Seems some Palestinians learned a lesson on oct 7

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
I have to give them credit and knowing that Iran interests are not theirs.
fatah are a bunch of fifth columnists who do the zionist dirty work for themselves

recent events have shunted them into the ineffectual irrelevance they so richly deserve

i do not think that the zionist settler project needs hamas to do anything to cause chaos in the west bank

they do a very good job of doing that themselves..

comrade stalin
fatah are a bunch of fifth columnists who do the zionist dirty work for themselves

recent events have shunted them into the ineffectual irrelevance they so richly deserve

i do not think that the zionist settler project needs hamas to do anything to cause chaos in the west bank

they do a very good job of doing that themselves..

comrade stalin
When Mark Twain visited Jerusalem 150 years ago he spoke of a barren country void of advanced civilized communities. After Jews began returning to the land of Israel, they turned the desert into fruitful fields and created wealth which attracted the hordes of thieves and robbers seeking to seize the property and wealth of the Jews for themselves.
When Mark Twain visited Jerusalem 150 years ago he spoke of a barren country void of advanced civilized communities. After Jews began returning to the land of Israel, they turned the desert into fruitful fields and created wealth which attracted the hordes of thieves and robbers seeking to seize the property and wealth of the Jews for themselves.
Jews did do a lot to the land and changed it
Jews did do a lot to the land and changed it

indeed they did..turned it into killing fields..

why don't you do yourself a big favour...go to google maps..look at palestine and see how much is desert

then do some scholarshop palestinian agriculture over the last 1000 years

then see if you can come back and repeat the long discarded lie " a land without people for a people without land"

comrade stalin
west bank
the great agricultural miracle of "making the desert bloom" was nothing more than taking credit
for many hundreds of years of palestinian agriculture which was famous all over the levant before the
settlers arrived and started taking the land

"Palestinians have a long and rich agricultural heritage in the Fertile Crescent. As farmers, they have tended its fields and orchards for generations; as fishers, they have harvested its sea; and as herders, they have roamed its rocky hills and arid areas. At the time of British colonial rule, Palestinians were already farming an estimated 85% of cultivable land in Palestine, using rainfed, low-input baal techniques in harmony with the local climate and economy.

Israel’s denial of Palestinian food sovereignty is rooted in its discriminatory land policy across all areas it controls. During the Nakba in 1948, Palestinian refugees lost almost 4.6 million dunums of farmland, which the Israeli state quickly appropriated for the establishment of Jewish-only agricultural settlements. Overtaken Palestinian fields and orchards were celebrated as a marker of Zionism’s achievement and its ideology of ethnic supremacy. In the Naqab region, Israel rapidly expropriated 85% of Palestinian Bedouin land as state land.

comrade stalin
indeed they did..turned it into killing fields..

why don't you do yourself a big favour...go to google maps..look at palestine and see how much is desert

then do some scholarshop palestinian agriculture over the last 1000 years

then see if you can come back and repeat the long discarded lie " a land without people for a people without land"

comrade stalin
west bank
Mark Twain examined the land in his day and compared it to a barren wasteland. If someone tells you the Palestinians took possession of the land at some point and made the desert blossom as the rose, then that misinformed person is lying to you.
of course if the zionist settler project has to dig out an ancient erronnous quote then I think that the misinformation
is in your head

"Mark Twain's visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land in 1867 was published in "The Innocents Abroad", where he described Palestine as follows:

"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)

This quote has been widely circulated in Israeli textbooks, media outlets, and many Jewish communities around the world as FACTS about Palestine. As we will prove below,this quote was taken out of context to portray Palestine as "empty, destitute, and a barren desert", of course until Israeli and Zionist Jews "made" its desert bloom.

Before we analyze what Mark Twain wrote, the following factsshould be taken into consideration:

  • Palestine's arable land is under 17% of its total area, click here to view Israel's profile at CIA's Worldfact Book.
  • Mark Twain's visit occurred during the middle of the hot Mediterranean summer.
  • Mark Twain visited the region soon after the end of hostilities between Christian and Muslim Druze at Mount Lebanon, where over ten thousand Christian Arabs (mostly Maronite) were massacred in 1861, and that should explain his blatantly racist remarks in respect of the Turks, Arabs, and Muslims in general.
  • Mark Twain's visit was brief by all accounts, which encompassed the areas that were only cited in the Bible.
  • Mark Twin provided no statistical data whatsoever about Palestine's agriculture and demographic makeup. So his statements should not be taken as if they were written by an authoritative body.

  • Pre-Nakba Picture showing Palestinian harvesting wheat in Beisan (Baysan), 1938
    Mark Twain often compared Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon to the fertile lands in the United States of America, which is unfair. Both are in separate parts of the world and have different environments, different governments, ... etc.

Quotes from "The Innocent Abroad"​

Mark Twain did not just describe Palestine as a barren desert, he also extended this description to Greece, Lebanon, and Syria. He stated:

"From Athens all through the islands of the Grecian Archipelago, we saw little but forbidden sea-walls and barren hills, sometimes surmounted by three or four graceful columns of some ancient temples, lonely and deserted---a fitting symbol of desolation that has come upon all Greece in these latter ages. We saw no ploughed fields, very few villages, no trees or grass or vegetation of any kind, scarcely, and hardly ever an isolated house. Greece is a bleak, unsmiling desert, without agriculture, manufactures, or commerce, apparently." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 203)

"Damascus is beautiful from the mountain. It is beautiful even to foreigners accustomed to luxuriant vegetation, and I can easily understand how unspeakably beautiful it must be to eyes that are only used to the God-forsaken barrenness and desolation of Syria. I should think a Syrian would go wild with ecstasy when such a picture bursts upon him for the first time." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 262)

Pre-Nakba Picture showing Palestinian fishing in Haifa bay, 1940
From the above quote, the reader may get the impression that Greece is also empty since he stated:

"We saw no ploughed fields, very few villages, no trees or grass or vegetation of any kind,"

comrade stalin
you are so wrong...wrong...wrong

if you believe this nonsense you will believe anything

such as a 2000 year old book full of hatred and racism

comrade stalin
Mark Twain examined the land in his day and compared it to a barren wasteland. If someone tells you the Palestinians took possession of the land at some point and made the desert blossom as the rose, then that misinformed person is lying to you.
A very large portion of Israel is still uninhabitable desert, especially in the south.
It really doesn't make any difference what the Palestinians did with the land. They lived there for centuries after the Romans had driven nearly all the Jews out. Then they were forced to flee, and were denied the right to return.
Might as well get started with a bang...

Oh Moslem there is a Jew behind me come and kill him

Let’s get a few things straight. In no particular order:

"Occupation." Before 10/7 there were roughly 2 million Arab citizens in Israel, and not a single Jew in Gaza. Gazans made their own bed in 2006 when they overwhelmingly elected Hamas, who then spent billions in international aid building a labyrinth of underground military installations. Gaza has been occupied - for the last 20 years - by Hamas. NOT by Israel.

“Genocide.” Read the Hamas charter (from which the bolded statement is excerpted). Genocide is their wet dream for all Jews everywhere, all the time. They made their intentions clear on 10/7 with an invasion that deliberately targeted, brutalized and murdered civilian men, women and children. They launched more than 7,000 rockets into Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering noncombatants. There is no phraseology in their lexicon for "collateral damage," as they believe the death of any Jew under any circumstance is to be celebrated.

"Disproportionate." A favorite refrain among the Jew haters (Seig Heil!) is how Israel is evil incarnate for using disproportionate force in Gaza. Cry me a river. We used disproportionate force to incinerate German and Jap cities to end a war they started & we never wanted. That's how it works. Got a problem with it? Call your mommies and have a good cry. Better yet: don’t start something, and there won't be something.

Raze Gaza to the ground. Collapse everything they’ve built underneath it. Make all of it forever untenable as a locus from which to launch mass carnage, rape and murder. Expel whoever remains and let them fend for themselves among the Arab nations who have never wanted anything to do with them - except as rallying cry to Kill The Jews™.

So let it be written, so let it be done.
A very large portion of Israel is still uninhabitable desert, especially in the south.
It really doesn't make any difference what the Palestinians did with the land. They lived there for centuries after the Romans had driven nearly all the Jews out. Then they were forced to flee, and were denied the right to return.
there has never been a nation of Palestine . There was a land that the name got changed to Palestine . Originally it was inhabited by tribal groups including jews who were native to the land it belonged to no one in particular.
A very large portion of Israel is still uninhabitable desert, especially in the south.
It really doesn't make any difference what the Palestinians did with the land. They lived there for centuries after the Romans had driven nearly all the Jews out. Then they were forced to flee, and were denied the right to return.
The Palestinian people were never a consolidated nation but were instead a loose conglomeration of tribal nomads ruled by savage warlords with so many inner conflicts among themselves that it is a wonder they did not wipe themselves out before now.
Might as well get started with a bang...

Oh Moslem there is a Jew behind me come and kill him

Let’s get a few things straight. In no particular order:

"Occupation." Before 10/7 there were roughly 2 million Arab citizens in Israel, and not a single Jew in Gaza. Gazans made their own bed in 2006 when they overwhelmingly elected Hamas, who then spent billions in international aid building a labyrinth of underground military installations. Gaza has been occupied - for the last 20 years - by Hamas. NOT by Israel.

“Genocide.” Read the Hamas charter (from which the bolded statement is excerpted). Genocide is their wet dream for all Jews everywhere, all the time. They made their intentions clear on 10/7 with an invasion that deliberately targeted, brutalized and murdered civilian men, women and children. They launched more than 7,000 rockets into Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering noncombatants. There is no phraseology in their lexicon for "collateral damage," as they believe the death of any Jew under any circumstance is to be celebrated.

"Disproportionate." A favorite refrain among the Jew haters (Seig Heil!) is how Israel is evil incarnate for using disproportionate force in Gaza. Cry me a river. We used disproportionate force to incinerate German and Jap cities to end a war they started & we never wanted. That's how it works. Got a problem with it? Call your mommies and have a good cry. Better yet: don’t start something, and there won't be something.

Raze Gaza to the ground. Collapse everything they’ve built underneath it. Make all of it forever untenable as a locus from which to launch mass carnage, rape and murder. Expel whoever remains and let them fend for themselves among the Arab nations who have never wanted anything to do with them - except as rallying cry to Kill The Jews™.

So let it be written, so let it be done.
Jewish settlers have been returning to Israel to resettle the ancient land of Judea for more than 100 years. There was no national theft of lands allegedly belonging to the Palestinians who also settled there during that time.
Might as well get started with a bang...

Oh Moslem there is a Jew behind me come and kill him

Let’s get a few things straight. In no particular order:

"Occupation." Before 10/7 there were roughly 2 million Arab citizens in Israel, and not a single Jew in Gaza. Gazans made their own bed in 2006 when they overwhelmingly elected Hamas, who then spent billions in international aid building a labyrinth of underground military installations. Gaza has been occupied - for the last 20 years - by Hamas. NOT by Israel.

“Genocide.” Read the Hamas charter (from which the bolded statement is excerpted). Genocide is their wet dream for all Jews everywhere, all the time. They made their intentions clear on 10/7 with an invasion that deliberately targeted, brutalized and murdered civilian men, women and children. They launched more than 7,000 rockets into Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering noncombatants. There is no phraseology in their lexicon for "collateral damage," as they believe the death of any Jew under any circumstance is to be celebrated.

"Disproportionate." A favorite refrain among the Jew haters (Seig Heil!) is how Israel is evil incarnate for using disproportionate force in Gaza. Cry me a river. We used disproportionate force to incinerate German and Jap cities to end a war they started & we never wanted. That's how it works. Got a problem with it? Call your mommies and have a good cry. Better yet: don’t start something, and there won't be something.

Raze Gaza to the ground. Collapse everything they’ve built underneath it. Make all of it forever untenable as a locus from which to launch mass carnage, rape and murder. Expel whoever remains and let them fend for themselves among the Arab nations who have never wanted anything to do with them - except as rallying cry to Kill The Jews™.

So let it be written, so let it be done.