The Forgotten Founders

Perhaps this will help explain the Southern Democrats.

Any resemblance to the modern Democratic Party is purely, well, imaginary.

This article does not cite any references or sources.

The reliable source you just quoted is purely, well, imaginary.
Why would you ask TruthSeeker to argue the opposition side when TruthSeeker is engaged in a debate with another forum member? Do you do that?

It must be nice to live in a world where not only do you and yours argue your positions, but you expect people who disagree to forego their own beliefs and also argue your position.

I have no idea what language "Demosthenes" is speaking. Nothing he/she posted makes any sense. He/she must be related to PFOS. They both quote verbatim out of the Obamanista Playbook, and then expect "normal" people to respond to their nonsense. It really cracks me up. In these difficult economic times, cheap entertainment is always welcome!

PLC, you had your generalized statements about southern Democrats completely blown out of the water and sunk to the bottom, by GenSeneca and by me. It's a shame that FACTS, history, and precedent always get in the way of political agendas, isn't it?
Ok, two things here...
1. You're the guy who is always complaining about the whole "Left vs Right" being totally wrong and yet here you are, claiming the Dixiecrats were "Right Wing" members of the Democrat party.

2. Perhaps you should define your use of the term "Right Wing" and "Left Wing" because you're just not making any sense.

In case you forgot, or never learned, it was the Republicans, you know, those evil "Right Wingers", who led the fight against racism for more than 100 years, ending slavery, ending segregation, establishing equal rights for blacks, with their only opposition coming from the Democrat party.

And here you are trying to claim that the Southern Democrats, the group most fervently opposed to the "Right Wing" Republican agenda, were somehow "right wing"?

In the post you quoted, I called the Republicans Liberals... So I don't know WTF you're babbling about here.

I see... So if you support Conservative views such as Low Taxes, Small Government, and Free Markets, then you're a racist.

Does that mean the "C" in PLC1 stands for "Racist"?

Or was it really not your intent to equate Conservative views with Racist views?

Robert Byrd, former Klansman and Southern Democrat who filibustered the '64 Civil Rights Act, happily "voted the same way the current Democrats vote" all the way up to his death. So do you have some actual evidence to support your theory, or is that asking too much?

if your not smart enough to know that the republican party of the civil war and the republican party of today...are in fact not the same...then why bother with this debate?

its funny and sad how republicans pick and choose what they will count as a real republican, how they don't understand that that partys change and shift, and how they can think that it was Liberals who stood in the way or equal rights for blacks....
even Robert Byrd is not the same Robert Byrd from 64...but think the parties are the same...sad
But your inference is that the Southern Democrats switched parties because the Republicans were a bunch of Racists just doesn't add up. You're claiming that racist Democrats switched to the party that spent the last 100 years fighting against those same Democrats to end slavery, end segregation, and establish equal rights for blacks... because they saw the Republican party as a natural home for racists? :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

You failed to mention that the Democrats and the Republicans traded platforms when Teddy fought Taft for heart and soul of the GOP, Teddy took the soul, the Dem's took the heart and the GOP lost to Wilson. You want me to say all Dems voted for the Act? No they did not, but enough northern did to do the right thing. If you are comparing the GOP today to the one with Teddy you might want to freshen up that crack pipe your smokin'. The GOP has continiously used race to win elections since the South went GOP, even former organizers from the GOP admitted it. You must be very proud of their recent campaign to do the same. Deny it all you want, it adds up plenty.
if your not smart enough to know that the republican party of the civil war and the republican party of today...are in fact not the same...then why bother with this debate?
I brought historical facts to the table and used them to quash your silly talking points, so now you resort to ad hominem attacks against my intelligence... How very Progressive of you. :)

its funny and sad how republicans pick and choose what they will count as a real republican, how they don't understand that that partys change and shift,
This from the guy who claims the Racist Southern Democrats weren't Democrats at all. Pick and choose much?

And I know the party's shift... The Democrats used to oppose Socialism/Communism, now they think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. And those rascally Republicans, they used to actually believe in upholding the Constitution, small government, lower taxes, and free markets, but they have Progressively moved away from those "antiquated" ideas about the role of government.

how they can think that it was Liberals who stood in the way or equal rights for blacks....
Where are you and PLC getting this stuff? I said the Republicans were the ones being Liberal and Democrats were the ones blocking all attempts at equal rights. Are you now the one who's confused and believe that Liberal = Democrat?

even Robert Byrd is not the same Robert Byrd from 64...but think the parties are the same...sad
Yet you seem to believe that all those Racist Democrats would have been the same Racist people and felt perfectly comfortable voting with Republicans... A party which you believe, at some undefined time for some undefined reason, became Racists.
Dem's took the heart and the GOP lost to Wilson.
Taft ran as a Republican. TR was a Progressive who split the Republican vote by running as a third "bullmoose" party. Which handed the presidency over to Wilson, another Progressive...

Wilson was a hardcore racist... You do know that, right?


Wilson RE-segregated as much of the Federal Government as he could, supported Jim Crow laws, and supported the KKK. The very first ever movie shown in the White House was the racist silent film, Birth of a Nation, depicting the KKK as a noble institution and it's members as heroic figures. The film begins with a quote from none other than Wilson himself. Wilson also arranged for his cabinet, the Congress, and the Supreme Court to view the film as well.

"If the colored people made a mistake in voting for me, they ought to correct it." - Wilson
"There is also in human nature a resentment of injury, and indignation against wrong. A love of truth and a veneration of virtue." --John Adams

I know that quote is a bit off topic, but it is such a perfect statement in every way I could not help but post it. It is absolutely perfect.

If only we could return to the greatest of our Founders.

It is also proof that the American people will never willingly accept the lies that are evident in all left wing ideologies.
GenSen, you succeeded in slam-dunking the leftist shills in this forum.

Historical facts almost always betray the hypocritical clap-trap that the leftists rely on for their talking points.
Taft ran as a Republican. TR was a Progressive who split the Republican vote by running as a third "bullmoose" party. Which handed the presidency over to Wilson, another Progressive...

Wilson was a hardcore racist... You do know that, right?


Wilson RE-segregated as much of the Federal Government as he could, supported Jim Crow laws, and supported the KKK. The very first ever movie shown in the White House was the racist silent film, Birth of a Nation, depicting the KKK as a noble institution and it's members as heroic figures. The film begins with a quote from none other than Wilson himself. Wilson also arranged for his cabinet, the Congress, and the Supreme Court to view the film as well.

"If the colored people made a mistake in voting for me, they ought to correct it." - Wilson
Nobody said that the GOP has a monopoly on racism. LBJ was no big civil rights fan until the job hit him in the face. Eisenhower, FDR, Truman, all can be quoted as racists at one time or another. What I am saying is that the GOP turned their populist platform over to the Dems after the Teddy/Taft rift. The GOP did not do any civil rights legislation of note until 1964-65. Then, in a classic move of monumental cynicism, they traded their soul for the southern vote, the once Dem solid south went GOP because of desegregation, bussing and other supreme court decisions. My own mother turned GOP because of bussing, at the age of 76 she admitted to me she was wrong and voted for Clinton twice before she died. This gives me hope, even you might grow.