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The Islamofascists, in perpetual quest of greater wealth and power, rant to incite the impoverished Islamic peoples to violence against the notorious injustices of the powerful Judeofascist land robbers. The Judeofascists, in perpetual quest for greater wealth and power, wail and lobby to incite the American People into providing military protection against this persecution by outraged Islamofascists. To add credibility to these incessant rantings and wailings, intermittent bloody battles are fought. The result is that these clever Islamofascists and Judeofascists do gain great wealth and power, at the expense of the Arab, Persian, and American peoples.
The great sacrifice of the wealth and blood of the American People on behalf of Israel is all that perpetuates this destructive symbiotic relationship between the Islamofascists and the Judeofascists. But when, in the normal course of the American Cultural War, the Neo-Cons/Neo-Libs are finally expelled by the Reagan Conservatives and Kennedy Liberals from their positions of power, the economic and military support for the Judeofascists will finally end; and that will end the support for the Islamofascists. The end of the era of Neo-Con/Neo-Lib military intervention in the affairs of the Arab and Persian peoples shall be the start of an era of constructive relations with the American People.
The Judeofascists, who live in a glass house surrounded by Islamofascists, could continue to fight for survival militarily, until nuclear armed and governmentally chaotic Israel finally becomes the promised site of Holocaust II; or, they could resort to legal land reparations and honest diplomacy, to finally win for themselves by just and peaceful means, what they cannot win by unjust and violent means.
Shall the United Nations of the World be cheering, and the Diaspora wailing; or, shall the United Nations of the World and the Diaspora be cheering?
So the conflict is fueled by 2 identical right wing forces??
Evil agains Evil??
Is it any wonder that the Jews hate Jesus so much. Jesus rejected the violent suprstitious GOD of the Old Tetstament and decided to preach the enlightened philosophies and principles of the ancient hellenic philisophers and other thinkers.
Just the other week JEWISH ORTHODOX YOUTHS burnt 100's of copies of the New Tetstament and the Gospels in Israel.
Didnt get much of a media run in the USA - I wonder why?