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Dems , Clinton 1992 -2000
Bush , Republicans 2000-2008
tell me what side did a better job actually paying for spending? Who actually put a debt in the Debt and who made it 10 times bigger ( not a relay number just saying 10)
Why don't you research this a little bit? Under Clinton, our national debt went from $4 Trillion to more than $5.8 Trillion. The national debt increased every year under Clinton. There was not ONE year in which it did not increase. Not exactly a stunning example of fiscal responsibility is it? Not only that, but it wasn't Clinton or the Democrats that caused the second half of his administration to be better at book keeping.
It was the republican take over of congress, and the "Contract With America" that stated a balanced budget as a goal. If it wasn't for the Democrats attacking them at every turn, there would have been a "Balanced Budget Amendment" that stated if Government doesn't have a Balanced budget, then congress doesn't get paid.
Did government over spend in 2001 - 2008? Yes absolutely. Remember that unlike the do-nothing former president, who allowed a dozen terrorist attacks, Bush has actually done something about it. Unlike Clinton, who used the military repeatedly, without funding it, Bush has rebuilt our military to be able to fight when we need them. Clinton who fired off $1 Million dollar missiles, without replacing them, Clinton who sent troops into Mogadishu without proper support, Clinton who bombed aspirin factories, is nothing like Bush.
Lets not forget the democrats were in control of congress for the first 2 and last 2 years of Bush's administration. Some of the largest bloated pork filled bills to pass during Bush's administration, have been democrat bills. For example, the Farm Subsidies bill. The bill was labeled by CAGW as the new record for the most irresponsible spending bill in history. The bill completely violated the Senates own Pay-Go rule. Bush veto'd it. The Senate over-turned his veto. So who is to blame for massive debt, when democrats are over riding veto's on the most bloated pork filled bill in history?
Let's also not forget that we are still paying for some of the problems caused by Clinton. The brilliant CEO of Fannie Mae, quoted below, was CEO because of Clinton. The housing bubble can be traced to Clinton policies that wanted to expand the number of people able to get loans for homes, despite their lack of credit.
Stop giving simplistic answers to complex questions. Life isn't as simple as...OoooOOooo Clinton caused debt, lower than Bush.