the plan


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
One does not need to be a fortune-teller to understand that the Israel-U.S. game plan for Gaza runs something like this:

  1. In public, Biden appears “tough” on Netanyahu, urging him not to “invade” Rafah and pressuring him to allow more “humanitarian aid” into Gaza.​
  2. But already the White House is preparing the ground to subvert its own messaging. It insists that Israel has offered an “extraordinarily generous” deal to Hamas – one that, Washington suggests, amounts to a ceasefire. It doesn’t. According to reports, the best Israel has offered is an undefined “period of sustained calm”. Even that promise can’t be trusted.​
  3. If Hamas accepts the “deal” and agrees to return some of the hostages, the bombing eases for a short while but the famine intensifies, justified by Israel’s determination for “total victory” against Hamas – something that is impossible to achieve. This will simply delay, for a matter of days or weeks, Israel’s move to step 5 below.​
  4. If, as seems more likely, Hamas rejects the “deal”, it will be painted as the intransigent party and blamed for seeking to continue the “war”. (Note: This was never a war. Only the West pretends either that you can be at war with a territory you’ve been occupying for decades, or that Hamas “started the war” with its October7 attack when Israel has been blockading the enclave, creating despair and incremental malnutrition there, for 17 years.)​

Last night US Secretary of State Antony Blinken moved this script on by stating Hamas was “the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire… They have to decide and they have to decide quickly”.

The U.S. will announce that Israel has devised a humanitarian plan that satisfies the conditions Biden laid down for an attack on Rafah to begin.​

  1. This will give the U.S., Europe and the region the pretext to stand back as Israel launches the long-awaited assault – an attack Biden has previously asserted would be a “red line”, leading to mass civilian casualties. All that will be forgotten.​
  2. As Middle East Eye reports, Israel is building a ring of checkpoints around Rafah. Netanyahu will suggest, falsely, that these guarantee its attack meets the conditions laid down in international humanitarian law. Women and children will be allowed out – if they can reach a checkpoint before Israel’s carpet bombing kills them along the way.​
  3. All men in Rafah, and any women and children who remain, will be treated as armed combatants. If they are not killed by the bombing or falling rubble, they will be either summarily executed or dragged off to Israel’s torture chambers. No one will mention that any Hamas fighters who were in Rafah were able to leave through the tunnels.​
  4. Rafah will be destroyed, leaving the entire strip in ruins, and the Israeli-induced famine will worsen. The West will throw up its hands, say Hamas brought this on Gaza, agonise over what to do, and press third countries – especially Arab countries – for a “humanitarian plan” that relocates the survivors out of Gaza.​
  5. The western media will continue describing Israel’s genocide in Gaza in purely humanitarian terms, as though this “disaster” was an act of God.​
  6. Under U.S. pressure, the International Court of Justice, or World Court, will be in no hurry to issue a definitive ruling on whether South Africa’s case that Israel is committing a genocide – which it has already found “plausible” – is proved.​
  7. Whatever the World Court eventually decides, and it is almost impossible to imagine it won’t determine that Israel carried out a genocide, it will be too late. The western political and media class will have moved on, leaving it to the historians to decide what it all meant.​
  8. Meanwhile, Israel is already using the precedents it has created in Gaza, and its erosion of the long-established principles of international law, as the blueprint for the West Bank. Saying Hamas has not been completely routed in Gaza but is using this other Palestinian enclave as its base, Israel will gradually intensify the pressures on the West Bank with another blockade. Rinse and repeat.​

comrade stalin
One does not need to be a fortune-teller to understand that the Israel-U.S. game plan for Gaza runs something like this:

  1. In public, Biden appears “tough” on Netanyahu, urging him not to “invade” Rafah and pressuring him to allow more “humanitarian aid” into Gaza.​
  2. But already the White House is preparing the ground to subvert its own messaging. It insists that Israel has offered an “extraordinarily generous” deal to Hamas – one that, Washington suggests, amounts to a ceasefire. It doesn’t. According to reports, the best Israel has offered is an undefined “period of sustained calm”. Even that promise can’t be trusted.​
  3. If Hamas accepts the “deal” and agrees to return some of the hostages, the bombing eases for a short while but the famine intensifies, justified by Israel’s determination for “total victory” against Hamas – something that is impossible to achieve. This will simply delay, for a matter of days or weeks, Israel’s move to step 5 below.​
  4. If, as seems more likely, Hamas rejects the “deal”, it will be painted as the intransigent party and blamed for seeking to continue the “war”. (Note: This was never a war. Only the West pretends either that you can be at war with a territory you’ve been occupying for decades, or that Hamas “started the war” with its October7 attack when Israel has been blockading the enclave, creating despair and incremental malnutrition there, for 17 years.)​

Last night US Secretary of State Antony Blinken moved this script on by stating Hamas was “the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire… They have to decide and they have to decide quickly”.

The U.S. will announce that Israel has devised a humanitarian plan that satisfies the conditions Biden laid down for an attack on Rafah to begin.​

  1. This will give the U.S., Europe and the region the pretext to stand back as Israel launches the long-awaited assault – an attack Biden has previously asserted would be a “red line”, leading to mass civilian casualties. All that will be forgotten.​
  2. As Middle East Eye reports, Israel is building a ring of checkpoints around Rafah. Netanyahu will suggest, falsely, that these guarantee its attack meets the conditions laid down in international humanitarian law. Women and children will be allowed out – if they can reach a checkpoint before Israel’s carpet bombing kills them along the way.​
  3. All men in Rafah, and any women and children who remain, will be treated as armed combatants. If they are not killed by the bombing or falling rubble, they will be either summarily executed or dragged off to Israel’s torture chambers. No one will mention that any Hamas fighters who were in Rafah were able to leave through the tunnels.​
  4. Rafah will be destroyed, leaving the entire strip in ruins, and the Israeli-induced famine will worsen. The West will throw up its hands, say Hamas brought this on Gaza, agonise over what to do, and press third countries – especially Arab countries – for a “humanitarian plan” that relocates the survivors out of Gaza.​
  5. The western media will continue describing Israel’s genocide in Gaza in purely humanitarian terms, as though this “disaster” was an act of God.​
  6. Under U.S. pressure, the International Court of Justice, or World Court, will be in no hurry to issue a definitive ruling on whether South Africa’s case that Israel is committing a genocide – which it has already found “plausible” – is proved.​
  7. Whatever the World Court eventually decides, and it is almost impossible to imagine it won’t determine that Israel carried out a genocide, it will be too late. The western political and media class will have moved on, leaving it to the historians to decide what it all meant.​
  8. Meanwhile, Israel is already using the precedents it has created in Gaza, and its erosion of the long-established principles of international law, as the blueprint for the West Bank. Saying Hamas has not been completely routed in Gaza but is using this other Palestinian enclave as its base, Israel will gradually intensify the pressures on the West Bank with another blockade. Rinse and repeat.​

comrade stalin
The US has also proved incompetent in giving advice to Israel on how to stop mass murdering Arabs from mass murdering Jews without killing some Arabs in return.
It is clear that Biden and Blinken are doing all they can to prevent more slaughter. Note that Netanyahu has not ordered the major assault on Gaza that h has always planned. We do not know about what Biden has told Netanyahu, because, of course, Biden does not want to lose the Jewish vote.

The fools that claim that electing Trump is a better plan are incapable of seriously considering how difficult Biden's job here really is.
It is clear that Biden and Blinken are doing all they can to prevent more slaughter. Note that Netanyahu has not ordered the major assault on Gaza that h has always planned. We do not know about what Biden has told Netanyahu, because, of course, Biden does not want to lose the Jewish vote.

The fools that claim that electing Trump is a better plan are incapable of seriously considering how difficult Biden's job here really is.
Is that wrong for Biden, hypothetically considering your point is real, for him to confuse and enrage most of his supporters in order to keep the Jewish vote? By the way there are Jewish protestors for Gaza. So you mean the Zionist vote.
Is that wrong for Biden, hypothetically considering your point is real, for him to confuse and enrage most of his supporters in order to keep the Jewish vote? By the way there are Jewish protestors for Gaza. So you mean the Zionist vote.
Biden wants to be a successful president, and to do that, he needs to be elected. He needs all the votes he can muster, as does any politician. He is presently trying to end the slaughter in Gaza. That is a worthy pursuit.

One that Trump would never attempt.
It is clear that Biden and Blinken are doing all they can to prevent more slaughter. Note that Netanyahu has not ordered the major assault on Gaza that h has always planned. We do not know about what Biden has told Netanyahu, because, of course, Biden does not want to lose the Jewish vote.

The fools that claim that electing Trump is a better plan are incapable of seriously considering how difficult Biden's job here really is.
Netanyahu does not respect the likes of Biden and Obama because of their obvious disdain for Jews and clear support for Muslim terrorists.
Biden wants to be a successful president, and to do that, he needs to be elected. He needs all the votes he can muster, as does any politician. He is presently trying to end the slaughter in Gaza. That is a worthy pursuit.

One that Trump would never attempt.
You should always be truthful and upfront where you stand as president in times of crisis. If he needs all the votes he can muster then he should care about upsetting his base rather than what zionists think. And republicans will never like him no matter what he does, so why serve any part of their agenda? I think you can agree that there’s way more people he’s at risk of losing in his base that matter to his reelection than Jewish people who’d be displeased with him putting his foot down with Israel.
I can’t believe Joseph Stalin turned out to be such good humanitarian lol
good enough to destroy the hitlerite filth and prevent the trotskyite fifth column from fomenting revolution all over the world

you should be grateful that this man saved the very limited democracy of the "west"

but then

you have been been the target of antislavic propaganda for decades

comrade stalin
victorious in the donbass
good enough to destroy the hitlerite filth and prevent the trotskyite fifth column from fomenting revolution all over the world
One degenerate fascist fighting another degenerate fascist does not miraculously transform one of the degenerates into a good man.