Tennessee Governor signs into law bill allowing armed teachers

Here is what else the Biden admin is doing...they want to legalize to vote all these rapist and pedo illegals. So when these criminals rape and murder our children... dem supporting law enforcement lets them go...to again prey on our children and then to vote a dozen times in the 2024 election. The left will do anything ANY. THING. to hold onto their illegitimate power.
You can claim something is true but right wing morons seem to fail pretty consistently in prov8ng it is true
Nobody has failed more miserably than a supporter of leftist Democrat crime and corruption attempting to disprove evidence of 2020 Democrat voting fraud.
oh don't worry...the liberal teachers probably aren't volunteering for guns...or hopefully the school system in Tennessee is weeding them out of carrying weapons in schools seeing as that school shooters are generally dem supporters and/or insane.
Show the evidence they are democrats or shut up. Stick with you Bible nutter.
i don't know either way. but i'm not proposing a change without proof like you are
We already know gun laws do not disarm lawless thugs and now we will find out that arming teachers will not increase mass murdering gun deaths of schoolkids at the hands of ungodly madmen.
We already know gun laws do not disarm lawless thugs and now we will find out that arming teachers will not increase mass murdering gun deaths of schoolkids at the hands of ungodly madmen.
So you are mak8ng a prediction based on your bigotry
Because you have no evidence, only right wing hand waving