The Greater Israel Map ; Zoom!

Correction - the zionists BOUGHT the land that became the proto-typical kibbutz. The absentee palestinian landlords (most of them residing luxuriously in damascus), were MORE THAN WILLING TO DIVEST THEMSELVES OF OWNERSHIP of a tired and unproductive land.

And when the combined armies of the arab league were threatening a blood bath (1948 arab-israeli war) in the palestinian mandate, the land that the palestinians left (at the insistence of their arab brethren) became the line of defense for these sporadic settlements.

So, how can anyone pretend theft in this instance, when the land was PAID for, first, by HARD CURRENCY, and subsequently, by BLOOD, eh?

And if you are even aware of the torrens system of title, then the standards of ABSOLUTE OWNERSHIP are FULLFILLED in this particular case.

As I said, kindly reserve your rhetoric for the *****'s who do not know any better - the same morons populating the ranks of hamas and hezbollah.

Zionists might have begun the conquest by purchasing a few Palestinian properties at reduced prices, but it was a microscopic, minuscule part of what they ended up with. Stop making excuses for terrorist murderers.

The Palestiniand didn't leave their property to the Zionist Jews, they simply left for safety's sake until the warring was over. Why would that make Zionist Jews think the land was abandoned?

Quite a few of those morons are in here apologizing for the sins of the Zionist Jews.
Zionists might have begun the conquest by purchasing a few Palestinian properties at reduced prices, but it was a microscopic, minuscule part of what they ended up with. Stop making excuses for terrorist murderers.

As I said, THE JEWS' ABSOLUTE CLAIMS OVER THEIR TERRITORY IS VALID - BY ANY AND ALL LEGAL STANDARDS OF OWNERSHIP. There simply is no jurisprudence in existence today that would fail to validate this claim of ownership.

The Palestiniand didn't leave their property to the Zionist Jews, they simply left for safety's sake until the warring was over. Why would that make Zionist Jews think the land was abandoned?

The palestinian arabs left their land and the jews DIDN'T - in a conflict meant to KILL THE JEWS, NOT THE PALESTINIAN ARABS.

I wonder, in what logical calculation can one pretend the claims of ownership by the palestinians to defeat the claims of ownership by the jews???? It is an absurdity of epic proportions no reasonable individual would even deign to contemplate!

And your assertion becomes more absurd from the fact that the war of aggression and extermination of the jews was conducted upon the instigation and cooperation of these same palestinian arabs and their leadership.

Quite a few of those morons are in here apologizing for the sins of the Zionist Jews.

No apology is required for an act of SELF-PRESERVATION, in a conflict NOT of their own making.

No apology is required for the inalienable right of a people to DECLARE NATIONHOOD.

No apology is required to undertake ANY AND ALL MEANS to ensure the integrity and continued existence of the jewish nation.

The only apology in this forum comes from your continued justification of the use of force towards the megalomaniac end of exterminating the jews. Not only are the arabs completely incompetent of achieving such a task, they have the temerity to enlist the aid of the international community in their petty adventurism.
in the theology of dar ul Islam it does not allow the possession of land by anyone other than muslims. Israel pays a jizya for it's land, which is a tax for living there. they are considered "visitors" by the Arabs, not permanent residents. thus, the borders and possession is illegal in the eyes of dar ul Islam.

since Israel has settled and the world recognizes them the Arabs now consider Israel part of dar ul Harb, land of war. in this place anything goes to make this land back to be part of dar ul Islam. which means that it can be taken by force.

Islam and the 57 OIC countries do not recognize international law or borders therefore Israel needs to cease to exist in their minds. and legally so.
and the rest of the world disagrees.

Wow, what a bed-wetting, bleeding-heart liberal!!
Congrats on being the first to ever call me that, also the first to be totally incorrect on your assumption.

The Zionist Jews stole the land of the Palestinians, Chucklehead.
Id have a close read-over of the posts by Numinus. I think he lays it out pretty well who stole what.
Israel and the Zionists are the ones in the news today, so let's focus on them.
One cannot in general talk about the Zionists the way you do without mentioning the Palestinians. Seems only fair to discuss both sides of an issue.
in the theology of dar ul Islam it does not allow the possession of land by anyone other than muslims. Israel pays a jizya for it's land, which is a tax for living there. they are considered "visitors" by the Arabs, not permanent residents. thus, the borders and possession is illegal in the eyes of dar ul Islam.

since Israel has settled and the world recognizes them the Arabs now consider Israel part of dar ul Harb, land of war. in this place anything goes to make this land back to be part of dar ul Islam. which means that it can be taken by force.

Islam and the 57 OIC countries do not recognize international law or borders therefore Israel needs to cease to exist in their minds. and legally so.
and the rest of the world disagrees.



Tell me, does that nonsense you are posting anywhere near what any reasonable contemplation of jurisprudence is???

And if, for argument's sake, that the rights of an individual and a people embodied in the udhr contradicts islamic law, then WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME DOES THE MUSLIM WORLD SEEK REDRESS FROM THE UN, eh???

Your post is indicative of the absurd double-speak being employed by these people to get what they cannot achieve with their own force or will.
Lasher, I am not going to give an infraction to numinus for that report post that was a so called personal attack. Calling someone ignorant with a sorry excuse for a brain... I don't plan to get pathetic and politically correct for you. Stop being so wet.

Tell me, does that nonsense you are posting anywhere near what any reasonable contemplation of jurisprudence is???

And if, for argument's sake, that the rights of an individual and a people embodied in the udhr contradicts islamic law, then WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME DOES THE MUSLIM WORLD SEEK REDRESS FROM THE UN, eh???

Your post is indicative of the absurd double-speak being employed by these people to get what they cannot achieve with their own force or will.

jurisprudence is a Western concept.
And this is relevant because.....?

Or are you in the habit of judging 'concepts' on their origins, and not on their intellectual merits, hmmm?

in understanding the mindset of the enemy it's relevant to know that they don't think like us or have rules of war based on Roman ethics.
if we look at the situation in Western terms we don't see the whole picture.
in understanding the mindset of the enemy it's relevant to know that they don't think like us or have rules of war based on Roman ethics.
if we look at the situation in Western terms we don't see the whole picture.

Does that include submitting to the whims of your enemy?

And do you propose to bring about peace at the expense of the existence of AN ENTIRE PEOPLE? The peace of a grave yard is made in such ways.
Does that include submitting to the whims of your enemy?

And do you propose to bring about peace at the expense of the existence of AN ENTIRE PEOPLE? The peace of a grave yard is made in such ways.

wow. that's really black and white, eh?
all or nothing. ignore them or kill them all?
an entire people? that's a show of lack of understanding the mindset.

who said to submit to the whims of the ememy? understanding mindset is one of the foremost plans in battle. we can't fight what we don't understand. so before you jump to conclusions it would probably benefit everyone if we (the American public) learned a little more about Islam and their intent.
wow. that's really black and white, eh?
all or nothing. ignore them or kill them all?
an entire people? that's a show of lack of understanding the mindset.

who said to submit to the whims of the ememy? understanding mindset is one of the foremost plans in battle. we can't fight what we don't understand. so before you jump to conclusions it would probably benefit everyone if we (the American public) learned a little more about Islam and their intent.


There is NOTHING in the palestinian's identity, nor ANYONE else's identity for that matter, that would justify its continued existence at the expense of another.

Consequently, any plan for the establishment of a palestinian nation would be realized ONLY WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF CO-EXISTENCE. In short, no more death-to-the-jews nonsense.

You are correct that an understanding of a particular mindset is in order. That burden rests on the palestinians themselves, and the mindset in dire need of re-evaluation is their own.

There is NOTHING in the palestinian's identity, nor ANYONE else's identity for that matter, that would justify its continued existence at the expense of another.

Consequently, any plan for the establishment of a palestinian nation would be realized ONLY WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF CO-EXISTENCE. In short, no more death-to-the-jews nonsense.

You are correct that an understanding of a particular mindset is in order. That burden rests on the palestinians themselves, and the mindset in dire need of re-evaluation is their own.

that bold underline thing is really interesting.
that little spec of pink is the scab.