Voter approval of Congress is the lowest ever recorded.

You people love Bush and are making statements like that???

You clearly have no shame.

I suppose you have to be that deranged to hold the views that you do.

Like ...'it doesn't matter what a leader of the US does provided he is a republican and is more than willing to bomb the **** out of foreign countries and tell lies about US freedoms.'

From the list of 20 Things You'll Never Hear a Conspiracy Theorist Say

18) "You mean someone can actually dislike Bush and still think that my 911 theories are junk? I did not know that was possible! I'll have to stop accusing everyone who points out the gaping holes in my theories of being 'neo-con Bush lovers!!'"
Hmm interesting answer to a point I didn't make

BTW I lied about the intresting bit

The short term for what is being done by the OP and its followers is hypocrisy.

You probably get that one
From the list of 20 Things You'll Never Hear a Conspiracy Theorist Say

18) "You mean someone can actually dislike Bush and still think that my 911 theories are junk? I did not know that was possible! I'll have to stop accusing everyone who points out the gaping holes in my theories of being 'neo-con Bush lovers!!'"

I hate Bush & think he should be tried & hung for his crimes. That being said, even HE isn't evil enough to kill 3,000 innocent people. (or maybe it's smart enough to get away with it??....Either way....he had nothing to do with it's planning or implementation.....He could have stopped it though, if he wasn't so inept at keeping his country safe)
He happily killed thousands of US young boys and hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

And he was happy to execute minors in Texas
He happily killed thousands of US young boys and hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

And he was happy to execute minors in Texas

Lies, lies, and more lies.

The total number of civilian deaths in Iraq is slightly over 100,000 and nearly all were killed by terrorists not the American military.


Your disgusting hatred of America is so tiring and your slander of the American military is treasonous.

You really are Van Jones.
I hate Bush & think he should be tried & hung for his crimes. That being said, even HE isn't evil enough to kill 3,000 innocent people. (or maybe it's smart enough to get away with it??....Either way....he had nothing to do with it's planning or implementation.....He could have stopped it though, if he wasn't so inept at keeping his country safe)

I'm unfamiliar with federal sedition laws, but drawing from my limited knowledge, publically suggesting that a President should be killed would meet the criteria, would it not?

Can someone help me out? I'm thinking of writing a thesis on the progressive movements intellectual dishonesty, hypocricy and instances of uninvestigated sedition that were glaringly apparent in many Iraq / Afghanistan war protest during the Bush administration

Thanks in advance.
I'm unfamiliar with federal sedition laws, but drawing from my limited knowledge, publically suggesting that a President should be killed would meet the criteria, would it not?

Can someone help me out? I'm thinking of writing a thesis on the progressive movements intellectual dishonesty, hypocricy and instances of uninvestigated sedition that were glaringly apparent in many Iraq / Afghanistan war protest during the Bush administration

Thanks in advance.

Bump...any lawyers in the forum?
This is really interesting, and the best part of it is that nearly half of the Democratic voters gives them a poor rating. Just comes to show that this isn't just from the Republican side. This can be good for the upcoming elections next autumn.
I suggest that is because voters see:
1. The Dems as ineffective right now...which is "operable". (Reconciliation will solve that)
2. The GOP as un-patriotic obstructionists who put party over country. (That is a terminal prognosis)

I have no doubt that the GOP will continue to lose national elections & continue to misunderstand why. Once the Elderly, Angry, White, Rural,Christian Males (who comprise the party) die off.........The GOP has no future in this country.
I suggest that is because voters see:
1. The Dems as ineffective right now...which is "operable". (Reconciliation will solve that)
2. The GOP as un-patriotic obstructionists who put party over country. (That is a terminal prognosis)

I have no doubt that the GOP will continue to lose national elections & continue to misunderstand why. Once the Elderly, Angry, White, Rural,Christian Males (who comprise the party) die off.........The GOP has no future in this country.

I like your 1. point. I hope BO and the Dems use reconcilation to slam through Obamacare. I really do. Because there will be a revolution in this country if they do and the result will likely be very detrimental (very positive for America) for liberals and Dems.

Do it BO...Do it...take it down...
This is really interesting, and the best part of it is that nearly half of the Democratic voters gives them a poor rating. Just comes to show that this isn't just from the Republican side. This can be good for the upcoming elections next autumn.

The truth is that Congress takes hits from all sides.

The Far Right doesn't think the the Republicans are Right enough and the Far Left doesn't think the Democrats are Left enough. Add that to the always present Republican vs Democrat split and it's not hard to see why it is very common for Congress to have low approval numbers.

I say... Do your job!

In the present that's passing a Health Insurance Reform Bill. This whole mindset that it's more important to keep your job than to do your job is simply improper.

At the end of the day there is the statesmen that wants to do his job and the politician that cares only about keeping his job. To quote Lincoln...

I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end... I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me.
Abraham Lincoln

This whole mindset that it's more important to keep your job than to do your job is simply improper.

Absolutely correct, which is why we need to have term limits, and not one term in one house, another in something else, but term limits after which the politician returns to the real world. No more career politicians funding campaign after campaign with special interest money like we have now.