Trump mental decline


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Should Google be broken up?” interviewer John Micklethwait, editor in chief of Bloomberg News, asked Trump on Tuesday.

Trump’s immediate response, in full:

"I just haven’t gotten over something the Justice Department did yesterday, where Virginia cleaned up its voter rolls and got rid of thousands and thousands of bad votes. And the Justice Department sued them, that they should be allowed to put those bad votes and illegal votes back in and let the people vote. So I haven’t — I haven’t gotten, I haven’t gotten over that. A lot of people have seen that and they can’t even believe it."
Readers, like Trump’s interviewer on Tuesday, will try and fail to find anything about a search engine in that answer.

And you moorons support him. Pathetic
Should Google be broken up?” interviewer John Micklethwait, editor in chief of Bloomberg News, asked Trump on Tuesday.

Trump’s immediate response, in full:

Readers, like Trump’s interviewer on Tuesday, will try and fail to find anything about a search engine in that answer.

And you moorons support him. Pathetic
Trump is getting older and so are many other politicians, raising concerns about the mental state of our political leaderrship.
Trump is getting older and so are many other politicians, raising concerns about the mental state of our political leaderrship.
well, "many other politicians" aren't running for the most powerful position on planet earth.

but thanks for admitting you are supporting someone you have concerns about their mental capacity.
well, "many other politicians" aren't running for the most powerful position on planet earth.

but thanks for admitting you are supporting someone you have concerns about their mental capacity.
I do have concerns about the integrity or lack thereof of democrat candidates and I agreed with tens of millions of Americans who clearly saw Biden had lost the mental bility to lead long before democrats finally admitted they had also seen his condition long before they stopped lying about it and covering it up.
I do have concerns about the integrity or lack thereof of democrat candidates and I agreed with tens of millions of Americans who clearly saw Biden had lost the mental bility to lead long before democrats finally admitted they had also seen his condition long before they stopped lying about it and covering it up.
so you aren't concerned about trump? or just being your usual whining hypocritical self? lol
Trump is the one who is clearly losing it.
Why is he obsessed with Hannibal Lector and Sharks?

Does he have nightmares in which his boated body is carved up and eaten, perhaps?
but thanks for admitting you are supporting someone you have concerns about their mental capacity.
I am convinced mark is a “the ends justify the means” type of person. Which is interesting as I think religion is the anti-thesis of “the ends justify the means.”
NO AND YES HIS ODD BEHAVIOR YES decline like Biden nope odd how no e of you mentioned biden isnt it
Ok thanks. So you acknowledge decline on part of Trump. But in all honesty it is not just garden variety decline. The dude is bizarre, unstable, and dangerous. He should never be trusted with controlling our military and nuclear arsenal.