Oh Lord...did you hit the bong too many times today?
We debated this in my thread "costliest war" earlier this year. Apparently your memory is impaired which is common with heavy pot users.
Nothing and I mean nothing in the history of the world exceeds the cost of America's welfare programs other than the overall budget.
Lets see now...the drug war cost more then $16 TRILLION DOLLARS...thinks the lib...
First, you have failed to show that the war on poverty has cost $16 trillion dollars.
Second, I seriously doubt that you can do so without factoring in programs that are not a part of it.
Third, you failed to understand my point. I am not defending the war on poverty, and never have. I also am against the war on drugs.
Fourth, you failed to address the conflict between what you have described as liberal ideology and support of the war on drugs.
Once again, the war on drugs is a huge, expensive failed government program. If "liberal" means someone who favors huge expensive government programs, then the war on drugs is a liberal dream come true.
Fifth, if you continue to ignore the points I've made and propound your own overly simplistic political philosophy of lib bad, non lib good, that would call into question your own use of cannabis or other mind altering substances.
Not that it would matter if you were, as use or non use of a controlled substance should be the decision of the individual, not the government, as anyone but a lib would understand.
My personal choice is moderation in alcohol, no tobacco, no other drugs not prescribed by a doctor. My philosophy is live and let live, if someone else wants to mess up their mind, that is their business.