Saxon has arrived!!

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I think you are right about the Natives being the biggest slave owners. I don’t see why natives in Canada would be any different than natives in the states. The natives here stole woman and killed men from rival tribes, kept young natives from other tribes as slaves exc. I suppose that is why we were called savages :)
Of course I am correct about Canada. I know my country inside-out, more than I can say about many Americans regarding their own country.
What do you mean you 'were' called savages? WTF?

I do not understand it really and I should not pretend that I do. When I was younger I was sure just being extra nice and helpful would change everything but I know that its not so, I just don’t know what to think anymore.

One must learn to fukk the world before the world fukks the one.

Well it bothered me being called racist because it hurt my feelings. To me being a racist is a bad thing. Now don’t get me wrong, I cant stand obama but I could not stand John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) just as much. It had nothing to do with skin color it had everything to do with I think they are both weak spineless blunders who will let the UN run our country and never stand up to terrorists or terrorism. Plus I am not left leaning so nothing else about them appeals to me either. Being called names, true or not is hurtful and people who I had considered friends were so obsessed with obama that they yelled racist to anyone who would not back him 100%

I am in total agreement with you about the hate crime stuff. If someone throws a brick in my window I should get a policeman at my door even if I am not black, homosexual or Jewish exc. The brick did the same damage to a white Christian male’s house as it did to anyone else house.

Being called a 'racist' bothers you? It affects me not in the slightest. In fact, there are times when it fills me with delight, with the knowledge that I have pissed off a liberal. Nothing makes me happier.
How do mere words injure people? YOu see, people need to be made of sterner stuff. People here insult me all the time for my right-wing views. I yawn into their faces, then ask them politely if they could perhaps come up with something better yes? This enrages them, showing their weakling minds for what they truly are. Those were not your friends. I find it ironic that liberals scream at people who place race before the person, yet they do that every day with their cockamamie libtarded policies that seek things like hiring quotas which allow for employment BASED UPON ONE'S RACE. Fukking morons these liberals. Too stupid to see that they practise what they do not want racists to preach.

What part of Canada are you from ? I have been to Barrie Ontario and I live not to far from Vancouver BC

Toronto, Ontario.

When I went to visit Canada I was sad. The people were not very nice and even kind of rude in Toronto. I think I went at a bad time when the American dollar was worth much more than the Canadian and everyone treated me strange because I was American. I went there a very liberal person and I started changing once I came back. Now I consider myself conservative.

Believe it or not, no one hates the Americans more than LIBERAL Canadians. WE are not all liberals. I most certainly am not, and I know many others that are not. Check the irony, Canadian liberals seek the same things as American liberals, as evidenced by the stupidity seen everywhere, yet, they hate each other. *ROTFLMAO*
Of course I am correct about Canada. I know my country inside-out, more than I can say about many Americans regarding their own country.
What do you mean you 'were' called savages? WTF?

Savages are what the white people called the natives when they came here. For over a hundred years that is what the called natives. Now there is political correctness and they rarely even say Indians. Mostly Native Americans.

Being called a 'racist' bothers you? It affects me not in the slightest. In fact, there are times when it fills me with delight, with the knowledge that I have pissed off a liberal. Nothing makes me happier.
How do mere words injure people? YOu see, people need to be made of sterner stuff. People here insult me all the time for my right-wing views. I yawn into their faces, then ask them politely if they could perhaps come up with something better yes? This enrages them, showing their weakling minds for what they truly are. Those were not your friends. I find it ironic that liberals scream at people who place race before the person, yet they do that every day with their cockamamie libtarded policies that seek things like hiring quotas which allow for employment BASED UPON ONE'S RACE. Fukking morons these liberals. Too stupid to see that they practise what they do not want racists to preach.

Being called a racist by someone I don’t know, respect or care about is just annoying but when someone I care about, respect or thought of as friend says it, then it is hurtful.

Believe it or not, no one hates the Americans more than LIBERAL Canadians. WE are not all liberals. I most certainly am not, and I know many others that are not. Check the irony, Canadian liberals seek the same things as American liberals, as evidenced by the stupidity seen everywhere, yet, they hate each other. *ROTFLMAO*

I would have to say the people I met in Toronto were hard core liberals. And oh boy did they hate America and Americans. I had issues with America when I went but I was bombarded with hate filled things said and many of them not true, I had to come home and look the stuff up, research exc. That is how I got on the path to conservative thinking. Though I thought Canada was beautiful I did not care for it very much.

Did you grow up a Fascist or did you become Fascist in your adult life? I grew up with liberal atheists and here I am a conservative who is … messianic is as close as I can describe.
Well I admit I am not great on the internet when it comes to finding stuff but I did try to find any proof that the holocaust did not happen and I tried to find information about what you said about it not being possible to gas the people without killing those who were doing the gassing. I can not find any information about the gas topic and at best I can only find a few sites where people are saying they don’t believe the holocaust happened but no real proof as to why, just opinion.

I did find a few references to say it may not have been a full 6 million but it looked like a tech argument on if it was 5 million or 6 but agreed it was a whole heck of a lot.

The funniest argument I found was that Hitler himself did not kill all these people, so he was not so bad. Neither did Charles Manson but he was the mastermind behind it all.

I am willing to read more about this if you can supply me with the information. The gas thing you spoke of I found interesting but I would need some real proof.
Originally Posted by Saxon
Of course I am correct about Canada. I know my country inside-out, more than I can say about many Americans regarding their own country.
What do you mean you 'were' called savages? WTF?

Pandora spewed: Savages are what the white people called the natives when they came here. For over a hundred years that is what the called natives. Now there is political correctness and they rarely even say Indians. Mostly Native Americans.

WTF??? Granted even though you've clearly stated that: "Well I admit I am not great on the internet when it comes to finding stuff" Then walk you happy arse to your local library and look up some information the old fashioned way!!!

I would insist that you provide some documentation/proof/link something to verify that gem of a statement???

Europeans were surprised by the color of their skin...why they appeared to be rather reddish in skin color, hence the terminology 'Red Man', 'Red Warrior', those 'Red Skins' or these; "the Natives", "Native Tribes", and then Later the "Native Indians" ;) But...Savages...not hardly and rarely except when in the written documents about the brutality provided/actions taken; that were done to both the 'Native Americans' by the 'WHITE MAN' or the SAVAGE ACTS inflicted upon the "White Settlers/White Man" by the 'Native Americans, Native Indians', 'Red Man', 'Red Warrior'!!!

For Christ a little research, any research prior to placing both feet into that large orifice...for crying out loud: "For over a hundred years that is what the called natives.":eek:...LMAO HOLY POINT OF NO RETURN, ya that was a good one!!!
WTF??? Granted even though you've clearly stated that: "Well I admit I am not great on the internet when it comes to finding stuff" Then walk you happy arse to your local library and look up some information the old fashioned way!!!

I would insist that you provide some documentation/proof/link something to verify that gem of a statement???

Europeans were surprised by the color of their skin...why they appeared to be rather reddish in skin color, hence the terminology 'Red Man', 'Red Warrior', those 'Red Skins' or these; "the Natives", "Native Tribes", and then Later the "Native Indians" ;) But...Savages...not hardly and rarely except when in the written documents about the brutality provided/actions taken; that were done to both the 'Native Americans' by the 'WHITE MAN' or the SAVAGE ACTS inflicted upon the "White Settlers/White Man" by the 'Native Americans, Native Indians', 'Red Man', 'Red Warrior'!!!

For Christ a little research, any research prior to placing both feet into that large orifice...for crying out loud: "For over a hundred years that is what the called natives.":eek:...LMAO HOLY POINT OF NO RETURN, ya that was a good one!!!

Helpful links

On a side note, the pilgrims would have considered the Chinese savages too had they landed in China. They considered anyone who was not a good Christian, ate with utensils and wore proper undergarments savages.
Yep, nice to know you are able to read the same documentation that I've been teaching...and my same statement still applies!!! The documentation is exerts from White Men who were staging/making plays/providing a biased opinion about the 'RED WARRIOR'...but nice try! :D
Yep, nice to know you are able to read the same documentation that I've been teaching...and my same statement still applies!!! The documentation is exerts from White Men who were staging/making plays/providing a biased opinion about the 'RED WARRIOR'...but nice try! :D

From the first link..
The Development of Two Savage Stereotypes : 1665-1860  I was wrong, it was more than 100 years

Two polar opposite stereotypes developed: the noble savage (peaceful, spiritual, mystic guardian of the land who exists in harmony with nature and was the original conservationist), and the ignoble savage (a marauding untamable murderer; a hellish demon who scalped women and children. Once conquered, he was depicted as a thief, a drunkard, and a beggar, unwilling to work but willing to accept government handouts).

The noble savage stereotype developed first in Europe. It first appeared in the United States in areas where "the Indian problem" had been solved. It's important to understand that as manifest destiny swept westward, it was possible for Indians to become picturesque and quaint in areas where they were either vanquished or powerless; i.e., no longer a threat. In recent times

the ignoble savage caricature has been most prevalent when Indians reclaim their rights, such as spear fishing rights in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, or as they've started to gain economic and political power through casino revenue. It seems that White Americans today become exceptionally angry at Indians who do not fit the romanticized noble savage mold and so recast them ignobly.

Both stereotypes depict the Indian as childlike and primitive, and always the "Other," distinct from any other race.

The ignoble savage came first, created by the Puritan distrust of the wilderness and the precarious position they found themselves in during the early colonial experience. The Pilgrims wintered aboard the Mayflower after their arrival in New England in 1620. William Bradford wrote in Of Plymouth Plantation, "Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men

The creation of the noble savage stereotype was influenced by the advent of Romanticism and its influence on the first generation of American writers, especially Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper. Irving, in his essay "The Traits of Indian Character" (1819-1820), firmly placed "Indianness" within the environmental "scenery" in which the Indian lived. By Romanticizing and glorying the wilderness that had created the noble savage, a wilderness that was quickly disappearing, he was also criticizing the first European colonists

Another site confiming what I said

Sorry Saxon, your thread got hijacked :(
Yes, I seem to be educating everyone here, hence my importance. Too much lefty here, bordering on the insane. Fear not, for I have recovered from the ill-feeling I had when exposed to such commie-pinko lefty libtards.

That's the ill-feeling is the feeling you get from being knocked out.:D:

That little box beside my signin? That was the first thing I clicked, you sill ****, when I first arrived. This is merely a flawed site. Must have been designed by Blacks.

Possibly! Some Black guy might of put an inbred rejection filter on it.:D

Allow me to put it to you this way. I do not like Black 'culture'. Imagine a White person I know and like, and he had suddenly become a Black man, this would be to me irrelevant, because he is LIKE me...

Yeh we have Radical Right Wing nutbags down here too.:rolleyes:

Intellectual they ain't either. Unless ones idea of idea of better is a only going through 7th grade... marring your cousin... spending all your minimum wage money on beer and bullets... and living in a home that when there's a hail storm you have to take it to a Body Shop...

Check out the girlfriends... WHITE POWER! OOPS!

Yeh we have Radical Right Wing nutbags down here too.:rolleyes:

Intellectual they ain't either. Unless ones idea of idea of better is a only going through 7th grade... marring your cousin... spending all your minimum wage money on beer and bullets... and living in a home that when there's a hail storm you have to take it to a Body Shop...

Check out this guys girlfriend... WHITE POWER! OOPS!

That was a VERY disturbing video. I could only get through the first minute or so. Where do you find this stuff!
That was a VERY disturbing video. I could only get through the first minute or so. Where do you find this stuff!

its says where to find it, youtube...

but if you want to realy scare yourself check out
I wish I could recall my screen name on there from before ...but was so many years ago ( and no I did not agree with anything they said)
its says where to find it, youtube...

but if you want to realy scare yourself check out
I wish I could recall my screen name on there from before ...but was so many years ago ( and no I did not agree with anything they said)

I know it was a youtube but who would even think to search for something that horrible and how do you do it

do you do a search for crazy white men or violent white men and why would anyone want to look at that horrible tape

You scared me out of even clicking on your link.
Yep, nice to know you are able to read the same documentation that I've been teaching...and my same statement still applies!!! The documentation is exerts from White Men who were staging/making plays/providing a biased opinion about the 'RED WARRIOR'...but nice try! :D

I'll repeat myself, once again: exerts from authors telling you a story, same material that I've been teaching...DITTO, DITTO, DITTO again. You have no point but keep posting the link and then re-post the printed might convince yourself that this little gem is factual...LOL

Pandora spewed: Savages are what the white people called the natives when they came here. For over a hundred years that is what the called natives. Now there is political correctness and they rarely even say Indians. Mostly Native Americans.
I know it was a youtube but who would even think to search for something that horrible and how do you do it

do you do a search for crazy white men or violent white men and why would anyone want to look at that horrible tape

You scared me out of even clicking on your link.

just type in white power or anything like that.

and stormfront is a US NeoNazi website , its a retarded scary bunch of people. I with a few others went to the site from a other political site to do battle with was as lost of a cause as one would suspect. I also used it in my hate crimes paper I did.
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