Well-Known Member
And the error in logic is - where?
anyplace you type .....
And the error in logic is - where?
anyplace you type .....
Um... after 8 years of 'I didn't inhale' and "define the word 'is'" and 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and the 50 or so gates on the bridge to the future from the 'most ethical administration in history'... I would have to say that 'credibility' is the last thing you have credibility to talk about.![]()
anyplace you type .....
Uh, that post was directed to the guy with the IQ over 100.![]()
man, you two are awesome. your banter is better than anything you can see in the movies.
Don't confuse their opinion with that of all the McClellan-cheerleading lib media pundits crowding the TV - ordinary people know he's a liar and a betrayer, and average decent people hold such persons in contempt, whether they support Bush or not.
So Clinton was onethica becuse he got head from a fat chick, spoked pot as a kid, and asked to diffine Is ( granted that was dumb as craP
but that is worse then
Cocaine use ( has now moved from just always saying I made mistakes , and not saying yes...to the new quote of, I don't recall if I did Cocaine.....
Debatable Election Results in Florida
WMD Lies ( to many to count)
Lied to the public that Iraq war was a last resort....4000+ dead, countless wounded, and even more screwed up mentally now.
Outed a CIA official for Political payback against someone....who told the truth about the Niger Document that was known to be false when Bush said it.
Enron Connections....he did not even know Ken Lay....I mean wait Kenny Boy
just to get a start going
and for the record who ever was behind outing a Under Cover CIA agent for
Politilcal gain...Should be hung outside the White House on National TV for Treason. But no Bush would Pardon them anyway, after all its just a Major Federal Crime and Breach of national Secrurity....its not like he got a BJ or something
I think you want to believe that... but you also really know it's a major blow to the Republicans.
It's kinda Tommy The Bull Bravado testifies against Gotti... and we all know what happened to Gotti!![]()
actually he said he never lied, but rather was pissed he was lied to and thus repeated the lies.
But the typical response so just about every Bush Cabinet member or higher up to leave office ( aside from those forced out) is to Bash them when they leave. Only way to leave and keep Bush Supporters happy is to be Removed, then put in Jail, then have Bush pardon you for no reason.
So Clinton was onethica becuse he got head from a fat chick, spoked pot as a kid, and asked to diffine Is ( granted that was dumb as craP
but that is worse then
Cocaine use ( has now moved from just always saying I made mistakes , and not saying yes...to the new quote of, I don't recall if I did Cocaine.....
Debatable Election Results in Florida
WMD Lies ( to many to count)
Lied to the public that Iraq war was a last resort....4000+ dead, countless wounded, and even more screwed up mentally now.
Outed a CIA official for Political payback against someone....who told the truth about the Niger Document that was known to be false when Bush said it.
Enron Connections....he did not even know Ken Lay....I mean wait Kenny Boy
just to get a start going
and for the record who ever was behind outing a Under Cover CIA agent for
Politilcal gain...Should be hung outside the White House on National TV for Treason. But no Bush would Pardon them anyway, after all its just a Major Federal Crime and Breach of national Secrurity....its not like he got a BJ or something
Enron Connections....he did not even know Ken Lay....I mean wait Kenny Boy
President Clinton Took A Personal Interest In An Enron Energy Deal. "The White House: That Invisible Mack Sure Can Leave His Mark," Time, September 1, 1997)
The Clinton-Gore National Security Council And Vice President Gore Interceded On Enron's Behalf. "White House Rescued Enron's Deal To Develop Mozambique's Pande Field," The Oil Daily, December 1, 1995)
Enron Received Over $4 Billion In Federal Assistance During The Clinton-Gore Administration. "Inside Politics," The Washington Times, January 14, 2002)
The Clinton-Gore Commerce Department Had An "Economic War Room" To Aid Enron And Other Corporations. "How Washington Inc. Makes A Sale," The New York Times, February 19, 1995)
Clinton-Gore Administration Officials Were "Unabashed Cheerleaders" For The Enron Power Contract In India. "India Orders Plug Pulled On U.S.-Run Power Project," Los Angeles Times, August 4, 1995)
The Clinton-Gore Energy Department Awarded A Contract To Enron For The Construction Of The Largest On-Grid Photovoltaic System In The United States. "Largest PV Farm Set For Nevada Test Site," The Electricity Daily, November 6, 1996)
The Clinton-Gore Administration Helped Enron Salvage An Energy Contract In The Philippines. "Clinton Salvages Motion On Computer Technology," The Houston Chronicle, November 25, 1996)
The Clinton-Gore Administration Helped Enron Secure Over $400 Million In Loans For A Joint Venture. Platt's Oilgram News, June 25, 1996)
The Clinton-Gore Administration And The OPIC Helped Enron Finance A Gas Pipeline Through Eastern Bolivia And Brazil. "Clinton Regime Ripped For Supporting Pipeline," The Washington Times, January 11, 2000)
The Clinton-Gore OPIC Issued A $200-Million Loan That Helped Enron Construct A South American Gas Pipeline. "OPIC Approves $200 Million Loan For Bolivia Pipeline," The Associated Press, June 15, 1999)
Enron Executives Traveled So Often On Trade Missions That The Company Was "Compelled" To Let The World Know That No Employees Were On Ron Brown's Plane When It Crashed. (Jack Douglas Jr. and Jennifer Autrey, "Enron Spread Its Political Donations," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, January 27, 2002)
Russia In March And April 1994. "Rodney L. Gray, chairman and chief executive officer of Enron International accompanied Brown on [a] . . . trade mission to Russia in March and April of 1994. In Russia, Enron signed a deal to develop a market for Russia[n] gas in Europe." (Center For Public Integrity Website, www.publicintegrity.org, accessed August 20, 2002
India In January 1995. "Kenneth Lay, chairman and chief executive officer of the Enron Corporation, accompanied Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown on the trade mission to India in January, 1995. In India, Enron signed a contract for a 2,000 megawatt power plant in Dahbol worth an estimated $400 million. Enron also won a contract to build a $920 million power plant on the West coast of India and a $1.1 billion contract for offshore gas and oil production." (Center For Public Integrity Website, www.publicintegrity.org, accessed August 20, 2002)
Bosnia And Croatia In July 1996. "The Enron Development Corp. had good reason to be thankful when its president accompanied Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor on a trade mission to Bosnia and Croatia last July. With Kantor's help in Croatia, Enron signed a memorandum of understanding to construct a 150-megawatt power plant that will cost $100 million or more to build." (Walter V. Robinson, "Donations Are Linked To Kantor Trade Missions," The Boston Globe, February 12, 1997)
South Africa In December 1998. "[F]or every South African and American who cares about jobs, and about making our economies work for all people, this is a very important trade mission. . . . These companies see a new Africa. They want to trade and invest more with countries that are moving from the margins to the mainstream of the global economy. . . . Another company is Enron [represented by Terrence Thorn]. They want to develop a $2,500 million gas pipeline and iron and steel facility in Mozambique that will mean thousands of jobs." (Then-Commerce Secretary Daley As Quoted In "United States And Africa," Africa News, December 2, 1998)
China In April 1999. "U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley's infrastructure trade delegation to China this week produced several business deals. Some were part of the trade mission and others were timed to coincide with it. . . . Enron International China Pipeline, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Enron Corp. of Houston Texas, signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Petroleum Corporation on Wednesday to jointly develop a natural gas pipeline. The 765 kilometer pipeline, the first onshore pipeline to be built in cooperation with a foreign company, will transport natural gas from Sichuan Province to markets in Hubei Province." ("Daley's China Visit Nets Trade Deals For U.S. Companies," ChinaOnline, April 2, 1999)
Egypt In October 1999. "A group of U.S. corporate executives headed by Commerce Secretary William Daley arrived here Wednesday hoping to exploit fresh trade opportunities with Egypt after a change of government. The delegation is looking forward 'to exploring commercial opportunities resulting from Egypt's economic reforms and ongoing privati[z]ation reforms,' Daley said on his arrival here at the head of a delegation of 12 business leaders. Among the U.S. companies represented were Nortel Networks, Enron Corporation [represented by Richard Bergsieker, Senior Vice President], ProNetLink.com and New York Life International." ("US Trade Mission To Explore New Privati[z]ation Opportunities In Egypt," Agence France Presse, October 13, 1999)
Latin America In February 2000. "Commerce Secretary William Daley left Friday evening for Latin America with 19 U.S. corporate executives on a U.S. business-development mission focusing on information and communications technology, environment, and energy. Among the 19 executives are . . . Terrence Thorn, executive vice president of Enron. The mission will travel for eight days to the Southern Cone countries of Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. The key issue in that region is the privatization of power companies, not just at the federal level, as in the past, but now at the state and local levels, according to a Commerce Department official. In addition, the mission will look at ongoing and new opportunities in cross-border oil and gas pipelines."
("Daley Visits Latin America," The Oil Daily, February 14, 2000)
Enron Connections....he did not even know Ken Lay....I mean wait Kenny Boy
Like Infamous DNC Fundraiser Johnny Chung, Enron Also Donated To A Charity For Clinton Energy Secretary O'Leary. Chung said that a Department of Energy official offered to arrange a meeting with Secretary O'Leary for a Chinese businessman "in exchange for a $25,000 donation to Africare, a charity support by O'Leary." Similarly, after O'Leary included Enron officials on her trips, "Enron showed its gratitude. At Christmas 1995, documents show, it donated an unknown sum of cash in O'Leary's name to a charity called 'I Have a Dream.'" ("O'Leary To Testify Before House Panel On Contribution To Charity," Inside Energy/With Federal Lands, December 8, 1997; Michael Weisskopf, "Enron's Democrat Pals," Time, August 17, 2002)
Enron "Seemed To Purchase" Seats On A Clinton-Era Overseas Trade Mission. "Enron And The Clinton Administration," The Washington Times, January 18, 2002)
The Clinton-Gore Administration's Global Warming Agreement Would Have Helped Enron. "Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
Enron Shaped The Clinton-Gore Global Warming Policy."Controlling Hypocritical Authority," National Review, April 23, 2002)
Ken Lay Urged Clinton And Vice President Gore "To Back A 'Market-Based' Approach To The Problem Of Global Warming," Which Would Be "Good For Enron Stock." "Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
Ken Lay Said The Kyoto Global Warming Accord Would Dramatically Help Enron. "Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
Ken Lay Bragged That Gore Had "Solicited" His Views On Global Warming. "Enron Gave Cash To Democrats, Sought Pact Help," The Washington Times, January 16, 2002)
Enron Officials Pressured The Clinton-Gore Administration To Restructure Legislation Relating To Global Climate Change. "Enron Gave Cash To Democrats, Sought Pact Help," The Washington Times, January 16, 2002)
The Clinton-Gore Energy Department "Rework[ed]" Its Proposal So That It Was To Enron's Liking. "Enron's Democrat Pals," Time, August 17, 2002)
Enron Said The Final Gore Global Warming Treaty Was "Another Victory For Us." "Outside View: Caught En Flagrente Kyoto," United Press International, January 31, 2002)
Ken Lay Was A Clinton Golfing Partner And Energy Advisor. "Power Play," The Houston Chronicle, November 10, 2001)
The Clinton-Gore Administration Supported Enron's Agenda To Deregulate Electricity. "The New Power," The Houston Chronicle, April 15, 2001)
A Regulatory Change By The Clinton-Gore Administration Transformed Enron. "Campaign Gifts, Lobbying Built Enron's Power In Washington," The Washington Post, December 25, 2001)
Enron Lobbied Clinton To Act On FERC Order 888 And "Allow Wholesale Open Access To The Nation's Electricity Transmission Grid." "Gas Firms Ask White House To Move On FERC's Electric Rule," The Oil Daily, May 14, 1996)
Clinton-Gore Energy Secretary Federico Pena Urged The White House To Take Action On Energy Legislation Favored By Enron. "Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
In 1992, Clinton Signed A Major Energy Bill (H.R. 776) That "Set The Stage For A New Wholesale Electricity Marketplace" And The Growth Of Enron."Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
Energy Secretary Pena Solicited Comments From Enron On The Clinton-Gore "Comprehensive National Energy Strategy." "Enron Also Courted Democrats," The Washington Post, January 13, 2002)
An Enron Spokesman Said That The Company Was Encouraged By The Final Clinton-Gore Plan. "Plan For Deregulating Nation's Electric Utilities Finally Sent To Congress," The Atlanta Journal And Constitution, March 26, 1998)
Provisions In The Clinton-Gore Energy Plan Were "Much To The Liking" Of Enron. "Clinton Power Deregulation Plan Detailed," The Houston Chronicle, March 26, 1998)
Former Enron Chairman Ken Lay And His Company Contributed Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Assist President Clinton And Vice President Al Gore. "Enron 'Players' Worked D.C. Ties," Chicago Tribune, January 13, 2002)
Enron Donated To The DNC Shortly Before Company Executives Met With Gore. "'Outsider' Grossman Got Enron Cash For DNC," The Boston Herald, February 20, 2002)
Enron's Large Donations To Democrats Preceded Its Intensive Lobbying Efforts With Gore. "Enron Gave Cash To Democrats, Sought Pact Help," The Washington Times, January 16, 2002
The Ties Between The Democrat Party And Enron Are Deep And Friendly. "Enron Ties May Also Tar Democrats," The Boston Globe, January 24, 2002
Ken Lay And His Wife Linda Attended A Clinton White House State Dinner In Honor Of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President Of Brazil. (Roxanne Roberts, "Dark Night At The White House," The Washington Post, April 21, 1995
President Clinton Selected Enron's Ken Lay As A "Corporate Citizen" Who Is "Doing Well By Doing Good." "President Salutes Firms That Do Right By Workers," The Dallas Morning News, May 17, 1996
The Clinton-Gore Administration Considered Appointing Enron's Terrence Thorn To Be Deputy Secretary Of Energy. "Texans Among Candidates For Deputy," Inside Energy, March 29, 1993
During The 2000 Presidential Campaign, Enron Tried To Cultivate Close Ties To Gore. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002
The Recommended Enron Strategy: Get Involved In The DNC Convention, Help Gore In Swing States And With Inaugural Planning. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002
Enron Hired A Close Gore Adviser As A Lobbyist During The 2000 Presidential Campaign. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002
Enron Donated To The Democrats In An Attempt To Curry Favor With Gore. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002)
Enron Sponsored A Private Meeting With Senior Gore Aides During The 2000 Campaign. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002)
Enron Scripted The Meeting With Gore Aides. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002)
Enron Drafted Policy Briefing Papers For Gore. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002)
Enron Worked To Hire Gore Aides. "Enron Pursued Plan To Forge Close Ties To Gore Campaign," The New York Times, February 18, 2002)
Enron "Paid Large Sums" To Gore Friends And Aides. Chattanooga Times/Chattanooga Free Press, December 7, 2001
Several Senior Enron Officials "Spent Election Night At Vice President Gore's Headquarters In Nashville." The Washington Post, January 13, 2002