Trump, foreign policy idiot lol

Well sometimes one can be oblivious or incompetent and you really do not have to say a word to one. Others really can see who are or who are not! Get it?
Yes unfortunately a lot of stupid people are too dumb to figure out their own limitations
I try to point that out but they are too oblivious to understand
No one is talking about Clinton God you are stupid LOL
Why are you avoiding talking about the close associsations between the Clintons and Putin, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars Putin gave the Clintons prior to the 2016 election?


You mean as part of the nuclear treaty and hostage release God you are stupid
The nuclear treaty between Obama and the mass-murdering Muslim terrorist avowed enemies of God, Israel, and the US? What nuclear treaty? The one requiring to give billions of US tax dollars to the morons in exchange for:
1. Abolishing Iran's nuclear weapons development program? Or
2. Iran's agreement to stop financing worldwide terror and mass murder of innocent women and babies? Or
3. Iran's acceleration in the development of WMDs for mass murdering innocent women and children in the future?
The nuclear treaty between Obama and the mass-murdering Muslim terrorist avowed enemies of God, Israel, and the US? What nuclear treaty? The one requiring to give billions of US tax dollars to the morons in exchange for:
1. Abolishing Iran's nuclear weapons development program? Or
2. Iran's agreement to stop financing worldwide terror and mass murder of innocent women and babies? Or
3. Iran's acceleration in the development of WMDs for mass murdering innocent women and children in the future?
The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday

God you are stupid
read their post, mooorons. duh.
they said "no wars during trump's term"
they were wars during trump's term.
god you are stupid. lol
Almost all US wars of the last century were started by democrat presidents or with major democrat support. Obama is the only president this year that started a war on his own without congressional advice or approval. That was led to the Muslim brotherhood takeover of Libya that subsequently led to the Benghazi disaster the Obama administration with Hillary's help 'fought like hell' to cover up the details of.
Yes unfortunately a lot of stupid people are too dumb to figure out their own limitations
I try to point that out but they are too oblivious to understand
You must believe millions of people are suffering loss for not having or receiving your self-assessed superior wisdom, knowledge, and instruction.
You mean why do I want to stay on topic and laugh at your stupidity? Lol
Never mind. I know why you do not want to talk about the close associations between the Clintons and Putin WHILE ATTEMPTING TO FALSELY SLANDER TRUMP FOR HIS ALLEGED 'CLOSE ASSOCIATIONS' WITH PUTIN.
The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday

God you are stupid
Exactly. A long line of leaders and statesmen openly declared they would not negotiate with kidnappers or terrorists for good reasons. Never mind all of that. Enter Obama and his new deal hope and change policies of negotiating with terrorists and even financing their continued mass murders of innocent women and babies worldwide in their shared Muslim faith.
Almost all US wars of the last century were started by democrat presidents or with major democrat support. Obama is the only president this year that started a war on his own without congressional advice or approval. That was led to the Muslim brotherhood takeover of Libya that subsequently led to the Benghazi disaster the Obama administration with Hillary's help 'fought like hell' to cover up the details of.
Noth8ng to do with my post
God you are stupid lol