The Most Credible US Media Source

Fox is no more bias than pmsNBC, its just that I can admit that and you cant :)

MSNBC has a liberal lineup in the evening but they also have conservative commentators like Joe Scarborough for 3 hours in the morning on Morning Joe.

Faux is right wing 24/7 and if the attempted passing off of a GOP press release as news doesn't tell you what they're really all about, nothing will.
MSNBC has a liberal lineup in the evening but they also have conservative commentators like Joe Scarborough for 3 hours in the morning on Morning Joe.

Faux is right wing 24/7 and if the attempted passing off of a GOP press release as news doesn't tell you what they're really all about, nothing will.

Joe is no conservative he just isn't a flaming liberal
C'mon now..Joe Scarborough was a Republican Rep. from Florida for 6 years. He may have a libertarian streak, but he's no liberal.

if your not a loudmouth hack on Fox, your not conservative...because that wrecks there Bias Bull...I think is was NoObama who told me Pat Buchanan was not a Conservative as well

Maybe you cant be a conservative anymore if you are actually smart and not a extremist
if your not a loudmouth hack on Fox, your not conservative...because that wrecks there Bias Bull...I think is was NoObama who told me Pat Buchanan was not a Conservative as well

Maybe you cant be a conservative anymore if you are actually smart and not a extremist

Buchanan has some conservative leanings and some non-conservative views. For example, he supports animal rights, and the revoking of property rights when environment is in question.

He also has some wacky ideas against immigration.

Now I do agree with his anti-multiculturalism. The best way for people to get along, is for people to get to know each other. The best way to get to know other people is to have some common ground to stand on. I do think that common cultural ground is the best way to reach unity.

But back to Buchanan...
The biggest support to the idea that Buchanan is not a conservative, is his massive anti-free-trade policies and national isolationism.
Not to mention he supports the bail-out and the stimulus package, both of which are massive socialist schemes.

So, yeah Pat might be anti-gun control, and against social liberalism, but that's about as far into the right he goes. He got a spot on Crossfire. If that doesn't tell you he's left of center, nothing does. He attacked Bush throughout his presidency. So... to me that's pretty conclusive.
You should try to get Fox. I think you would like it. Still, given your political philosophy, you might just find even Fox a little too left leaning, just not quite as "socialistic" as CNN.

Here are some excerpts from Fox on line:

This from Oliver North (remember him, the traitor who is the darling of the self described conservatives?)

Here's another editorial from Fox:

Check it out. If you find Fox too leftist for your taste, I'm afraid I have nothing else to suggest.

Well, maybe Anne Coulter.

I don't listen to sources of information because I want to hear what I already agree with. It wouldn't matter if Fox was left or right. I make up my own mind. Beside that, it amuses me when people accuse me of getting information from a cable channel I don't get.

Besides that, I'm more interested in saving up my money, than buying cable TV. An extra $720 a year saved in cable premiums is more worthwhile, than a bunch of garbage spewed from the boob tube.
Faux News is by far the worst..nothing but a Republican propaganda arm

Check this out..

Fox passes off GOP press release as its own research -- typo and all

How embarrassing for those that watch and defend Faux've been had!

Not really. The left media does the same thing all the time. If we listed every time the mass media followed left-wing propaganda, it would shut down this forum.

Remember the "Republicans vote against Mothers day" thread?