Voting machines not perfect: Eventually lets voter select Republican candidates


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
He tried several times, got the same result: The voting machine only let him select Democrat candidates. Then called an election worker over, they both got the same result. After more tries, they were finally allowed to select Republican candidates.

Dems had better get to work on that machine. It didn't hold out long enough.

Or do they intend to just hope that enough voters who want Republicans, will give up without voting or notifying the staff?


Voter reports problem with ballot machine

Man said he voted straight-party ticket and got opposite results

October 23, 2010 4:00 PM
P. Christine Smith
Sun Journal Staff

Bern, NC - A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.

Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.

“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”

M. Ray Wood, Craven County Board of elections chairman, issued a written statement saying that the elections board is aware of isolated issues and that in each case the voter was able to cast his or her ballot as desired.

Chuck Tyson, chairman of Craven County GOP, remains skeptical. He has been communicating with Wood about the issue and was invited to a meeting Wednesday with state elections officials. There were no further details about that meeting.

“Something is not right here,” Tyson told the Sun Journal. He said he “got two or three calls” from people describing the same problem while they were voting.

“I’ll be matter of fact, I didn’t find that press release satisfactory,” Tyson said, referring to Wood’s written statement.

Tyson reported other problems as well, including long lines waiting for just two voting machines in Havelock, and machines reporting 250 ballots cast where 400 voters had signed in to vote.

Laughinghouse cast his ballot at the county administration building at about 2:30 p.m., he said. After voting, he located a Republican worker on site and asked to speak with her about his voting machine issue. A man interrupted, he said, directing Laughinghouse to talk with him instead. That man said the machine likely needed to be calibrated, Laughinghouse said, and set about the method to do so.
I do have a related question.

If this was just an accidental machine glitch, then we could expect glitches to produce a random variety of wrong results, couldn't we?

We could expect just as many stories about machines that put up only Republican candidates when voters wanted Democrats, right?

I have heard ONLY "errors" that favored Democrats so far. Where are the ones that favor Republicans?

But voting had just begun. Anyone hear of ANY "errors" that favor Republicans yet?

ok I have a idea here...lets pretend like we are not all idots and actuly try thinking here..

would it make sense to set all voting machines to vote For only Dems....and think that Gosh, no one will notice or say know...after like 1 republican voter walked in? Thus, making the hole thing pointless?

Also funny you guys never cared about Voter issues...when they got Bush Elected did you?
Why worry if the machine was tampered with? With the lawless obozo administration, they won't investigate it, just like they stopped for no reason the justice department investigation of the black panther thugs who intimidated voters during the 2008 election.

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