It's all your fault for letting facts get in the way... don't you know that vet? 
I'll engage you with some topical relevant discussion...
It's one thing when your opposition accuses you of major wrong doing... that's what the opposition does.
It one thing when someone gets into legal trouble and they squeal to try and get themselves off... that's self serving self preservation.
But this Scott McClelland thing has got to hit hard with Independents. I mean this is an inside guy basically saying...
The Bush administration has been lying to you all along. Bush, Cheney, Rove and Libby all deceitful and full of fraud and trickery. Iraq was a homemade lie from the start. CIA agent Plame did get outed from inside the administration. The New Orleans "fly over" picture was a calculated Karl Rove "fake look of concerned" manufactured photo-op and on & on...
This story is in SUPER HEAVY ROTATION on all the cable news channels and the morning shows are really into it too... and you know Scott McClelland will be doing the political shows & talk show circuit. So this will be around for awhile.
So here's my question... Don't you think this is the kind of bad publicity that really sticks in voters heads. Like the Watergate investigation did or for that matter like Clinton's affair did?
I think this is that quiet torpedo type of issue that you really don't know just how bad people perceive it and then the election comes and BOOM!!! What do you think?
sidebar: vietvet screen name... Thanks for your service my friend! That's the only good thing about this occupation in Iraq. People have finally found a way to support the troops and still fight against those who sent them into battle unwisely & deceitfully.
Thanks for a well thought out and topically relevant post, top Gun. very refreshing. To answer your reference to my screen name first, yes, I'm a Vietnam vet, and have seen the results of war up close and personal, having served as a medic. I'm probably one of the most anti-war mfckers you'll ever meet. I'm also a strong advocate for vets of all wars, and "chickenhawks"disgust me. I believe war should ALWAYS be a last resort,only if all else fails.I appreciate your thanks, buddy.
I'm watching "Hardball" as I'm typing this, and Matthews just finished raking Ari Fleitcher over the coals for repeating WH talking points..I think it's going to be tough for McCain to sell the war after this, as if it's not already hard enough for him. I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS thought Bushco lied about intelligence reports and "cooked the books" because they were dead-set on getting rid of Saddam, one way or the other. It seemed pretty obvious to many of us, even way back then. I'm not claiming to be some kind of genius or anything, but I STILL can't understand how so many people were conned into buying what they were selling. This book should help to remove all doubt, except for the 20% or so who would believe that the earth is flat if Bush/Cheney told them so..
I don't think this book, in and of itself, will be enough to bring the Republicans down any further, because they are already down, but added to everything else that's been happening, with the economy drifting into recession, the war dragging on with no end in sight, people struggling to make ends meet, and Bush at the lowest approval rating ever, it could well be enough to seal Obama's election, and bring our Senate majority to 60-40 or so. So much for the better,imho..
November can't get here soon enough, for me.