The dark underbelly of corrupt politics of Willie Brown and his lady friend, Kamala Harris

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Political corruption is common in US history, especially among the immoral and unprincipled. This report is about Kamala and Brown:

Peter Schweizer


Kamala Harris as a long history as a corrupt prosecutor. I don't use that word lightly. Mayor Willie Brown helped get her elected as San Francisco District Atty. because the current DA, Terence Hallinan was pursuing legal cases against his friends and donors. When Harris beat Hallinan, she dropped those cases or plead them out for reduced sentences.Also, San Francisco during her tenure was the only major city that did not prosecute priests for sexual abuse. Hallinan had been pursuing these cases as well and had obtained an 800 page internal document concerning reports of abuse. Victim groups wanted the report redacted and released to the public, which he planned to do. Harris, when she took over, "disappeared" that document and didn't pursue legal prosecution of abusers. Note: law firms who were representing the church in SF were among her largest donors when she ran for office. All of this is laid out in great detail in my book "Profiles in Corruption" (2020).