*ROTFLMAO @ 'whack job'* I am a fascist, therefore I must be a 'whack job'. Gotta love liberal philosophy. Only liberals may be sane, yes?
Dude... you are waaaay out there. And yes being a fascist helps put you there!

I am unaware of any documentation that suggests Jefferson bedded a slave, but then again, I am a Canadian who does not fall for liberal propaganda of any kind. You see, whilst you people were busy building your country, my people were too busy owning the world.
Research shows at least five U.S. presidents had black ancestors and Thomas Jefferson, the nation's third president, was considered the first black president, according to historian Leroy Vaughn, author of Black People and Their Place in World History. http://www.diversityinc.com/public/1461.cfm
There are currently living descendants of Thomas Jefferson who ARE Black. And, the currently living descendants of Thomas Jefferson are being ignored by the "White" descendants of Thomas Jefferson, the Black ones were on Oprah. Now, someone is clearly saying that Jefferson's "White" descendants aren't actually "White". Thomas Jefferson's Black and White Relatives Meet Each Other
The Oprah Show detailed how researchers and geneticist were able to prove that Thomas Jefferson had sex with one of his Slaves and, the descendants of those offspring are alive today. Now, the Oprah segment was based on the assumption that Thomas Jefferson himself was White and that he had children with a Black Slave. Now, as I siad, historians are saying that Thomas Jefferson's father's father was Black.
The Jefferson family tree never looked so big. But the Monticello Association, which oversees the Monticello cemetery on the former Jefferson estate, doesn't see it that way. Lucian Truscott, descendent of Thomas and Martha Jefferson, explains that Monticello Association's reluctance to admit the Hemings' side of the family into the Monticello Association, and into the Monticello cemetery, stems from their decision to admit only descendants of Thomas and Martha Jefferson. "It's about blood and land," he insists. He himself believes all descendants of Thomas Jefferson should have the right to be buried on Monticello ground. The Monticello Association is reviewing the DNA analysis, first presented by Dr. Eugene A. Foster in Nature magazine. http://www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/tows_1..._19990118.jhtml
Thomas Jefferson, who served two terms between 1801 and 1809, was described as the "son of a half-breed Indian squaw and a Virginia mulatto father," as stated in Vaughn's findings. Jefferson also was said to have destroyed all documentation attached to his mother, even going to extremes to seize letters written by his mother to other people. http://www.diversityinc.com/public/1461.cfm
As far as your people "owning the world"... how'd that work out for ya?