The truth about Kamala comes out

Darwin has been discredited as a scientist as have so many of his misguided followers.
some of darwin's beliefs have been discredited, but his thoughts about evolution in general have not been.

but of course, obsessing about darwin at this point is stupid.
Darwin has never been discredited, and since Darwin, there has been more and more proof of the validity of Evolution.
There has been ZERO proof that Adam, Eve, the Tree of Doom or the talking snake ever existed.
I feel sorry for the millions of gullible kids brainwashed to believe that humans got their intelligence from monkeys.
No one claims that anyone got their intelligence from monkeys.

Humans are not fallen angels, they are risen apes. Not monkeys. they have no tails, they are apes.

The Biblical character called "god" was omniscient, and therefore knows what will happen in the future.

Knowing this, he built the Garden of Eden with a curséd tree that would doom anyone who ate its fruit, knowing in advance that they would do just that. To make sure that would happen, he also created a smooth-talking legged snake that had the salesmanship powers of S.J. ( Mr Ronco) Popeil himself.

Then the Biblical character called "god"got totally sick of the entire human race and decided to drown all but eight of them.
Being omnipotent and all, the thought that he could wipe out all the humans with just a simple targeted virus. No need to drown all the animals, no need to drown all the plants, none of that ever occurred to him, so he made Noah and his people build an Ark.

Of course, he did this knowing in advance that Noah's descendants would screw up again, just as Adam & Eve's had.

The Biblical character known as "god" is, we are told, omnipotent. He can do anything he wishes to do. So why would he need angels?
And why create angels with FREE WILL, knowing that one or more of them would get all jealous and become evil?

Why do that?

Where do you suppose this character called "god" got his intelligence?

There is a very good case for believing that Charles Darwin was smarter than the character called "god".
darwin's evolution hasn't
god you are stupid

Startling Admission: “Darwin was Wrong”​

No one claims that anyone got their intelligence from monkeys.
Certainly no intelligent humans can easily believe Darwin's dummass humanape evolution speculations.
Certainly no intelligent humans can easily believe Darwin's dummass humanape evolution speculations.
I bet 90+% of phds believe in Darwin’s theory. But uneducated ignorant people believe a serial liar adulterer over Darwin and educated people.

Startling Admission: “Darwin was Wrong”​

Certainly no intelligent humans can easily believe Darwin's dummass humanape evolution speculations.
Evolution is still the accepted theory
Your obsession with Darwin is weird