Thoughts on the Death Penalty

Trump has been falsely accused by degenerates and their dummass supporters of all sorts of fake allegations.

He was not found guilty of rape and the gold-digging leftist was awarded blood money by Trump-hating radicals on the tainted stacked jury in a corrupt court.
Prove it
Your opinion notwithstanding the trial judge said Trump was found responsible for rape or something very close to that.

Certainly he was found guilty of sexual assault in a civil court. The Christian in you must be proud. Lol
The crooked lying judge is in the pocket of leftist mob figures.
The decision against the old fat fart was unanimous. Trump is guilty of being a total psychopathic narcissist all his life. They should NEVER have put him on that awful TV show. AKA "The Shit Show".

Trump pretended to be a know it all businessman and then --oops he crapped himself and then they called in the diaper team to clean him up. What a fraud! And stupid people, they ate it up!
Democrats declared Trump guilty before they even found a way to craft the bogus charge he was tried for in their kangaroo court.

Nevertheless he did say that. So your claim that he was not found responsible for rape is just nonsense blather from you.
Lefties criticize Trump for not smiling but so what? They criticize him for smiling also. Leftists are deranged democrat bootlicks addicted to democrat party worship and servitude.
Trump was clearly guilty of libel. He was told time and time again to shut up, and yet he refused.
The far left radical election interfering judge tried to silence Trump in order to help Kamala going into the 2024 election. Free speech is just one of several of Trump's unalienable rights the leftist judge violated in his corrupt kangaroo courtroom.