Maybe the 14 other places more free than here ? That being said, Switzerland is having a hard time dealing with its influx of money.If the native born were to leave, where would they go that is better than the USA?
Maybe the 14 other places more free than here ? That being said, Switzerland is having a hard time dealing with its influx of money.If the native born were to leave, where would they go that is better than the USA?
A guy with no accomplishments by his own hand. Putin is more powerful.
Why would I ?Interesting. Did you feel the same way about the drunkard Bush?
Why would I ?
He was not wildly successful as say a Romney, he was an executive who did lead the organization. Something BO never did. And it shows.
which has absolutely nothing at all to do with where the native born Americans could go that would be better than the USA.Fight or Flight? Take the United Upper Class Down!
The Titanic was the greatest luxury ship of its time.
Look at his book, he admits he was a failure at community organizing.Bush had no successes. In fact, if not for his comrades he could never have bought into the baseball field, and if not for the taxes laid upon the people he would never had gotten the stadium built that made his team a national team. Obama had more successes as a community organizer then Bush did as a businessman:
Look at his book, he admits he was a failure at community organizing.
So Bush got his stadium and that's not a success ? You may recall just how many localities funded them all in in part. Hardly unique to him.
And BO failed with his help.That is the point. NONE of Bush's "successes" were of his making, or doings. Even his tenure as President was a massive failure.
Why would I ?
He was not wildly successful as say a Romney, he was an executive who did lead the organization. Something BO never did. And it shows.
Bush was a name on the ownership group, he was nothing more then a walking billboard for his dad and his family. He lead nothing.Look at his book, he admits he was a failure at community organizing.
So Bush got his stadium and that's not a success ? You may recall just how many localities funded them all in in part. Hardly unique to him.
No but I'm still chuckling at that !what did Bush ever lead? nothing
And your not suppose to lead your college to something as a professor.
Bush was a name on the ownership group, he was nothing more then a walking billboard for his dad and his family. He lead nothing.
Obama has done 10000 times better then Bush. And it must pain you.
Had an actual recovery from Clinton's mess. You need to keep up better, CBO has issued a number of revisions to the ACA financials. Before they declared it not possible to evaluate the damage since the administration refused to provide the data it had already gone far into the hole. As to the rest, you have steadfastly refused to accept facts. I don't see that changingBush vs Obama
lets see
Sept 11ths...Bush 3000 dead in largest terror attack in US history. Obama...still yelling about a small attack that killed like 4
Wars started over fake evidence and with no plan...Bush Iraq...Obama none
Defficits...lower under Obama
Times whole economy collapsed
Bush 1 major crash taking out banking, housing, auto industry....
Obama...Record Stock markets, huge job grouth, housing going up, and auto doing better then in a long time.
Health care
Bush spends huge amount and no one is helped
Obama gets lowest uninsured rate in a long time ( while also the plan reduces the debt long term)
Im sorry care to name one good thing Bush did?
Had an actual recovery from Clinton's mess.
Dotcom bust corporate accounting malfeasance and 911.What Clinton "mess"? The dotcom bust?
How does that compare to losing hundreds of thousands of jobs while 60,000 factories close their doors? And then there is the national debt, th eincrease in people on welfare, and the list goes on, and on, and one, and........