Ryan -vs- Biden--What Will Happen?

as governor, the most qualified of the lot. but really,this was reason enough...


I saw her speak in person, I was focused higher up. Don't want her anywhere near the White House, but she can come to my house anytime.
she's lovely, no getting arouund it. but seriuously, Biden is better ? I mean come on...

I'm not saying Biden is great, but he does have decades more experience in the federal government. Palin's experience in 2008 didn't justify a VP candidacy, she was there purely due to her appearance. What's even worse is people are still talking about her having some sort of role at the federal level and she still doesn't have much more experience now than she did in 2008 because she quit shortly after returning to Alaska from the campaign. I've never actually heard her say anything that I thought was intelligent. Just sayin'
I'm not saying Biden is great, but he does have decades more experience in the federal government. Palin's experience in 2008 didn't justify a VP candidacy, she was there purely due to her appearance. What's even worse is people are still talking about her having some sort of role at the federal level and she still doesn't have much more experience now than she did in 2008 because she quit shortly after returning to Alaska from the campaign. I've never actually heard her say anything that I thought was intelligent. Just sayin'

I hope she replaces the Criminal & Baby Killer Kathleen Sebelius.
She is far more qualified--as a Human Being.
I'm not saying Biden is great, but he does have decades more experience in the federal government. Palin's experience in 2008 didn't justify a VP candidacy, she was there purely due to her appearance. What's even worse is people are still talking about her having some sort of role at the federal level and she still doesn't have much more experience now than she did in 2008 because she quit shortly after returning to Alaska from the campaign. I've never actually heard her say anything that I thought was intelligent. Just sayin'

she has organizational experience that Biden, McCain and Obama do not. but vacating the governorship while I understand it, killed her political career. but I'm sure she was OK with that. making a good living on the sidelines.
I have no problem with Palin being given a shot at HHS. I just don't want her handling the nuclear football.

She will never run for President.
I don't think she has any interest there.
She would be great at HHS--and can speak well for children with disabilities.
Ones that are not euthanized.
Ryan should make an ass out of Biden. Remember all his Gaffes? Make him explan what Rape is? Make him explan what he means put people back in chains again? Make him explan how he thinks the middle class are being hammered? Then youll see Biden is another assclown like Obama is.
Biden-Ryan Debate May Produce Foreign Policy Fireworks

The televised encounter in Danville, Kentucky will deal with foreign and domestic issues, but it is the area of foreign affairs where Democrats will expect Biden to dominate.

Dominate? In light of what's coming out about the Libyan embassy cover-up? I hope Ryan goes for the jugular.

dont you recall ? Joe was supposed to be the foreign policy guru that Obama was not. I know, it was pretty funny back then too.
dont you recall ? Joe was supposed to be the foreign policy guru that Obama was not. I know, it was pretty funny back then too.

I just CAN'T WAIT to hear half-headed Joe's assessment of what happened in Libya--
and the obvious and unquestionably craven cover-up.