Well this morning I did what I said I would never do. When I speak of Trump, I have to take a shower. But when I even think of Clinton as president, I want to vomit. So, when I walked into that voting booth, I broke down, compromised my principles, and voted Trump. Probably voted for Trump because of my principles. I couldn’t stomach the thought that I would have done nothing to try to get in the way of Clinton becoming president.
Then I called a priest and was told to. Take two aspirins and three showers, then say four “Our Fathers,” and text us in the morning. You’ll be fine.
But still feeling guilty I talked with one of our local evangelicals ministers and he said, Now that's the kind of support for Trump I can get behind and respect. On Nov. 8th every decent American who loves this country will lose. There is no way for there to be a win in this election. But knowing how bad things are and voting against the Queen Crone of Crime Hillary is perfectly understandable and honorable.
Don’t feel bad about it, there were only bad choices presented for you to choose from and you made the best of it knowing how bad it would be with Hillary. It was an honorable thing to do.
So now I had to call one of my #nevertrump friends. He said.. well lets just say..WE USED TO BE FRIENDS.
Trapper I know what your thinking. Is this true?
Is this story TRUE?
Everything I’ve described contains at least a grain of truth, though I confess that most gained a little something in the telling. That’s how I roll…..