats all they talked about, or if that is the type of questions they got every time they debated that would be to much. But to be asked formally one time about the stuff we are all talking about out here does not seem over the top to me. The republicans are going to rip him a new one if he thought this was to much. He will never survive it.
Morning Joe on the Obama network seems to agree the questions were valid, and he should have expected the questions. The three talking pointed out, he wasnt asked and could have/should have been about the typical white person comment, and a few others that I cant remember.

So far only Keith Olbermann seemed as shocked and shaken as Obama.

Im off to cling to my gun and bible for a while before work to cut down on the bitterness :)
The questions had to do with Obama's character and mentality, questions Obamoonies would prefer not be delved into for increasingly obvious reasons. Would any decent father like to know anything about the character of a guy who is taking his daughter out on a date? Yaaaaaaaa..... but it's verbotten to inquire into the character of a person upon whose outlook and judgement hundreds of millions of americans depend? Yaaaaa - right.
The questions had to do with Obama's character and mentality, questions Obamoonies would prefer not be delved into for increasingly obvious reasons. Would any decent father like to know anything about the character of a guy who is taking his daughter out on a date? Yaaaaaaaa..... but it's verbotten to inquire into the character of a person upon whose outlook and judgement hundreds of millions of americans depend? Yaaaaa - right.

This type of questioning is absolutely important. We know everything, including all the dirty little details, to be known about Hillary. We know very little about this YOUNG man who came up from nowhere, spent less than 2 years in the Senate and decides that he is competent, and capable of running one of this country. He draws large crowds because he speaks in a language that befits the young and uneducated. If Hillary stays in or not, someone better do some thorough checking before November. I'm sure what he has been through now is mild compared to what the Republicans will bring out!

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