Voting fraud supporters sue GA officials for removing non-citizens from voting rolls

Sorry mooron
Former non citizens can now be current citizens and thus eligible to vote
God you are stupid
Lbut feel free to prove it's only a handful
But you won't because you are a mooron
Then let them reregister to vote if they were formerly illegally registerd to vote. How hard is that?
Yes you should read
The story is about mindlessly removing people who could be eligible to vote now
Not mindlessly. That is another stupid democrat lie. Election laws demand that election officials remove the names of illegitimate voters in their precincts. Just because some names may be inadvertently removed does not mean the officials should violate the law by removing no names.
Not mindlessly. That is another stupid democrat lie. Election laws demand that election officials remove the names of illegitimate voters in their precincts. Just because some names may be inadvertently removed does not mean the officials should violate the law by removing no names.
Yes m8ndlessly
Instead of checking first they are just taking them off mindlessly

They are violating the law by removing legitimate voters as you just admitted
What was one of the main grievances of the Colonists against the British?


And even though millions of people you call "illegals" pay their taxes, you want to deny them the vote.

Trump paid ZERO taxes for years, he claims they are still auditing his 2015 tax returns. And he thinks he has the right to beg the GA Secretary of State for over ELEVEN THOUSAND VOTES that he did not receive?

You make no sense.