"The first one is expensive, but the rest are free"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
With the Democrat imposition of Socialized Medicine yesterday, we have now entered a frightening time - possibly the most dangerous in our country's history since the Civil War.

Our country's political system is based on Checks and Balances. Politicians will refrain from voting for theings their constituents don't want, because they know heir constituants will vote them out of office if they do it. This is what kept them from imposing this kind of Socialized Medicine in 1993 - enough Democrats heard rising protests from their voters, to turn away from voting for Hillarycare, and the measure failed.

It happened again later, as Democrats and liberal Republicans like McCain tried to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who had already shown disdain for our laws by crashing the border and staying. A rising howl from more than 80% of the people, caused many of those liberals to change their votes from YES to NO, and that measure also failed.

And in both cases, the politicians who had treied to push these unwanted measures, were left with the stark knowledge that if they tried it again, they could kiss their Congressional seats goodbye.

But today, we are left with politicians - all Democrats this time - who flatly ignored the rising howls of "NO!" from the people. And they have actually done it - they have imposed an extremely unpopular system on those people, flatly against the will of those people.

It's reasonable to assume that those extreme-left politicians are now toast. When November rolls around, many of them will be voted out of offfice, and there's a chance that Republicans may get majorities in one or both Houses, if they get their act together.

But... that's not for another 3/4 of a year.

These extreme-left Democrats are political "Dead Men Walking", whose offices are going to be removed next November.

And they know it.

And therein lies the frightening danger.

These people are still in office NOW, and will be for the next 8 months, until the people can vote them out. And they still have their full legislative power, augmented with majority status in both Houses, and a compliant extreme-left President who is himself in the same position. And as we have seen, they are so fanatical in their leftist ideology, that they are willing to sacrifice their offices for the sake of imposing their socialistic systems on the rest of us.

What can we look forward to from these lame ducks, who now have nothing left to lose politically? NOW what can possibly keep them from taking over more and more of the country? From forbidding people to drop their Health Insurance even to take the less-expensive fines they've already imposed? From natioalizing the banking system as they have nationalized much of the auto industry? From granting amnesty, and even citizenship rights (i.e. voting for Democrats) to illegal aliens whose only common characeristic is a disdain fro U.S. laws they've already broken? From censoring conservative protests under a false flag of "Fairness"? From stripping away from every American, the right to keep and bear arms?

This is not idle speculation. These Dead Men Walking, have already tried every one of these moves in various degrees, and not very long ago. Every time, a howl of protest from the people they are trying to rule, has turned them back.

But now that they will lose their offices in November anyway, what effect will these howls of protest have, when these other issues come up? What can the people do to stop them them now? Vote them out TWICE in November?

For the first time in more than a century, the American political system is now under a grave threat from duly-elected leftists with majority status in every branch of government... and with nothing left to lose. Checks and balances on these leftists are gone. It's a situation that hasn't occurred since the Civil War.

Murderers, and especially serial criminals contemplating capital crimes, have an old saying: "The first one's expensive, but the rest are free." Once you commit your first capital murder, you will pay a very high price: Your life is sacrifice. If they catch you, they will kill you, give you the Death Penalty.

Well, then. Once you've commited your first capital murder, why not knock off a bunch more? What more can they do to you? Give you the Death Penalty twice? Three times? A dozen?

I have no ready answer to the question, "What can we do to restrain the liberal socialists now?"

Suggestions are welcome... to say the least.
"With the Democrat imposition of Socialized Medicine yesterday, we have now entered a frightening time - possibly the most dangerous in our country's history since the Civil War."

Your opening statement leaves only two possibilites:

1. You're a liar.
2. You're ignorant.

There was no vote cast on "socialized medicine". There was no bill with "socialized medicine". There was a health insurance reform bill that was adopted, but your claim is totally false.
It's reasonable to assume that those extreme-left politicians are now toast. When November rolls around, many of them will be voted out of offfice, and there's a chance that Republicans may get majorities in one or both Houses, if they get their act together.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....by acting like o' bunch o' whiney, little, Jr. High chickies.​

"Well, that certainly didn't take long. One day after losing the health care reform battle to the Democrats, Republicans are well along their seven stages of grief. First came the anger. Now comes the hissy fit.

John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Monday told the Democrats to take a flying leap for the remainder of this year - and maybe beyond? - as payback for the Democrats' use of budget reconciliation. "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," McCain said during the course of an interview with an Arizona radio station earlier today. "[Democrats] have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it."
"With the Democrat imposition of Socialized Medicine yesterday, we have now entered a frightening time - possibly the most dangerous in our country's history since the Civil War."

Your opening statement leaves only two possibilites:

1. You're a liar.
2. You're ignorant.

There was no vote cast on "socialized medicine". There was no bill with "socialized medicine". There was a health insurance reform bill that was adopted, but your claim is totally false.

I suppose you are now going to deny the oft repeated leftist mantra "it's not perfect, but it's a start" or "it's a nose in the tent"? You know exactly what these reforms represent...the path to single payer...and are simply too intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt to admit it.
I suppose you are now going to deny the oft repeated leftist mantra "it's not perfect, but it's a start" or "it's a nose in the tent"? You know exactly what these reforms represent...the path to single payer...
Yeah....whatta travesty.


"The Veterans Administration is a single-payer system and provides excellent quality, said Reinhardt. In a peer-reviewed paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers of the RAND Corp. reported that the quality of care received by Veterans Administration patients scored significantly higher overall than did comparable metrics for patients currently using U.S. Medicare."
Still no coherent answers to the question.

Now that the leftist extremists have cut their political throats with this Socialized Medicine bill, they have nothing left to lose by grabbing even more Federal power between now and their retirement in November. And don't think they won't try - they clearly like to grab unconstitutional power, as they have starkly demonstrated.

What can we do to restrain them?
It's beginning to look like the entire board agrees: There is NOTHING we can do to stop these lame-duck liberal extremists from piling on as much regulation and restriction as they can, between now and November. They're out in November anyway, due to their actions Sunday (and before). We can't vote them out twice.

With that in mind, anyone have any suggestions other than the typical leftist "Just lie back and enjoy it, lady."?
It's beginning to look like the entire board agrees: There is NOTHING we can do to stop these lame-duck liberal extremists from piling on as much regulation and restriction as they can, between now and November. They're out in November anyway, due to their actions Sunday (and before). We can't vote them out twice.

With that in mind, anyone have any suggestions other than the typical leftist "Just lie back and enjoy it, lady."?

So, just what is it you think those "socialist" lame ducks are going to do next?
Little Acorn,
U shouldn't be afraid of change.
I am asking u to take a step back and look at the facts.
The World Health Organization ranked the US 37! That's 36 places below France and two above Cuba. http://www.photius.com/rankings/healthranks.html

Now Acorn, I beg u to listen to me now as I ask you to stop reading for a moment after this sentence and clear out those prejudiced thoughts u might have right now. U know, France being a bunch of wankers anyway, stuff like that.


U got it? OK, The US is ranked 37th!!! Not good!!!
The US always strives to be the number 1 right?
Well, Acorn if want the US to be the number 1 in healthcare worldwide,
u have to make some concessions.

It's actually quite simple. Healthcare is just so :eek: expensive!
John Doe can't survive cancer without the governments help.

U know, France or Cuba, Germany, Norway, Spain, Japan, Italy, whoever, aren't socialists for this, they are taking care for the wealth of the people!

U are thinking because of this bill the US is on the brink of a socialistic meltdown? Get a hold on yourself. About every developed country in the world has passed some sort of law like this because healthcare is unaffordable. And we're still doing fine over here.
Don't be so afraid. U ain't suddenly living next door to Stalin in 15 years.

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