The Whole Story - Anderson Cooper - The Case Against Donald Trump

Dickhead. It was campaign funds like it was when he paid a whore off out if it

You just can't seem to grasp how fucking ridiculous you are. .
Democrat savages are charging Trump under obscure or misinterpreted laws like nobody else in history has been charged.
We do t have to. That was included in the audit and found nothing wrong.
How could you possibly know what took place. You weren't there but so done told you and you hate Biden. Great evidence. A court would love you.
Democrat baboons audited their actions and found no fault. That must be very comforting to their intellectually-handicapped, swirling-eyed, devoted followers.
That could be right but oddly enough not one has been proven to be illegal that involved the POTUS.

How's Trump going now dickhead?
The latest indictment, if proven which it will be, us the one which will prohibit him from running again.

Admit it. The DOJ and Jack Smith have Planned it so well. They'll give him more time to bleed the suckers dry of their money which he was supposed to spend on campaigning, which he won't. He is under no obligation to return any if it and obliged by law to spend no less than 10 %. That target was reached 12 months ago so he will trouser the rest and split it amongst lawyers to have his prison suite renovated to his liking. Real Pablo Escobar characteristics.

Jack Smith is an American hero. The country should be beholden to him for having the guts to prosecute Trump, the only POTUS ever to orchestrate an insurrection and coup to install fascism.
Meanwhile the faithful morons still prosecute the lie he is completely innocent. USA is full of brain dead fools. A great country choked to near death by the installation of a moronic narcissistic phsycopath supported by those with intelligence similar to concrete.

So continue your personal crusade to de throne Joe. It's entertainment for all.
The tribal barbarian cabalistic Democrat savages have now gotten Trump in the pot and are cooking him for a later Democrat campaign dinner.
Democrat baboons audited their actions and found no fault. That must be very comforting to their intellectually-handicapped, swirling-eyed, devoted followers.

Not so. Democrats were not involved. It was republicans who demanded audits and found fuck all.
Democrats haven't stopped laughing since.

Yet your sticking like shit to a blanket with hope that divine intervention will save Trump. Not this time.
Smith has the bastard on toast and your out there beating the drum like a wild indian promoting a family gathering of victory.

With all you predictions and psuedo evidence you haven't laid a glove on the democrats. Stamping your feet like a petulant child because those evil ungodly democrats and judges won't listen to you. The volumes of evidence doesn't cooberate a word of fact, your prayers to the almighty go unanswered,
you're denial Trump was guilty still didn't resonate with the powers.
Little wonder you feel deserted. Your expertise has been disposed of like a dirty piece of shit paper, as it should be.

I love taking the piss out of you. You're the gift that keeps giving. You're a reliable source of ridiculous statements that I can expand upon to further the humourous elements of this forum and make fun of you but you cannot see it.
It's unbelievable a grown human being believes the shit you do.
Democrat savages are charging Trump under obscure or misinterpreted laws like nobody else in history has been charged.
Well Nixon might have been charged like Trump but he resigned first.

Post your legal experts making your case duh
Just a gentle reminder where we are so far. Still defending it as a peaceful protest Marky? Dickhead.

Here is what Trump and you are trying to prove didn't happen. Heres the result if he loses. Just add jail time.

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits anyone who has previously taken an oath of office. That's Trump by the way, (Senators, Representatives, and other public officials) from holding public office if they have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States.
Got that. Insurrection or rebellion.
Sound familiar dickhead.
The government-protected lying Biden family business ship is going down in flames. Any further attempt to justify the Biden family corruption at this point is worthless and ridiculous.

So the quid-pro-quo Hunter/Joe/Burisma bribery deal was a hoax? How do you know that and can you prove it?
No it wasn't a hoax just perfectly legal.