The road to dictatorship


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
he said he was going to be a dictator...and he is doing it

when do you think the arrests will start ?

Chris Hedges is one of the leading dissidents in the US and members should heed his warning

"The Trump administration’s war with the deep state is not a purgative. It is not about freeing us from the tyranny of intelligence agencies, militarized police, the largest prison system in the world, predatory corporations or the end of mass surveillance. It will not restore the rule of law to hold the powerful and the wealthy accountable. It will not slash the bloated and unaccountable spending — some $1 trillion dollars — by the Pentagon.

All revolutionary movements, on the left or the right, dismantle the old bureaucratic structures. The fascists in Germany and the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, once they seized power, aggressively purged the civil service. They see in these structures, correctly, an enemy that would stymie their absolute grip on power. It is a coup d’état by inches. Now we get our own.

Rearguard battles — as in the early years of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany — are taking place in the courts and media outlets openly hostile to Trump. There will be, at first, pyrrhic victories — the Bolsheviks and the Nazis were stalled by their own judiciaries and hostile press — but gradually the purges, aided by a bankrupt liberalism that no longer stands or fights for anything, ensures the triumph of the new masters.

The Trump administration has expelled or fired officials who investigate wrongdoing within the federal government, including 17 inspectors general. Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, such as the F.B.I. and Homeland Security, are being purged of those deemed hostile to Trump. Courts, as they are stacked with compliant judges, will be mechanisms for the persecution of state “enemies” and protection rackets for the powerful and the rich. The Supreme Court, which has granted Trump legal immunity, has already reached this stage.


The ultimate target for the Trump administration is not the deep state. The target is the laws, regulations, protocols and rules, and the government civil servants who enforce them, which hinder dictatorial control. Compromise, limited power, checks and balances and accountability are slated to be abolished. Those who believe that the government is designed to serve the common good, rather than the dictates of the ruler, will be forced out. The deep state will be reconstituted to serve the leadership cult. Laws and the rights enshrined in the Constitution will be irrelevant.

comrade stalin
yes there are dogs in moscow, just like new york city, and washington dc and in your neighbourhood..maybe in your back yard

your anal obsession deepens

I think our esteemed one-liner merchants are missing the point of the article

nothing new there..

this site is infested with maga trolls who can barely put a sentence together and whose political acumen
is restricted to irrelevant insults and a suite of logical fallacies

i would like to think that some people on this forum recognise what is going on..

scholars use to ask how in a cultured civilised nation like germany, such a monster as the third reich could arise

all it takes is a clever charismatic madman to get a sniff of power

for the usa, that moment is now

In the creation of a dictatorship, the first people you remove are anyone associated with the checks and balances

please read the article, and if you can, hedge's great book publishes in 2010, well before the current charade

Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle​

An instant bestseller, Empire of Illusion is a striking and unsettling exploration of illusion and fantasy in contemporary American culture. Traveling to the ringside of professional wrestling bouts at Madison Square Garden, to Las Vegas to write about the pornographic film industry, and to academic conferences held by positive psychologists who claim to be able to engineer happiness, Hedges chronicles our flight from an ever-worsening reality.

The cultural embrace of illusion and celebrity culture have accompanied a growing system of casino capitalism, which creates vast wealth for elites. Corporations have ruthlessly dismantled and destroyed our manufacturing base and impoverished our working class. Hedges exposes the mechanisms that undermine our democracy and divert us from the economic, environmental, political, and moral collapse around us. A culture that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion dies, Hedges argues, and we are dying now.

The book starts with a long, poignant, if not mood-setting, description of a typical faked, surreal and stage-managed World Wrestling match. Relating it to Plato's allegory of the cave, Hedges then expands the analysis to current socio-economic conditions, the Empire of Illusion, where fantasy is more real than reality. This state is forged by celebrity gossip, advertisement lies, pop psychology, New Age mysticism and marketing and sales techniques. He says celebrity culture banishes reality and morality and creates the illusion of aspiration.

Drawing from popular and infantile TV programs, Hedges zeroes in on capitalism and its ability to lie and manipulate. Unrestrained, without remorse, unfettered capitalism gave us Wall Street bankers and investment houses "that willfully trashed the nation's economy, stole money from tens of millions of small stockholders....The heads of these corporations, like the winners of a reality television (show)...walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses and compensation."

Spectacle triumphed and indeed replaced literacy.

comrade stalin
berlin 1933
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the point is, your are possibly so seduced by celebrity culture, you don't have any idea of what is really going on

comrade stalin
berlin 1933
yes there are dogs in moscow, just like new york city, and washington dc and in your neighbourhood..maybe in your back yard

your anal obsession deepens

I think our esteemed one-liner merchants are missing the point of the article

nothing new there..

this site is infested with maga trolls who can barely put a sentence together and whose political acumen
is restricted to irrelevant insults and a suite of logical fallacies

i would like to think that some people on this forum recognise what is going on..

scholars use to ask how in a cultured civilised nation like germany, such a monster as the third reich could arise

all it takes is a clever charismatic madman to get a sniff of power

for the usa, that moment is now

In the creation of a dictatorship, the first people you remove are anyone associated with the checks and balances

please read the article, and if you can, hedge's great book publishes in 2010, well before the current charade

Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle​

An instant bestseller, Empire of Illusion is a striking and unsettling exploration of illusion and fantasy in contemporary American culture. Traveling to the ringside of professional wrestling bouts at Madison Square Garden, to Las Vegas to write about the pornographic film industry, and to academic conferences held by positive psychologists who claim to be able to engineer happiness, Hedges chronicles our flight from an ever-worsening reality.

The cultural embrace of illusion and celebrity culture have accompanied a growing system of casino capitalism, which creates vast wealth for elites. Corporations have ruthlessly dismantled and destroyed our manufacturing base and impoverished our working class. Hedges exposes the mechanisms that undermine our democracy and divert us from the economic, environmental, political, and moral collapse around us. A culture that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion dies, Hedges argues, and we are dying now.

The book starts with a long, poignant, if not mood-setting, description of a typical faked, surreal and stage-managed World Wrestling match. Relating it to Plato's allegory of the cave, Hedges then expands the analysis to current socio-economic conditions, the Empire of Illusion, where fantasy is more real than reality. This state is forged by celebrity gossip, advertisement lies, pop psychology, New Age mysticism and marketing and sales techniques. He says celebrity culture banishes reality and morality and creates the illusion of aspiration.

Drawing from popular and infantile TV programs, Hedges zeroes in on capitalism and its ability to lie and manipulate. Unrestrained, without remorse, unfettered capitalism gave us Wall Street bankers and investment houses "that willfully trashed the nation's economy, stole money from tens of millions of small stockholders....The heads of these corporations, like the winners of a reality television (show)...walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses and compensation."

Spectacle triumphed and indeed replaced literacy.

comrade stalin
berlin 1933
You in your mom's basement