Socialism means that welfare for the rich people will end. Remember, the rich people don't pay any taxes, however the rich people receive endless billions of dollars in bailouts. Remember, many rich people do not work. Under socialism if you do not work you starve – unless you are too young, studying, disabled, or a senior citizen.
Most right-wingers know absolutely nothing about socialism. They think that Obama – who gave hundreds of billions of dollars away to the rich in bailouts – is a socialist. LOL!
Right-wingers seem to believe that the rich are entitled to eat caviar and drink champagne even though they do not work. Right wingers seem to believe that the rich are entitled to endless bailouts funded by working-class taxpayers . Right-wingers seem to believe that working people are so despicable that they deserve nothing in return for the taxes that they pay.
Under socialism taxes will be used for the benefit of the working people, because it is the working people who pay the taxes and to create the wealth in society. Aparently, this is very disturbing to right-wingers.
Right-wingers incorrectly believe that there is socialism in Western Europe. LOL! They are incorrect. All of Europe is capitalist.