The Far Right's 50-Year Plot To Control American Elections

"Journalist David Daley chronicled what he calls the far-rights long-running plan to control U.S. elections, including dismantling the Voting Rights Act."
American Christians and patriots are trying to save America from atheists, hedonists, and communists seeking to fundamentally transform the nation into a godless mob of enslaved subjects to one world government fascist totalitarianism.

45 Communist goals for America - TheBlaze


It was Jan. 10, 1963, that Congressman Albert S. Herlong. Jr. from Florida read the list of 45 Communist goals for America into the Congressional Record. The purpose of him reading this was to gain insight into liberal elite ideas and strategies for America that sound awfully familiar today.

The list is attributed to Cleon Skousen, researcher and author of "The Naked Communist."
Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) was a Canadian-born Mormon and John Birch Society hack who spent his life denouncing FDR, Truman and even Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren.
Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) was a Canadian-born Mormon and John Birch Society hack who spent his life denouncing FDR, Truman and even Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren.
So? Are you suggesting you can prove him wrong about communist goals for the fundamental corruption of America?
So? Are you suggesting you can prove him wrong about communist goals for the fundamental corruption of America?
He and the John Birchers were Fascist morons who supported Jim Crow, segregation and repression of all labor unions. They advocated abolition of Social Security and even Rural Electrification Co-ops.
American Christians and patriots are trying to save America from atheists, hedonists, and communists seeking to fundamentally transform the nation into a godless mob of enslaved subjects to one world government fascist totalitarianism.

45 Communist goals for America - TheBlaze


It was Jan. 10, 1963, that Congressman Albert S. Herlong. Jr. from Florida read the list of 45 Communist goals for America into the Congressional Record. The purpose of him reading this was to gain insight into liberal elite ideas and strategies for America that sound awfully familiar today.

The list is attributed to Cleon Skousen, researcher and author of "The Naked Communist."
I suggest you read project 2025. That will show who wants to transform the country into fascism.

None of you Christian right fascists want to mention it. It's like it doesn't exist. Trump denies knowing anything about it but some nut leaked he had input to it.

It so ironic how republicans preach about freedom and patriotism and constitution etc but are lining up to elect a fascist fat pig who has vowed to destroy all of them, for no other reason than to stop democrats.

You know that mark but will not admit it. Your vitriol has cranked up noticeably in the last month. You know nothing is pointing to a trump victory. The debate sealed his fate with his continuous diatribe of lies and outrageous claims.
He and the John Birchers were Fascist morons who supported Jim Crow, segregation and repression of all labor unions. They advocated abolition of Social Security and even Rural Electrification Co-ops.
Putting partisan rants aside, have communists in America stated their goals for transforming America into a communist nation? Are there no longer any socialists in America actively advocating transforming America into a socialist nation?

