Ryan -vs- Biden--What Will Happen?

I do like Ryan, a lot... That's Obama and Biden as running mates. Perhaps a golf bag on one and a set of false teeth on the other would have made that more obvious.

I think Ryan could have done better in the debate but the deck was stacked against him so I think he held his own. Biden doing his impression of the Cheshire Cat didn't come off well, I think that cost him the debate. Laughing every time Ryan spoke and smiling his big toothy grin during discussions of serious foreign policy matters was inappropriate and obnoxious.
Fox said Biden got 11 more minutes than Ryan. If you take out Ryan's minutes that Biden and the mod were interrupting him he had even a lot less time.

There was also some electronic CNN viewer rating that gave Biden 36 and Ryan 52. Which tells me the audience wasn't too happy with Biden.
Fox said Biden got 11 more minutes than Ryan. If you take out Ryan's minutes that Biden and the mod were interrupting him he had even a lot less time.

There was also some electronic CNN viewer rating that gave Biden 36 and Ryan 52. Which tells me the audience wasn't too happy with Biden.
the cnn clock ticker said biden only got 1 minute and 12 seconds more than ryan. so 11 more minutes is a whole lot of talking over him
Gee--I wonder who Missy Raddatz was for?
When Ryan made a good hit--she'd but in and change the subject. The Bitch.

She did a lot more than that. She also interrupted Ryan, gave him 2 and 3 up questions that she didn't give Biden, helped Biden finish his sentences and changed topics in the middle of their responses.

For the life of me, I don't understand why the RNC continues to agree with these biased debates.