South Carolina Governor Signs New Gun Law

Slant Eyed Polack

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2024
Link: South Carolina Governor Signs New Gun Law in Ceremonial Bill Signing

...Governor Henry McMaster hosted a ceremony spotlighting a new law that allows any adult who can legally own a gun to carry it openly without a permit...

...Concealed weapons permits are still available, and the bill makes the training free across the state. Budget writers will have to set aside $4 to $5 million to provide the classes in each of South Carolina’s 46 counties...

Kudos to SC for funding the training. The report itself is kind of laughable, in a "look at the village idiot" kind of way. A 'guns are bad' screed masquerading as an article. The 2nd paragraph:

...The bill arrived at McMaster’s desk 12 days ago. According to reports, he wasted no time signing it as soon as it arrived. The permit allowing open carry was also signed before the ink dried, never mind how much damage this could amount to...

The "article" can't be bothered to delineate what that "damage" might be. The great unwashed just need to know the law is bad and scary and damaging or something. Because reasons. MSN must be hard up for editors and material.
Next will be McDonald's upgrading a big Mac with a gun for an extra dollar.

The gun culture is out of control.