The reason I didn't bother to address it was because most of it was hogwash Andy.
Ah, I wonder if by simply ignoring everything you post on the basis of "it's hogwash ushaditcoming." would work for all my posts.
Actually I said no such thing but I did say that private insurance can't compete with ICBC. you have failed completely to supply and information at all to say that is not true. Instead you go searching for a site which has a bunch of disgruntled idiots making stupid claims. You don't want to stick to the facts and solid evidence so I find you a waste of time now.
Ah, the ol' 'my fellow Canadians are idiots' labeling, to ignore evidence. You know, I think I have you completely figured out. Your entire basis for every argument is labeling.
You label our government "capitalist right-wing", then point to bad things they do (even those that defy the very label you gave them), then claim the label is bad because they did those actions. Capitalism is bad because they bailed out a company, which is a
socialist action.
You then labeled me "bitter and negative" and use that as an excuse to avoid responding to the points I made.
You then label the people of your own country "idiots making stupid claims" as a way to avoid responding to the seemingly millions of complaints and hatred by them of the socialist ICBC system.
Well that might work for the news media, but it won't work here. No one is going to buy those cop-outs. Factually bankrupt, and logically insane, doesn't make for a good argument.
B.S. All you can do is go on a search for disgruntled people who have had an accident and didn't succeed in scamming the system in most cases.
It was not long ago that Laurie went to renew her expired B.C. Driver's License. She was two months early.
When Laurie arrived to renew her driver's licence, she was told that her license would not be renewed because there had been a legislative renewal policy change from five years to three. She was told to pay $125 and to go back to the 'beginner's line' for driver testing and related examinations. She would need a Learner's permit to legally drive which there would be an additional charge for. Surprised, Laurie asked if letters had been sent out - the reply was "yes". When she requested a copy of hers, ICBC was not able to produce any letter. ICBC then told Laurie that "It was all over the media" although no media source or announcement date could be identified by ICBC.
Laurie tried to explain that she has a 19½ year safe driving record here in Vancouver, BC. She had been sent a letter from ICBC some years prior, congratulating her on her 'excellent' driving record. In the letter, ICBC also offered to pay for an accident should she ever have one. Laurie's first driver's license had been issued at the Motor Vehicle Branch in the Vancouver area. She has lived and continues to live in Vancouver since childhood. ICBC stuck to their position: If Laurie wanted her license renewed, she would have to pay, be re-tested and write the related examinations - just as someone who had never held a BC Driver's license.
According to Steve Heather, Manager of the Fair Practices Review Department, ICBC,
"ICBC did not issue any public notices concerning this policy change"
"There was no letter sent to you advising you of the change of policy"
Laurie had broken no law. She had had no car accidents. No drunk driving. No driving suspensions. Ever.
Note, no accidents, drunk driving, or suspensions. Laurie simply went to renew her license, and without anyone knowing, ICBC changed the rule in order to collect hundreds from unknowing drivers. Laurie had to spend at least $125, plus the cost of a learners permit, plus go through drivers training all over again, even though she had been driving in Vancouver for 19 years prior.
Oh wait, this doesn't matter because Laurie is a Canadian and thus an "idiot making stupid claims", right?
My personal favorite is when ICBC was requested statistics by the government, on how many people were affected by a completely unannounced policy change, they claimed: "$16.50 per minute for mainframe computing time and $7.50 per quarter hour for programmer's time" which is over $1,000 an hour, and it was a full year before they released the info. But hey!! At least it's not a bail out! Canadian tax money at work.
I don't know what you're on about but maybe that's the going rate? If you want to continue it's something you can try to hammer on again.
Quick review: ICBC changed their policies that cost thousands of drivers, like Laurie above, lots of money. The government request information on how many drivers were affected. The above was the 'cost' of finding out.
The going rate? Are you kidding!!

First off, it's supposed to be a public company... ...should not they be willing to give statics about their own policies for FREE, given it's supposedly a "publicly owned" corp? Further, $1000 per HOUR?! Are you NUTZ? For 6 full months charging the tax payers $1,000 per hour... to find out how many people were affected by an unannounced policy change, that cost ICBC drivers tons of money? Talk about milking the system!!
Can you imagine if a U.S. private company secretly changed their policy to cost their customers hundreds of dollars, and then when the government oversight shows up, and asks how many costumers were affected, charges the government (aka, tax payers) $1,000/hr for 6 months to get that information??
First there would be screams to break up the monopoly, and CEOs going to prison, and congressional hearings on it for YEARS, not to mention the government would demand the information for free, and might even charge for the government time reviewing it...
But, best of all, since there is no socialist monopolies in the U.S., that company would close down, simply from all their customers leaving and going elsewhere for service.
But for the government funded monopoly of ICBC? They have no choice because it's a law enforced monopoly... so instead all they can do is complain and post their stories, so people on net calling them "idiots making stupid claims", and then singing the praises of their home grown socialist tyranny.
No we can't agree to disagree! First of all apologize for your silly and unsubstantiated comment of some areas in B.C. not having access to private insurance. And clean up your bad attitude a little and I'll continue with you.
It's funny, but I'm having a blast with this. I'm amused every post. So, I'm not sure what bad attitude you refer to. But beyond that, no, I have nothing whatsoever to apologize for... yet. Thus far, I have merely been telling you what I have read. If they lied, how am I responsible for it?
In fact, how would I know other than you claiming something different? I have one person from Canada, and a large mass of people, telling me opposing views. You, and all the hundreds of posts from other Canadians. Am I to assume that you are infallible? Or to assume, as you seem to claim, that all other Canadians are liars? Nope. No sorry. You will not be getting any apologies whatsoever until I can verify the claims myself and be sure that what I posted is incorrect. And you... don't count

Your credibility drops every time you use labels as a method of supporting your views.
You've picked yourself a losing argument and you're not going to make it look like I'm running from it. YOu will be the one to run away buster.
Oh my! I can feel myself shaking already. Although... I think I might be laughing...