Well-Known Member
Prolly meanty Maxine Waters. Not everything is about you.
Thank you for that clarification.
But, if everything is not about me, why am I the favorite target of a few of you guy's attacks?
Prolly meanty Maxine Waters. Not everything is about you.
Its sad, a republican can sit and talk about Obama being a Secret Muslim, not really a American, talking about his Kenyan mindset, say he has a deep Seeded hatred of white people...and if you call them out for being a racist...all of the sudden the straw man flys claiming you said all who don't like Obama are racist...thats not true, many are just stupid...and some are smart and don't happen to agree. but you call one a racist, its time to get on the cross and play the poor us so persecuted...
And then cry about attacks on Bush as a reason to say what ever they want about Obama....Because 2 wrongs make a right? I on countless occasions attacked Liberals on this board for such thing....But when its Obama...I just here a cheering section.
Fight that Racist Straw man Republicans, make it pay
What would being a muslim have to do with being racist? I never figured that one out. Most muslims are arabic or middle eastern. Cat Stevens is an exception but most black people are Baptists so it seems it would be more racist to say he is a Baptist but what ever
The birth thing he brought on himself by refusing to show his birth certificate and paid attorneys to have the cases that were brought to court thrown out. The same stuff was said about McCain till he gave his birth certificate to a reporter who literally flew to where he was born and interviewed people to their satisfaction. Why is it racist to ask of obama what was asked of mccain.
Most people who hate obama hate him for his policy's I hate him also for some personal stuff but I would not hate him any less if he were all white instead of half white.
I hate John F-ing Kerry (who served in Vietnam) also and for much of the same reasons and I think he is all white. And most of the people I know that hate obama hate J F Kerry more and AlGore, most of us who hate obama hate AlGore too and I think he is all white too.
the birth thing was not based on anything other then blind hate and racism..thats why there are still people screaming its fake...and again for the 1000 time, he showed his Live birth one..the one he legally was able to show and get under Hawaii law. Still not believing it takes a act of stupidity or racism. And the Muslim thing is not about race per say, but its the same idea...hating for the basis of his Religion ( even though its not even his Religion) because Republicans in large amounts , hate Muslims...Not terrorist...they just hate all Muslims.
And the hate for Al Gore is not even close to that hate of Obama...
I hate john freakin kerry (who served in Vietnam) way more than i hate obama
and I hate AlGore just about equally to obama
I think some of the best books against JFKerry(who served in vietnam) were much better and more damning than anything written about obama
he showed a certificate of live birth that didn't pass the "photo shop watermark test" then people like you said Hawaii wouldn't let him show the real thing cuz it was illegal, but when hawaii was asked they said we can not do it only obama cana few months ago he showed a long form that you claim he can not legally show. Took him years to do it and his SS is based out of Connecticut, a state he has no ties to. Of course there are questions, but there never had to be if he came clean about it from the start. If mccain refused to show his and had a fishy social security card and sealed every record from kindergarten through college, people would still be attacking him no matter what color he was
People had a problem with obamas 20 years in the church of hate where he claims he learned nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing except got inspired enough to right audacity of hope based on the racist revs speech![]()
I hate john freakin kerry (who served in Vietnam) way more than i hate obama
and I hate AlGore just about equally to obama
I think some of the best books against JFKerry(who served in vietnam) were much better and more damning than anything written about obama
of course McCain also I recall went to a church or something with a Priest who attacked all Catholics and hate them all...of course that meant McCain did right?
And if what Obama did was not enough for people, then like many showed after...nothing would make them happy...because they wanted to believe it..not because any sane logical person would ever not believe it. But its not PC to yell I hate him because he is black..but if you can make up fake stuff thats racially tinged, you can hide behind it and pretend its not about racism.
You don't have to say kill the black or call him a ****** to be racist in fact most wont...unless maybe with people they think will agree with them.
I have bad news for you...your not most republicans.
Well, look at it this way: at least it wasn't a mosk!![]()
What would it matter if it was?
There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim
democrats freak me out when they make it seem like a big insult to be called a muslim, there is nothing wrong with that
now if you are preaching hate in your mosque or encouraging people to blow up other people, there is a problem,
but just being a Muslim should not be the insult the left seems to act like it is
Actually I would rather he was a main stream modern muslim rather than part of that racist hate filled church for 20 years I would be far more comfortable
with him than I currently am
You sure have a lot of "hate" for people!
Are you sure it is healthy?
I hope you don't "hate" as many people among those you actually know and see every day!