And I find it interesting that you accept as fact, anything that fits with your 'love to hate America' agend thats posted on an internet discussion forum. Even when these so called "facts" are shown to be nothing but propaganda for the eager sheep, the sheep will still believe.
Who posted anything that said anything about 'love to hate America'? Are you saying I did? Where? I'd really love to see the post of mine that said I hated America...
Or are you confusing that I hate HATE GROUPS and their supporters, because of what they're turning America into into supposedly being I 'love to hate America'.
I hate the extremist groups/people that are violent and hate that are citizens here in our country...Who attack fellow citizens for no other reason then they hate whole groups of people because of preceived differences in race, religion, orientation, etc.
I do not hate my country...I love my country and want it to be better and safer. Because on whole, our citizens are not hateful nor support hate groups...But the few that do? They make it miserable for the majority of us who have to put up with their hate agenda being brought into our communities...I see those that hate-monger as those trying to destroy our country by dividing our citizens and terrorizing the innocent through intimidation, fear, and violence to join them in hating specific groups, races, religions, and sexual orientated people.
Just like the extremist Muslims that cause harm and misrepresentation for the majority of Muslims that aren't violent or hate.
Lovely twist there though JB...Because I can see the bigger picture, not focus it on just 'one' type of perferred threat you want to insinuate that I hate my country? LOL!
Tell you what...When you have people in your yard, firing guns at others because of their race. And as an innocent bystander minding your own business in your home, you become victim to that hate when the bullets start tearing through your home? When you have that moment thinking that one of your loved ones is the one everyone is screaming about saying 'he's been shot, he's been shot'...When that hate that was aimed at another tears two innocent lives from your womb from the physical as well as emotional trauma...When you have to listen to the doctors telling you that one of your babies died in uterous and the other isn't going to survive either and you should consider removing life support...Praying for days that a miracle would revive your child but complete breakdown when his little lungs and heart couldn't be revived anymore and you have no choice but to let go when you didn't even get the chance to hold on to that precious life and see it grow up...When it's not only your body torn up, but everything in your life and in your heart because another person hated someone because of their skin color....Then dear, you get can get back to me about what it's like to experience true terrorism on the home front.
9-11 was a horrible incident...But it's not the sole terrorist acts that happen on a daily basis either. I live in a war zone JB...I've watched the race related incidents esculate over the last 15 years in my area...I've watched as crime and race incidents moved closer and closer each year...Two years ago, it was a mile away...Few months later a few blocks away...Then the next block over, then down the street, Then a few doors over...Then to my own front yard.
People in our neighborhood don't go out at night...Doors locked tightly, windows drawn to hide their occupants...People jumping at the popping noises around us...People living in terror of who will hate next, who will be targetted, and who will be caught in the middle.
Sadder still is the fact that you really can't run from it. Cause hate exsists everywhere that haters live. Hate follows us everywhere...From anybody it harbors in.
Luckily my hubby delt with the hate groups that came knocking at our door because I spent nearly a month in the hospital between ICU, rehab, and trama watch. Those people thinking we'd join them because of what happened...'Protection in numbers. We'll watch your back cause us 'whites' need to stick together against them'...
Hate made the persons that terrorized our lives...Hate fed by hate. Hate shared by hate. Intolerance and total disrespect for those different then themselves.
So when you experience such terrorism first hand...Then we can compare notes...Not hypotheticals.
I don't hate my country or my people. I want those that hate to stop hurting those of us that don't hate. Simple as that. I want to love my country without fear of one of my fellow citizens take away anything else from me because they don't like who I am or they catch me in the cross-fire of hating someone else because of who they are.