The Tea Party will change America back to the days of Thomas Jefferson

Boy i cant wait til i see that day. The day that Lawbreakers get death!

Well,,back in those days of Thomas Jefferson America was a totaly free and safe country to live in. You didnt have a corrupted system like you do now. You didnt have stupid juries in the courtroom. You didnt have corrupted judges. And Courts wasnt like a circus like it is now.

Not if you were a Native American or a slave.

Jefferson was a hemp ( cannabis ) grower.

Comrade Stalin
A bit of actual facts about our history.

The Left Wants You To Believe They Were Old White Men.
Truth Is, They Were Mostly In Their Teens And 20s At The Time They Sacrificed Everything For Their Country!!!.
For their country or to free slaves?.
Honorable Christians opposed slavery from before the Revolutionary War throughout American hiustory into the present, but don't expect all or many of the leftist descendants of freed slaves to honor Christians for their love and committment to Jesus and their fellow Americans throughout history.
Honorable Christians opposed slavery from before the Revolutionary War throughout American hiustory into the present, but don't expect all or many of the leftist descendants of freed slaves to honor Christians for their love and committment to Jesus and their fellow Americans throughout history.
Fuck Jesus and Christians. That had nothing to do with it.