Voter approval of Congress is the lowest ever recorded.

This is really interesting, and the best part of it is that nearly half of the Democratic voters gives them a poor rating. Just comes to show that this isn't just from the Republican side. This can be good for the upcoming elections next autumn.

And pigs are flying too. The party of "No" isn't responsible eh? guys crack me up.

All the dems have to do to recover themselves is use reconciliation. That's it. If the GOP wants to play hardball, then the dems can use a steel bat.

And pigs are flying too. The party of "No" isn't responsible eh? guys crack me up.

All the dems have to do to recover themselves is use reconciliation. That's it. If the GOP wants to play hardball, then the dems can use a steel bat.

That steel bat isn't going to get them elected if the voters are fed up with their apparent inability to meet the challenges we face as a nation. I'd look for a shift in party in the next couple of elections. I'm not sure that will make a real difference in what Congress is able to accomplish, but we'll be able to blame the Republicans instead of the Democrats.
I think voters are just tired of partisan BS & gridlock in Congress. The GOP is misreading this anger as a public desire to have them back in control...WRONG! It is anger against all incumbents & nothing for the GOP to take pride in.
The 2010 Congressional midterms will be decided on local issues. The public has all but given up on the 2 big national parties.
I think voters are just tired of partisan BS & gridlock in Congress. The GOP is misreading this anger as a public desire to have them back in control...WRONG! It is anger against all incumbents & nothing for the GOP to take pride in.
The 2010 Congressional midterms will be decided on local issues. The public has all but given up on the 2 big national parties.

Doesn't seem like they have, a vast majority of Americans vote for them. :)

And I believe you're wrong, a lot of people show their displeasure with Obama's plans for the US, especially with the health care reform.
Doesn't seem like they have, a vast majority of Americans vote for them. :)
Do we really have a choice??

And I believe you're wrong, a lot of people show their displeasure with Obama's plans for the US, especially with the health care reform.
Allot of GOP type people...or people who have bought the GOP BS about it. (Death Panel, etc)
And I remember the same thing being said about the Republican party when they had control of congress before the 2006 election. Nothing new here.
What should be done about Congressmen like Lautenberg who at 85 isn't going to be alive long enough to have to suffer under whatever restrictive laws he wants to be part of 'for the good of America'? As if laws apply to Congress. Lol.

Is there a single honest person on that stage?
You people love Bush and are making statements like that???

You clearly have no shame.

I suppose you have to be that deranged to hold the views that you do.

Like ...'it doesn't matter what a leader of the US does provided he is a republican and is more than willing to bomb the **** out of foreign countries and tell lies about US freedoms.'