Two Party System = EPIC FAIL!!!

What you really should be pushing for is not Johnson...But Instant Runoff Voting....Until we get finance Reform and IRV...3rd parties will aways be just called the spoiler by to many...One nice way to get that passed...Spoil a few Elections and force a major party to have to act because it knows its losing and your vote is costing it. Also the Debate Commission must be is a hack job by the 2 major parties who shit there pants when Ross Perot made it onto the they said rather then deal with that...just boot the League of Woman voters and make there own rules that are harder to reach...
We already have multiple parties and it is actually a good thing that they are not equally getting the votes. We would not want our pols winning with 18% of the vote.

What they are successfully doing is pulling the parties in their directions.

So how could it work out well? The pubs could win enough that the dems ceased to exist. Then the two primary parties could be the pubs and the Libertarians.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Dogtowner when you resort to name calling you lose the debate. That's politics 101. Not a Liberal because well you would know it. Also same applies to you Texas-Tea. Both of you lost the debate on this one. Here's a parting shot...This is why Republican's and Conservatives are so scared of us then they are Liberals. A conservative is nothing more then a Libertarian in denial.

Oh by the way here you go.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Dogtowner when you resort to name calling you lose the debate. That's politics 101. Not a Liberal because well you would know it. Also same applies to you Texas-Tea. Both of you lost the debate on this one. Here's a parting shot...This is why Republican's and Conservatives are so scared of us then they are Liberals. A conservative is nothing more then a Libertarian in denial.

Oh by the way here you go.

what name calling ?
If we liked them so he would have won the nomination dontcha think ?

Pocket is Liberal and doesn't deny it which I respect. But the same applies to him but the only difference is that Liberal's and Democrats except the fact that third parties are going to be the norm. Yeah they demonized Ralph Nader especially down in Florida which was why Gore lost so many votes. In the end my conservative and republican friends are finally realizing that there is more then the two party system which they are a part of. Their scared and I understand. This election means so much to them but for the wrong reasons. They're hatred of Obama is clouding there judgement and its unfortunate. Just like the Liberals with there hatred of G.W. Bush. Instead of presenting fresh new ideas Liberals and Democratics demonized him which in turn got him another four years. Now I see the same with Obama and I know come the morning of November 7th there are going to be very, very, upset people. But not me. My candidate is going to lose no matter what but in the end I'll still respect the office of the president no matter who wins in November. It's the American way. LIVE FREE!!!
Pocket is Liberal and doesn't deny it which I respect. But the same applies to him but the only difference is that Liberal's and Democrats except the fact that third parties are going to be the norm. Yeah they demonized Ralph Nader especially down in Florida which was why Gore lost so many votes. In the end my conservative and republican friends are finally realizing that there is more then the two party system which they are a part of. Their scared and I understand. This election means so much to them but for the wrong reasons. They're hatred of Obama is clouding there judgement and its unfortunate. Just like the Liberals with there hatred of G.W. Bush. Instead of presenting fresh new ideas Liberals and Democratics demonized him which in turn got him another four years. Now I see the same with Obama and I know come the morning of November 7th there are going to be very, very, upset people. But not me. My candidate is going to lose no matter what but in the end I'll still respect the office of the president no matter who wins in November. It's the American way. LIVE FREE!!!

I appreciate you want people to vote for Republican Gary Johnson.

Take a page out of the TEA Party playbook, build from the ground up by selling your ideas. Complaining that people won't take LP seriously will not help LP to take the next step.

Sell your IDEAS K. Posting a link is not selling anything. Personalize it or just admit that you cannot.
I appreciate you want people to vote for Republican Gary Johnson.

Take a page out of the TEA Party playbook, build from the ground up by selling your ideas. Complaining that people won't take LP seriously will not help LP to take the next step.

Sell your IDEAS K. Posting a link is not selling anything. Personalize it or just admit that you cannot.

We're not taking a play out of anyone's play book DT. Tea party can do what they want and how they want. I don't complain I just point out the obvious and Umm links are all we have unless we decide to make up our own facts which kinda defeats the purpose wouldn't you agree? LIVE FREE!!!