This situation is very interesting.
Arguably, this CEO was holding the livelihoods of his workers hostage to a bailout, but not offering to do the necessary management restructuring and product modifications necessary to receive and benefit from the bailout.
If all the bailout is going to do is help finance upper-management bonuses, like with AIG, and there is no sign of a willingness to make needed changes, then it would seem that the board of directors is not doing its job as well.
But can the President step in and order Wagoner's dismissal (under threat of withholding bailout money or just in general)?
I would say yes ... but not without first declaring a state of national emergency in this recessionary-depressionary matter.
If he's not going to summon the necessary balls to declare a greatly needed state of national emergency, then I would question BHO's authority in the matter.
Nevertheless, I truly would love to see some of these recalcitrant CEOs get what's coming to them!
I mean, first they take unjustified risks (ARMs and other toxic assets), then they try to pawn them off on others, then they halt weekly loans until they can recoup their losses, then they demand bailouts under threat, then they take the money and give obscene bonuses to these same managers who made the stupid risks, bonuses they most certainly don't deserve, and, ultimately, when it all comes tumbling down for them, they layoff innocent low-level workers, not themselves.
That BHO is attempting to "layoff" the GM CEO (who, by the way, is also the chairman of the board at GM!) seems like fitting justice in the matter.
Indeed, who knows how many toxic assests GMAC Financing created, and though GM sold a 51% controlling interest in GMAC in late 2006, the damage was likely already done by then, and, they still are stock owners in GMAC, GMAC which some time ago branched out into real estate loans in addition to their auto loans.
Yes, it just feels good to have these corporate untouchables touched up a bit.
Maybe this will serve as a lesson to the other greedy CEOs and boards.