First, let me say that I have no intention of leaving this forum. I merely plan on letting dumb comments and thread that have no meaning and no reason to exist, except for "bashing Obama and the Left" to die out when you guys finally understand how ridiculous and non-productive this constant bashing is. Bullying and destructive generalized comments may be your "cup of tea" (although, in your specific case, I do not believe you entirely buy in to that non-sense), but they are not mine.
"My best" would never please any of you anyway. . .because my best is to me myself, to speak my conscience, to point out the innacuracies and the propaganda that is rampant in extremist talk.
I have read the "comments" about my not be deserving of "respect!"
Well, for some people (and you know whom I'm speaking of), I would NEVER be "deserving of respect" unless I kiss their butt and agree with their point of view. . . .which I couldn't do without losing MY SELF-RESPECT, which . . .I'm sure you at least will understand this. . . is a LOT more important than earning someone else's respect.
I have to say that, although I do not agree with much of what YOU and BOB say, and even LESS about what Pandora says, I do respect you enough to take SOME of your criticisms at heart. . .but I really do not care about what "some" of the others think or say!
And. . .about being "my best," have you ever heard to expression: "it's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys?"

Anyway, I am around. Meaner, smarter (and dumber) people have tried to get rid of me through insults, belittleling remarks, intimidations, and bullying. . .and have not succeeded.
I will be here, as long as I wish to be. And WHEN I see an INTERESTING debate that has some potential of developing in an honest, respecful discussion, I will join in.
But. . .I rather you guys enjoy your little "hatred is so much fun" threads in small circles. I'm sure that the smartests among you do know, deep inside, when you are being ridiculous, and for the dumbest among you. . .who cares if stupidity makes them feel better. . .it's all in good fun!