Ice Cube: Black Americans Haven’t Gained Much After Voting Democrat for Decades

Show me a quote where I ever said there was not racism in this country or that there were not racist white people? That was never said by me and it was never a point.

I'm done arguing with a complete pile of shit liar.
I started a thread a while back about race relations in our country where I went into significant detail why blacks are struggling economically compared to other groups. Nobody challenged what I said.

Poor family structure and low IQ are the 2 main reasons blacks do not do as well. Teaching them to hate and blame in no way helps to improve the situation.

Democrats do not challenge black men to take responsibility for their children and they want blacks to be angry and bitter.
Judge Joe Brown With An Interesting Story About Donald Trump (12:42)

5:09 Trump financed 2 Jesse Jackson POTUS runs

5:22 Playing dozens. People too sensitive today. Feminization of America

7:15 Voters should adopt a policy of 'No benefit = No vote's

7:23 Bush & Obama story

10:24 Obama nets $500 Million/yrs. Trump doesnt make that much yearly, net.

10:34 Lolo Soetoro died one of the 10 - 15 richest men on earth. Obama has 1/3 share of that Indonesian trust fund.
They did not defend the murderer which is what Boris claimed.
The murderer doesn't need defence when the whole thing was recorded. He killed an unarmed black man and thousands upon thousands implied because he was a junkie his death was insignificant.
The murderer doesn't need defence when the whole thing was recorded. He killed an unarmed black man and thousands upon thousands implied because he was a junkie his death was insignificant.
Frankly boris society was better off without him .he was a hustler a junkie he's committed home invasions and help a pregnant woman at knife point while his buddies robbed her. You being a church burner and wanting people who own guns punished should be happy
Frankly boris society was better off without him .he was a hustler a junkie he's committed home invasions and help a pregnant woman at knife point while his buddies robbed her. You being a church burner and wanting people who own guns punished should be happy
Frankly you pile ridden old crumbler, you're a very poor excuse for a human being.
The vivid descriptions you've given are supported by nothing and as if you intimately knew him.

That is exactly the racism I've been talking about and yet you couldn't resist the urge to intervene and voluntarily vindicated me.
You dumb idiots just never learn.
Frankly boris society was better off without him .he was a hustler a junkie he's committed home invasions and help a pregnant woman at knife point while his buddies robbed her. You being a church burner and wanting people who own guns punished should be happy
I noticed you never commented on my posts the other day.
But close to the bone comrade? Hasn't stopped you belching rubbish before. Have another look and defend yourself.
FYI anybody who understands the history of the world knows that minority populations have oppressed majority populations for thousands of years. That's what colonization is? That's how little Britain once controlled 1/3 of the world. Hello?

The notion that super smart and capable people can be forced into poverty simply because they are less in numbers is bullshit. Look how Asians and Jews are so much more affluent than whites in general here.

When Boris and other libtards talk about whites denying blacks an education and even causing them to do poorly on IQ tests it is a load of bullshit.
FYI anybody who understands the history of the world knows that minority populations have oppressed majority populations for thousands of years. That's what colonization is? That's how little Britain once controlled 1/3 of the world. Hello?

The notion that super smart and capable people can be forced into poverty simply because they are less in numbers is bullshit. Look how Asians and Jews are so much more affluent than whites in general here.

When Boris and other libtards talk about whites denying blacks an education and even causing them to do poorly on IQ tests it is a load of bullshit.
Yeah sure it is and the holier than thou USA would never do that.

The blacks needs the whites to free them. The whites need the blacks to free them from their guilt.
FYI anybody who understands the history of the world knows that minority populations have oppressed majority populations for thousands of years. That's what colonization is? That's how little Britain once controlled 1/3 of the world. Hello?

The notion that super smart and capable people can be forced into poverty simply because they are less in numbers is bullshit. Look how Asians and Jews are so much more affluent than whites in general here.

When Boris and other libtards talk about whites denying blacks an education and even causing them to do poorly on IQ tests it is a load of bullshit.

Thought you might like to view some history of racism. Not t they are all black???
Ring any bells you racist?