Two Party System = EPIC FAIL!!!

I appreciate you want people to vote for Republican Gary Johnson.

Take a page out of the TEA Party playbook, build from the ground up by selling your ideas. Complaining that people won't take LP seriously will not help LP to take the next step.

Sell your IDEAS K. Posting a link is not selling anything. Personalize it or just admit that you cannot.

what pure bull...the tea party came from the ground up lol It was formed in a Think Tank and is nothing but a wing of the Republican party. Occupy Wall Street came from the ground up...the Tea Party was Created.
Ive only noticed him for a week or so

I knew who he was before the First Republican Debates even...Because he was already running for you can't blame the poster for you not knowing who he was yet...But I am sure the Right wing media made sure to not talk about him..just like FOX news made sure to go After Ron Paul...did not fit there narrative.
I knew who he was before the First Republican Debates even...Because he was already running for you can't blame the poster for you not knowing who he was yet...But I am sure the Right wing media made sure to not talk about him..just like FOX news made sure to go After Ron Paul...did not fit there narrative.
oh I see what you mean.

I meant the poster has only been around for 2 weeks not Gary Johnson
what pure bull...the tea party came from the ground up lol It was formed in a Think Tank and is nothing but a wing of the Republican party.
Well if you read that on the Daily Kos then it must be true... :rolleyes:

Occupy Wall Street came from the ground up...the Tea Party was Created.
OWS came from the sewers, illegally camped out in a public park, smoked a bunch of pot, used a bunch of drugs, raped some women, destroyed some property, pooped on some police cars, demanded they be given free shit at my expense, then slithered back into the sewers and haven't been heard from since.
Well if you read that on the Daily Kos then it must be true... :rolleyes:

OWS came from the sewers, illegally camped out in a public park, smoked a bunch of pot, used a bunch of drugs, raped some women, destroyed some property, pooped on some police cars, demanded they be given free shit at my expense, then slithered back into the sewers and haven't been heard from since.

Just ignore the was FOX news and it was promoted and organized with them along with a some groups like Freedom works run by Dick Army, and the Koch brothers...Fox was not Reporting the was making it ...then reporting what it did...and pretending like it was just reporting...Because drones who watch them don't pay attention.

Occupy actually started as a very small group of people...Most of its funds came from small donations and items brought to them..And guess who was also part of the OWS groups...Ron Paul supporters...I know I was there It talked to quite a few of them.
Just ignore the was FOX news and it was promoted and organized with them along with a some groups like Freedom works run by Dick Army, and the Koch brothers...Fox was not Reporting the was making it ...then reporting what it did...and pretending like it was just reporting...Because drones who watch them don't pay attention.

Occupy actually started as a very small group of people...Most of its funds came from small donations and items brought to them..And guess who was also part of the OWS groups...Ron Paul supporters...I know I was there It talked to quite a few of them.
3.6 Million...also known as Chump change next to what Koch and Armys Superpac put in.. Also as someone who was at them...they where short supplies and got many of them on Donations...And they Lived there for long amounts of time...SOme are still there...Tea partys had to last for a few hours before they went Home to wash there hoods and bitch about the Kenyan Muslim in the White House. ( no I don't realy think they are KKK members though yes some where Racist...but I felt the need to throw that in since the pathetic attack on the people of the wall street protests...)
3.6 Million...also known as Chump change next to what Koch and Armys Superpac put in.. Also as someone who was at them...they where short supplies and got many of them on Donations...And they Lived there for long amounts of time...SOme are still there...Tea partys had to last for a few hours before they went Home to wash there hoods and bitch about the Kenyan Muslim in the White House. ( no I don't realy think they are KKK members though yes some where Racist...but I felt the need to throw that in since the pathetic attack on the people of the wall street protests...)
Occupy has big liberal bucks and lots of liberals like pelosi and obama pumping them up and they have local governments letting them squat without permits exc.

the tea party had some republican support but all the local goverments were against them often denying them the ability to do their rally's.

Fox supported Glenn Becks stuff. Restoring project and the 9-12 project exc. Though the tea party was born out of those.
I don't know why liberals are so concerned about this election. Either way it goes they win. Their beloved welfare state will stay completely intact and continue to grow. Neither guy has any intention of limiting government. Deficit spending will continue. Corruption in our financial sector, military industrial complex, and government will continue unabated no matter who wins.

So why do libs care about this election? Maybe its because they are duped as they often are, by the MSM and the Ds, into believing that Romney is a radical conservative free market capitalist who will put an end to their free stuff.
I don't know why liberals are so concerned about this election. Either way it goes they win. Their beloved welfare state will stay completely intact and continue to grow. Neither guy has any intention of limiting government. Deficit spending will continue. Corruption in our financial sector, military industrial complex, and government will continue unabated no matter who wins.

So why do libs care about this election? Maybe its because they are duped as they often are, by the MSM and the Ds, into believing that Romney is a radical conservative free market capitalist who will put an end to their free stuff.

It's amazing how many different bizarre points of view exist on this thread, never mind our country. Let's clarify some points-

first, Romney isn't a big free market capitalist, but he is nuts- and more importantly, he's not so much the issue. It's his party, the Republicans, that, when in power will continue to dismantle any regulations they can find so that the people that own them, i.e. large corporations, can continue to destroy the American economy in their upside-down-pyramid-scheme version of capitalism. That is, all the money flows one direction, creating a very healthy and unsustainable economy.

second, you're right that it doesn't really matter who wins, because both parties will basically continue business-as-usual. It's just amazing that your version of "business-as-usual" is some kind of socialist welfare state. The actual facts show the opposite- a rampant growing abuse of an economic structure that wasn't perfect but worked okay. You said "corruption in our financial sector" and you're correct- but the reason is due to the deregulation that has allowed financial institutions to turn a stable, controlled environment into a Las Vegas casino where they get to gamble with your retirement fund. Not exactly a "welfare state" unless you want to include all the corporate welfare they've been given.

The problem most conservative folks seem to have is how blind they are to reality- they're so stuck on their antiquated notions of what Republicans and Democrats stand for, that they fail to see how far off those ideas are from today's landscape. You hear "government regulation" and you think the communists are coming to take over. In actuality, the whole point of government, from the beginning, is to make sure things run smoothly, and that no one is screwing up the system to the detriment of all. They do this with laws that limit the ability of any one to go too far and end up with a monopoly on things. Republicans AND Democrats both agreed on this for a long time, that monopolies were a bad, bad idea. But we live in an age of monopolies, with bigger fish constantly devouring each other until there's only 1 or 2 left. It doesn't matter what party you identify with, that's a stupid, stupid state of affairs and results in nothing good for the general population- yet that's exactly what so many blindsided Americans keep fighting for, the right of giant corporations to get bigger and bigger without anyone stopping them, all because someone fooled them into thinking that the opposite equals communism and socialism's return.

I have nothing against a true libertarian philosophy of freedom for all- but we are so far away from that now that simply removing laws is going to do more harm than good. Corporations control our tv, radio, and now (more and more) the internet. You can have a "free" state in theory but if the reality is that the little people have no way to grow because all the power is already in the hands of a tiny few, that's not exactly a free state. I agree that the 2 party system is incredibly stupid and destructive, which is why I'm not voting for either of those clowns, but for the only person who's actions and words reflect actual integrity. I wouldn't trust Obama or Romney to do my food shopping, never mind run the country, and I'm amazed at how many people are willing to do so when the evidence is quite clear that they're not interested in your well being at all.