Saxon has arrived!!

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You must be uber conservative? Are there many strong conservatives in Canada?

He's a Canadian Nationalist and a Fascist. Conservatives in other countries do not ascribe to the same belief systems as Conservatives here in the states. American Conservatives want to "Conserve" the constitution and founding principles of our country. Conservatives in other countries most often want to "conserve" their racial or national purity.

So referring to Saxon as a Conservative only gives two bit blue posting political hacks fuel to equate American Conservatives with Fascists.
He's a Canadian Nationalist and a Fascist. Conservatives in other countries do not ascribe to the same belief systems as Conservatives here in the states. American Conservatives want to "Conserve" the constitution and founding principles of our country. Conservatives in other countries most often want to "conserve" their racial or national purity.

So referring to Saxon as a Conservative only gives two bit blue posting political hacks fuel to equate American Conservatives with Fascists.

Ahh thanks for the info.

What was that one canadian guy from a while back? Besides crazy... :)
He's a Canadian Nationalist and a Fascist. Conservatives in other countries do not ascribe to the same belief systems as Conservatives here in the states. American Conservatives want to "Conserve" the constitution and founding principles of our country. Conservatives in other countries most often want to "conserve" their racial or national purity.

So referring to Saxon as a Conservative only gives two bit blue posting political hacks fuel to equate American Conservatives with Fascists.

Hmmm.... something tells me you abhor fascists.

I could even use your own argument. You claim American Conservatives merely wish to 'conserve' the US Constitution, and the founding principles of their country. How is this any different from what we fascists seek to do? You idea of conservatism would be the same as our ideal of nationalism. You use your Constitution as a method by which you may maintain the union, we use fascist principles to maintain the integrity of the State, and thereby the nation, since the two are interchangeable. Now, if you should like to explain the difference between the two, yes?
Ahh thanks for the info.

What was that one canadian guy from a while back? Besides crazy... :)

A Canadian that was 'crazy'? He must have either been from our downhill ski team, or he was a recent immigrant from the USA.
You must be uber conservative? Are there many strong conservatives in Canada?

What do you think about national health care? Taxes and abortion? oh and gun control?

Who in Hell are you? Are you hot? No matter.

Strong conservatives in Canada? Perhaps a handful, thanks to so many years of liberal rule, which has destroyed my country.
He's a Canadian Nationalist and a Fascist. Conservatives in other countries do not ascribe to the same belief systems as Conservatives here in the states. American Conservatives want to "Conserve" the constitution and founding principles of our country. Conservatives in other countries most often want to "conserve" their racial or national purity.

So referring to Saxon as a Conservative only gives two bit blue posting political hacks fuel to equate American Conservatives with Fascists.

So what you're saying is basically the same Conservative as in America but they use a swastika instead of a cross...;)

David Duke would be so proud!
Originally Posted by Saxon
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini or Franco. Any one of these, thank you.

but what was the question? This was his reply, but to what?

If the question was, who is your favorite conservative? then we have a different idea of conservative,

What was the question that made him write this reply?

He was pointing out his favorite leaders.:eek:


So what you're saying is basically the same Conservative as in America but they use a swastika instead of a cross...;)

David Duke would be so proud!

It never occurred to the Founding Fathers of the USA that their creation must one day deal with Pakis, Chinese, Blacks becoming a major part of the US population, as it is today. Let us suggest for a moment that during the development of your Constitution that someone, say yet another nutcase liberal, decided that the USA should, and MUST bring in more Blacks, Chinese, Pakis etc.? Imagine that same liberal fool screaming that not only should that new class of immigrant be allowed into the country, BUT there should be enshrined into the Constitution SPECIAL privileges to be denied all Whites, you are to suggest that the Forefathers would have agreed to these demands? Today, they would, thanks to the all-powerful forces of nutty liberalism. I can GUARANTEE that the Founding Fathers would NEVER have agreed to the things we see today. I should like to remind you the Constitution was written in the 1700s, at a time when White countries were White, and we ruled the planet. In those days, EVERYONE was a David Duke. I would suggest therefore that your post is but ridiculous, given the circumstances of the time. I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at what has happened to their vision, which did NOT include the other races. When they claimed 'all men are created equal', I can GUARANTEE then meant wall WHITE men. After all, I do not recall the Americans freeing the Black slaves immediately after adding that little tidbit about 'equality' into that august document.
Ahh thanks for the info.

What was that one canadian guy from a while back? Besides crazy... :)
UShadItComing? Besides crazy? ...I'm totally at a loss. Remember how he thought that the Conservatives here in the US were the same as the Racist Conservatives in Canada? Oh hey... he must have been a Progressive! Those Progs all think anyone who isn't on the Progboat is a fascist. :rolleyes:

It never occurred to the Founding Fathers of the USA that their creation must one day deal with Pakis, Chinese, Blacks becoming a major part of the US population, as it is today. Let us suggest for a moment that during the development of your Constitution that someone, say yet another nutcase liberal, decided that the USA should, and MUST bring in more Blacks, Chinese, Pakis etc.? Imagine that same liberal fool screaming that not only should that new class of immigrant be allowed into the country, BUT there should be enshrined into the Constitution SPECIAL privileges to be denied all Whites, you are to suggest that the Forefathers would have agreed to these demands? Today, they would, thanks to the all-powerful forces of nutty liberalism. I can GUARANTEE that the Founding Fathers would NEVER have agreed to the things we see today. I should like to remind you the Constitution was written in the 1700s, at a time when White countries were White, and we ruled the planet. In those days, EVERYONE was a David Duke. I would suggest therefore that your post is but ridiculous, given the circumstances of the time. I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at what has happened to their vision, which did NOT include the other races. When they claimed 'all men are created equal', I can GUARANTEE then meant wall WHITE men. After all, I do not recall the Americans freeing the Black slaves immediately after adding that little tidbit about 'equality' into that august document.

Please go on. American voters need to hear your message from the Right. Americans need to know the greatness that hard line CONSERVATIVE VALUES could bring us.

Please expand on your thoughts.

Do you think it possible you could combine with AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES and rid America of it's minority problem... perhaps some kind of a repatriation to their ancestral homeland?

The more I listen to you the more sense you make! I do know it to be fact that Thomas Jefferson (one of our founding fathers) especially hated the Black race... he couldn't stand to even be touched by one.

What should we do first?
Hmmm.... something tells me you abhor fascists.
What I abhor is Statism, whether its fascist, socialist or even "Progressive" doesn't much matter... In my ideology, Capitalist, Libertarian, Conservative (CaLiCo), the role of government should be strictly limited to protecting its citizens from force and fraud... nothing else. I'm against all government welfare programs, all forms of discrimination, all debts and deficits, and I'm a staunch supporter of laissez fair Capitalism as well as individual rights.

I could even use your own argument. You claim American Conservatives merely wish to 'conserve' the US Constitution, and the founding principles of their country. How is this any different from what we fascists seek to do?
American conservatives actually believe that all men are created equal and that there is no racial qualification in that statement. American Conservatives also understand that while racism and slavery existed at the founding of our country (as a result of compromises between the northern states and the southern slave states in order to bring the union into existence), we fought a civil war that ended slavery and then the Republican party championed the civil rights movement, against the racist southern Democrats, to finally bring about the equality among men that our founders had envisioned but were unable to obtain.

You idea of conservatism would be the same as our ideal of nationalism. You use your Constitution as a method by which you may maintain the union, we use fascist principles to maintain the integrity of the State, and thereby the nation, since the two are interchangeable. Now, if you should like to explain the difference between the two, yes?
You are incorrect and I'll gladly explain the difference:

Nationalism refers to an ideology, a sentiment, a form of culture, or a social movement that focuses on the nation.[1] It is a type of collectivism emphasizing the collective of a specific nation.
Compared to:
Conservatism in the United States includes a variety of political ideologies including fiscal conservatism, supply-side economics, social conservatism, libertarian conservatism, bioconservatism and religious conservatism,[34] as well as support for a strong military. Modern American conservatism was largely born out of alliance between classical liberals and social conservatives in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Classical liberalism, like that of John Locke and Thomas Jefferson, espoused individualism rather than the collective. This liberal doctrine encompasses all the things modern liberals (Progressives) claim to stand for but don't:

Social Conservatism:

Conservatives, despite what you hear from the progressives, are not racists... we believe all men are created equal, which is why we oppose discriminatory laws like Affirmative Action and Racial quotas... we are not against legal immigration - we are proud to be the melting pot of the world and glad to accept all who wish to legally be a part of America - but do oppose illegal immigration... we do not support the welfare state... we do support fiscal responsibility and a strong military... and while I'm not a religious person, the majority of Conservatives do believe in God and hold faith in a religion.
I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at what has happened to their vision, which did NOT include the other races. When they claimed 'all men are created equal', I can GUARANTEE then meant wall WHITE men. After all, I do not recall the Americans freeing the Black slaves immediately after adding that little tidbit about 'equality' into that august document.

Where have I seen all this before? Oh yeah... Top Gun spews this same nonsense! Are you guys brothers? Twins maybe?

The more I listen to you the more sense you make!
You guys were made for each other... :rolleyes:

It never occurred to the Founding Fathers of the USA that their creation must one day deal with Pakis, Chinese, Blacks becoming a major part of the US population, as it is today. Let us suggest for a moment that during the development of your Constitution that someone, say yet another nutcase liberal, decided that the USA should, and MUST bring in more Blacks, Chinese, Pakis etc.? Imagine that same liberal fool screaming that not only should that new class of immigrant be allowed into the country, BUT there should be enshrined into the Constitution SPECIAL privileges to be denied all Whites, you are to suggest that the Forefathers would have agreed to these demands? Today, they would, thanks to the all-powerful forces of nutty liberalism. I can GUARANTEE that the Founding Fathers would NEVER have agreed to the things we see today. I should like to remind you the Constitution was written in the 1700s, at a time when White countries were White, and we ruled the planet. In those days, EVERYONE was a David Duke. I would suggest therefore that your post is but ridiculous, given the circumstances of the time. I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at what has happened to their vision, which did NOT include the other races. When they claimed 'all men are created equal', I can GUARANTEE then meant wall WHITE men. After all, I do not recall the Americans freeing the Black slaves immediately after adding that little tidbit about 'equality' into that august document.

You sir, are as ignorant as the day is long. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, himself had fought most of his life to have slavery outlawed in America, and to have ALL slaves freed, and in his original draft of the Declaration excoriated King George and his ancestors for bringing that "peculiar institution" to America;

"he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it's most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemispere, or to incure miserable death in their transportation hither. this piratical warfare, the opprobium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce determining to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he had deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Benjamin Franklin founded one of the first abolitionist movements in Pennsylvania BEFORE the Constitution was even written.

George Washington likewise opposed slavery, and worked toward its abolition, and in his will freed ALL of his slaves, and had portions of Mt. Vernon ceded to them as perpetual homesteads.

I would strongly suggest that you do some serious research into the subject.
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