Trump, foreign policy idiot lol

Oh yes it means a lot!!!

Oh yes Afghanistan means a lot. Why were our soldiers there? Why? Yo help the people! The disgraced withdrawal of Biden who killed 13 soldiers! Yes I’m aware. 45 hurt without limbs etc. Film of the plane of mostly men! Where in the hell do you think they are as we speak? You best read! You are oblivious. Taliban will use those weapons on who? Who do you think? The new Isis are those people. They cut heads off (Americans)! Look it up!
Move on. And don’t call anyone else a name here until you look at yourself. I’ll speak to what thread or comment I choose to. Bye! 🇺🇸

So you said there were no wars in trumps term but there was
And troops in Syria

Where do you get your news? Lol
indeed this liberal lug nut I was replying to has always done this he will use quotes from the bible to attack others yet he says its a mythical book. He forgets under Biden the wars we are involved in with Russia threating to nuke us . And joe has been handling things like a pusy .
You can't stop thinking about me lol
So you said there were no wars in trumps term but there was
And troops in Syria

Where do you get your news? Lol
Why were they there? Tell me! Why did they keep troops there? Tell me! Why did they keep troops in Afghanistan? Please tell me!
You said no wars period
You: "Did we have any wars during his term?"
You lied
If this is how and what you are concerned about, you best open your eyes. Not sure if your age or job or if you are retired, but call me a liar, a fool or what you choose. Does not worry me in the least.
If this is how and what you are concerned about, you best open your eyes. Not sure if your age or job or if you are retired, but call me a liar, a fool or what you choose. Does not worry me in the least.
Clearly being a liar doesnt bother you
no wonder you love trump
Keep lying and I will keep pointing them out
Deal? Lol
Just like Biden stated he did not lose any soldiers on his watch! Defend that. That was in from of millions of people. Or maybe it was “AI”.